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Are you going to sell parts via the internet or just give a basic description of your biz?


IMO you can use the Internet like a big Yellow Pages ad (what you have now), but just about any biz that sells goods will do better to actually get the site e commerce enabled. Right now you can look at it like a Yellow Pages ad, or a "store with no cash register" as a buddy of mine put it. If you had a standard product line you would do well to add the cash register. If everything you make is custom, then forget it and just use the website to get people to call you.


Drop me a PM if you want to talk more about this...



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John - Congrats! Good site. I've gotta echo the other comments: I really like the straight forware, no BS approach to your descriptions. I enjoyed reading some of the bench raching articles and plan on reading some more when I get time.

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John, a clueless person (yours truly) just erased your post announcing your website--I clicked the "edit" button instead of the "quote" button or whatever. I sincerely apologize for that. I cannot repair the post as you know, so I humbly ask you to go back and put the website on there and such. I wanted to congratulate you on the new site, but FUBARed that post up bad.




PS--should my moderator privileges be revoked?!? I'll just spank myself instead :twak:

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Thanks guys. The website is just a start and will grow as I create more content. I'll eventually start selling stuff off of it, but mostly its just one of those bragging/ego things. My old software peers have been giving me crap about "no website" for about a year. Now that its up I'm getting crap from them about "no flash", "no e-commerce", "no .NET", "no J2EE", etc.


Some of the .jpgs are huge and I need to shrink them down a bit. Later this week or next when I get more time. I also have more photos to put up somewhere in the Bench Racing stuff.

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Your buds sound like they are into, ah, never mind. Your site is good enough the way it is. I must have pretty servere ADS (or is it ADD?) cause I don't have the patience to sit through some jazzed up flash site. I like the benchracing stories. I saw your heatshield post before on the IZCC list I think. No chance of anything on my car getting overengineered like that heat shield! Grid routine and season prep are pretty good stories too.

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i read your story on the driver's school at laguna.i have had lots of fun there in my z.like the time i had a nasa instructor trying to show me how fast he was-he ended up in the sand in turn 6 with overheated brakes .his its car couldnt hang with my street car.there is a bump that lofts a car just before the corkscrew.if your are running flat out you can get air past #3 braking marker.it really wakes you up -i got on brakes ,let off brakes and braked again a little before #1 marker.turned in and made it..turn 2 is tricky.turn 3,4,5,6 easy.7-what turn.8-9-10takes awhile to master.laguna seems easier to me than thunderhill or sears point.but more fun

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