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My Z was violated


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Well I came back from Seattle on Sunday. I had to pick up my Z from my parking garage at work. I know, bad idea to leave it there. The picture speaks for itself.








The morons broke my window and console. They managed to take a broken radio. They even left behind the radio button. They were nice enough to leave my Momo shifter, Profec boost controller and DFI.


In this case, crime didn't pay too well.

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That totally sucks!!! I had my 86 T/A broken into at college one night during classes years ago. The A$$holes took my stereo, EQ and a sweet leather bomber jacket. Forutunalty they left my 9mm under the seat alone. :shock:


BTW no I don't carry in the car anymore and come to think of it I don't even remember why I had the gun in the car in a college paking lot :oops: I'm older and wiser now :wink:



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Guest Smooth Operator

I'd like to get a car alarm that doesnt make any sound or any indication that there's even an alarm installed. It just calls my cell or pager so I can run out into the parking lot and kick the idiot in the back of the head and drag him to the cops.

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Best protection I ever heard of. A man I know lived in Oklahoma in the 80's and relayed this story to me about one of his friends. In the area where he was CB radios were the big thing at the time. They were usually just bolted to the bottom of the dash, so thieves would get in the car, grab the CB, and yank it out. After having his CB stolen a couple times, the man decided to do somthing about it, so when he installed his new CB, he soldered some fishhooks to the top of the radio. When the next theft attempt was made, he found the thief laying under the dash of his truck with the CB still in place, and the fishhooks in the thief's hands.



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That really pisses me off. I went to Carrollton near Dallas once in broad daylight and went into the mangers office at an apartment complex for like 3 minutes. The building had big glass windows and all. When I come back out someone had ripped my CB right out of the dash in seconds. I didnt have a clue. This out of my 74 Z ZLine. There were alot of ilegals walking around prior so Im sure it was one of them. Thats why I now will live in the country. I hate fricken thieves... :twisted::evil:

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I'd like to get a car alarm that doesnt make any sound or any indication that there's even an alarm installed. It just calls my cell or pager so I can run out into the parking lot and kick the idiot in the back of the head and drag him to the cops.


I had a friend who had a pager alarm and lived on the second floor of his apartment building. His pager went off, he peeked out the window to see the door of his 86 Trans Am open with some person in it, grabbed his gun and half way down the stairs he could hear his car cranking. By the time he got down the thief saw him, he started firing, guy zig zagged and jumped head first into an awaiting car. He knows he hit the car but the police never found them. Damage, cracked smacked dab in the windshield, probably because his hand slipped when he popped the column and the steering column was messed up. Lesson, he never got the thieves but they sure never messed with his car since that evening.

Also a pager alarm wont do you any good if youre to far away from your car because by the time you get their, they're gone, freaking thieves are that quick.

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Guest milmascaras

Jason, sorry to hear about that, but sometimes a loss is minimal.


About three years back, I was awaken when my alarm chirped about 9:00 am saturday morning after a late friday night. Looked out my 2nd story window and saw someone in my truck. At that moment, I thought about the $1200 audio system or worse, all of the time and care on my vehicle. Called my neighbor ( a nice man in his 60's ) to call the cops then grabbed my Callaway Driver and ran outside, in my briefs no less.


The guy jumped out as I took my first swing and started to tee off on him. Two of his buddies which I had not seen jumped me from the back and all of a sudden it's 3 on 1. I was holding my own until I had one on the floor and his buddy was hitting the back of my head and back. One guy took off to their car the other pulled me off his buddy. I fell backwards and they ran off and I ended on the floor and could feel blood pouring from the side of my chest.


Cops finally arrived, but they were gone. Quick trip to the hospital where I found out I had been stabbed 9 times in the back with a 6 inch phillips screwdriver (not including the handle.) One had scraped my kidney, one through my bicep, but the major one was thru my ribcage on the left side. As the doctor put it, 1/2 inch below my heart and pushed against my lung. My lung did not collapse and I was out the next day.


Pretty lucky, I guess after all that. They were never caught and I ended up with just some doctor bills. The main reason why I responded was that what you lost could be replaced.

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I'm sorry to hear that your car was broken into, Jason. My take on things is somewhat different. Car alarms are pretty much useless to the thief intent on stealing your car, but they do a good job deterring a casual stereo thief. So the best, cheapest defense you can get yourself is a blinking light on the dash. Pagers are a bad idea, and are a good way to get yourself shot. Most thieves are quite willing and able to do you bodily harm, and they want to stay out of jail more than you want to to keep your stereo.


The best defense against theft is stealth. Thieves won't steal what they can't see, so tint your windows, use sunshades, and hide your stereo behind a faceplate, if possible. And for the love of Pete, don't be stupid enough to roll through your neighborhood bumpin' and thumpin' the stereo. Play it cool until you hit the freeway, THEN crank up the tunes. Running around your home turf screaming, "Hey, I've got a nice stereo! Come and steal it, please!" is just plain stupid.


These are just my thoughts - feel free to disagree.

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that sucks im always woried about my car right now because i dont have the right key for the doors so i cant lock it (i lost the key and had to replace the ingnition lock so i could drive). i have been lucky so far though because my car looks like a pile of shit on wheels. i just make sure not to leave anything valuble in it. i dont even have a sterio right now. if anyone brakes into my car not only are they ass holes but they are morons too.

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Yeah, it really could have been much worse. It was more annoying than anything.


I would be hesitant to approach a thief unarmed. You never know what they have or can do.


Now that I'm married I can't be as "brave" as I used to. I have a family to think about.


I believe in what comes around goes around. Most likely, their choice of profession will land them in a gutter somewhere with a few more holes than they started with.

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Guest BigWhyteDude

ive always wanted one of those south african car defence systems. some are just flame throwers that spray gas onto any one near the doors and another one is a metal pipe mounted under the car attached to really heavy springs that when someone tries to open the door it swings out and breaks the guys shins . thats the ultimate deterent to me. kill switches are also a reasonabley good idea but they are to keep the honest ppl from stealing your car. if they want it they will get it.

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