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OK to lash out at people severely?


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I've been restraining myself pretty well, but there are a bunch of morons that are too stupid to be on this forum. I mean in particular people that register only to pawn their wares and split, and the one that post "I am looking to buy this," followed by "still looking!" despite the fact that 4-5 people responded.


Perfect example:




and I know for a fact that he didn't mail me squat because I have no PMs and my email is listed, and I didn't receive anything regarding the request.


in all, i'm about to start severely lashing out at people, despite the filtered profanity rule here :) anyone else getting annoyed by this?

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What is going on at this site? In the last two weeks, it's gone from being all nice and about Z's, to new people coming in, asking about BMW hybrids, RX7 Hybrids, and others when a simple search on google will turn up more than enough sites to cover thier needs. Also, the people posting in the Buy/Sell/Trade forum about cars' that are non-Z's, and it's thier 1st post. Here's a example of something I feel should be deleted http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=26553&highlight=

Now, do you guys think this sudden in-flux of semi-stupid posters has anything to do with Rick's Z being in SCC? I'm a huge fan of this site, I love coming here and reading as much i can to improve on what i already know, and having to wade through people who are *clearly* breaking the rules that were set no less than a month ago, when the mods were getting upset with people posting everything in the Chevy forum, or new people repeating questions that have been answered a few hunderd times before. Sorry to vent, but for some reason when I have a question that pops in my head, I do a search. Might take a few minutes, but somehow i can find the answer to my questions. Well, hope I didn't offend anyone wiht this post, if i did, please feel free to PM me.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

I like to just make stupid comments for the people that obviously havent bothered to search. Like this:



I agree that the post in the Buy/Sell/Trade forum should be deleted. Of course, you could also just leave a stupid comment like I am going to :D


I think it is perfectly possible to respond to posts like this without going overboard and being hostile or rude or anything like that. I think you should just use your best judgement when making a remark about this being the wrong site for their info. Hey, you could just reply with...


"I think a good place to start would be www.google.com" :wink: "or maybe a site that has something to do with that make of vehicle."

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I agree with Vashe (the stampede): people that register just to pawn their stuff is annoying. The guy will never post again after selling the rx7 chassis (boy, I'd love to have one though).


I think one of the things that should be done, is to compile a huge general faq for the site, and have it stickied in a thread at the very top of the forum titled "If you're new, read the FAQ for any basic questions you might have." I may have some time freed up, so I might even take on that challenge with people's contributions, of course. I know jeromio and others have created similar ones, or perhaps if separate FAQs can be broken down for each forums, with varios knowledgeable members from each forum contributing to the faq with their specific field of expertise (ie. johnc for suspension, racerx for paint, stony for rb26 motors, etc)

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While I agree that a FAQ sticky would be good, new people (and some existing ones) don't even bother to read the guidelines sticky. If they had, these posts would not be made.

I say that maybe the rules be updated to say " Members with fewer than 100 posts cannot post any non-Z questions, or for sale items." If they do, then a Mod, or Admin can just unceremoniously delete them!




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Guys please don't take this the wrong way but....what is going on with all the political advertisement? I come to this site to learn about how I can beef up my Z not to be subjected to commercials. If someone can advertise for a politician in their sig block does that mean I can advertise for something I want to sell? Someting eles that is non z related? Perhaps a religion or a Anti-Abortion logo? Please be assured I am not trying to cause trouble as I LOVE THIS SITE!! I am just trying to understand the "rules" as well as the thought process that is involved. Thannk You



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Guest comeandzpa


In relation to your 100 post suggestion, don't include posts in the non-tech against them as Alex said. A majority of my 200+ posts have been in non-tech (although I wouldn't be asking you how to fix my sister's Lancer or anything). I do, however, think that it would be good to limit what the new members can ask, since they all ask the same thing without looking around first.

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