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Why don't you post.

Guest Aaron

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I was just looking at our member list, and began to ponder the question: why do so many people sign up, but never post at least a hello? We currently have 2687 members with 0 posts. I assume some members sign up but never return here (I have done that in other places), but some folks have to be hanging around. If you are, let your reply be your first post, and let me be the first to welcome you.

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its funny this should pop up, I was just looking at the member list the other day and thought the same thing.


there are also several members that register two or six different spellings of their name. and then never post. :roll:


should just send them and email and if they dont respond then delete delete delete.

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I don't have too many posts to my name so far but once I actually start working on my car, I will most definatly run in to problems that I will need help for. Mostly I read read read. I have a 260 that is pretty much stripped save the suspension. Just this week I got my 11ga 2x3 tubing and 18ga sheet for the frame and floors. I am very anxious to finally get to "MAKING" instead of cleaning, taking apart, ect... I hope to get the frams pc's cut and possibly tacked together depending on how the weekend goes. I really love this site and hope to get a camera and post as much information as the "core" has. Another reason I may not post is that I feel I don't have any thing to ADD or offer with my limited experience of Z cars or the projects that are posted.

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I still want to find a decent Z in my neck of the woods, unable to lacte one so far. I'm a cheap 18 year old, so I plan on hitting the junkyard a lot, have a ex-teacher that will help with frame rails and such, total project budget is something around 3k. Well, wish me luck, later guys :)

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Hell, I've been here since almost the start of this forum and I don't post that much. I'm what you might call "between stages"(for some time now). I'm in paint jail right now and I'm between pay checks. You can't get much done when your waiting to spend your next check like it was the lotto! My '74 was the color it is going to be, minus clear coat, this week. Then almost all of that paint came off during the "need more body work" stage. I'm hating this process!

I do enjoy posting when I actually have something to contribute. For instance. For anyone on this forum. SPEND for the body work! You can get a $100 paint job with $3k worth of body work and have a really nice car, but spend $100 on the body work and it doesn't matter if you spend you'll life savings on the paint, it will still look like a $100 paint job. Body work IS EVERYTHING! Ok, thats my contribution this month. :lol:

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I've been lurking here trying to learn as much as I can for years. Just last week I finally bought my Z. Before now, it never really seemed right posting. I didn't have anything productive to add to any of the technical topics. Hopefully that will change as my project progresses... :D

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  ZMFDM said:
I do alot of reading too, AJ78, where in van are you?


I'm in Kitsilano. I'm going to UBC, graduate in December, woohoo.


I don't have a Z yet but I'll be saving up when I start working in January.

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I don't post that often either. Mainly because there's already a wealth of information?? hehe i dunno maybe im just shy :P Plus the fact im already addicted to lots of otehr forums...Mainly local ones b/c i like a "small community" type of feeling?


Anyways, i didnt know there were so many new ppl here from BC! I'm in coquitlam. Is any one on any of the local 604 forums? ie: NWN, UBCSCC, SFICC, RevScene?

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I joined almost two years ago when I bought my 260 and have only posted a handful of times mainly for the same reasons already stated. I spend so much time reading old post and the "post since last visit" section. Since joining I have gotten body work advice from racerx, bought seats from jkoch, alsil's motor mount, and brakes from rossc. So I guess you could say that I am proof that the search function does work.


I do have some of my pics posted, http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/album_personal.php?user_id=1936, if anyone is interested.


Like so many others, I appreciate the vast knowledge and the atmosphere here on this site, and want to thank those of you who have shared your experiences and misfortunes so mine will not be so painful.



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Where are all these people from BC coming from... Im part of the local vancouverstangers club and I took a look at SFICC, but like so many other forums they seem to have some ricers and so many people voicing opinions with little tech knowledge. I dont post too much on hybrid because I use the search and posts since last the most.


Why so many 0 post users. Purhaps people sign up with a invalid email and never activate their account? Or maybe like others said. It really doesnt matter if they dont post though unless its wasting too much space on the server.


74.5 347Z: :hail: Wow that Z is amazing.

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