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horrible bike accident

David K

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When I was still single, I often thought about getting another bike, but now with two kids and another on the way it`s just not worth the risk.


It`s way too easy for some MORON like this to take me out and leave my kids to grow up without a father. i know it could happen in a car too, but at least i have some protection.

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Guest 240hybrid

He'll probably get involuntary manslaughter or vehicular manslaugher I would think. I'm not a lawyer, but I think thats the usual in these cases, if he's found to be at fault.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA
He'll probably get involuntary manslaughter or vehicular manslaugher I would think. I'm not a lawyer, but I think thats the usual in these cases, if he's found to be at fault.


Involuntary. Anything else they would have to prove intent. So what do we think was the cause? Reaching for a cellphone? A CD? Changing radio stations? Geez.



I'm glad that the idiot that was involved with my motorcycle accident didnt take me out like that.


A moment of silence.. :(

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Having rode a bike for 30 years, Ive learned that YOU have to watch out for the other people. As chances are that they cannot of more commonly DONT see you. Ive had too many people pull out in front of me at intersections, where I had to lay the bike down, more times than not slide into the car they then stop. and ask what I was doing. Its the audacity of those that have never rode a bike that I just dont understand!!



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Stupid Cagers! People just don't look out for bikes. It really pisses me off that cars are starting to come with day time running lights. It only makes bikes blend into the scenery that much more. People think its ok when they kill someone because "they didn't see them". That's not an excuse, I say give the people the maximum punishment. That kid just destoyed peoples lives. But because he didn't mean it, or didn't see them, he'll probably only do community service. Some things just don't make sense. :cry:

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Having been on the wrong side of a '75 Lincoln Town Car running a red light ot a '75 RD 350, I can tell you I haven't seriously considered riding a bike on the street for 28 years.


Thank god for quick (and correct) reactions - an off-duty cop was accross the same intersection and was able to see the whole thing coming (I couldn't), and thought I was gonna die.


Turns out that when he ( the car driver) slammed on his brakes after popping over the hill, I immediatedly whacked the trottle open and went limp. Accelerated to where my left leg was just past and above (started to wheelie) the left front fender (he was coming from left) and tore the bike (totalled w/4700 miles in 40 days) out from under me.


The bike did all the damage to me. The cop saw my karate outfit and green belt (on my way to class) and asked me if it hurt. I told him I was trying not to think about it and he (like an *******) said "that doesn't work until you're brown belt".


Well it turned out it did work for me, and he showed up in traffic court to testify against the big shot taking his maid to the bus stop (late). I had to wait for about 1.5 hours in the emergency room at the hospital while they called the orthopedic guy, and they kept monitoring my blood pressure and heartbeat. One nurse commented I was is VERY good shap (not any more!), but then I was running 5 miles a day, taking karate and, swimming and working out at the time, so I just got her number and started dating her...


I will have to admit I was considering getting a bike to ride around in a group until this post....

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