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My V8Z featured on ZPARTS.com

Heavy Z

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Hi everybody, recently I drove my Z to Eric Neyerlin of ZPARTS. He took some fantastic photos from a variety of locations and has been kind enough to feature my Z on his site. :2thumbs: If you're interested you can see an interactive preview by clicking below. The feature is in the top left corner. Once there, move the cursor over the pic to get descriptions of the scoop, mirrors, etc, soon there'll be another 15 or so to check out:




Here's an extra one of the new licence plate: :D



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very cool!

awesome ride man... i do love the mirrors and hood.. whole car just looks great.

i would love to hav emy car featured on somebodys website for everybody to see. would be a big milestone!

but congrads!



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Hi, All


Small update to Brett's announcement and a question to you that have checked out the preview image of Brett's unusual hood scoop adaptation for his V8 engine swap's tall air cleaner.


I originally had the preview shot at a temporary URL which Brett announced last week. I have since moved that preview page to a new URL that you can find by either clicking on image above "Featured Car Project" thumbnail image of Brett's hood photo at


ZPARTS.COM'S home page at http://www.zparts.com/home.html


or at


FEATURED CAR PROJECT INDEX at http://www.zparts.com/indexes/featproj_index.html


NOTE: Brett was also kind enough to update URL in his original post- Thanks much, Brett


Question I have for all of you that have checked out the experimental preview page is whether the pop-up comments and photo insets are working OK for you with assorted browsers/older versions and as to whether the popup photo enlargements are loading promptly for you when accessing page with dial up modem connections as soon as main photo loads.


I also would appreciate comments, pro or con, about whether new pop feature is useful and appreciated by web viewers or not. If valued I will refine that new feature. If many negative comments are offered I may drop it.


To check out pop up feature in preview photo of Brett's car, move your cursor over the assorted aftermarket or customized parts visible in hood photo to find out what I am referring to. If you see no pop up comments or photos or something seems to be misbehaving, please drop me a line at eric@zparts.com to help me correct problems so all of you can enjoy the benefits of what I think will be a great improvement to the Z cars and projects I feature at my website.


Upcoming Featured Z Cars at ZPARTS.COM. Anyone ever seen a 1978 280Z that has had so much custom work done to it that it has been professionally appraised at $60,000 ? Well, if not, stay tuned, because such a car was making the rounds of the major Z car shows this past summer where it won best of show at the West Coast Nationals and I believe top honors at the Z Car National Convention plus several others and I had the good fortune to take it out fora 2 hour photo shoot after the West Coast Nationals so I could show it off to a larger audience that may not have attended these shows. I hope to be featuring a full photo display and write-up on that ultra customized Z car within a couple of months.


"Life's a Modem, Enjoy the Connection"


SLEEK Z (aka Eric Neyerlin - photographer and owner of ZPARTS.COM

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Eric, I appreciate the effort you put into it, but I have to say (since you asked for opinions) that I don't really care for it. I had to move the mouse all over the picture just to be sure I didn't miss something interesting. IMHO, information shouldn't be hidden, but placed in a manner that's easy to find. Otherwise - why bother writing it in the first place?


I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the hard work you've put into your site. It has answered numerous questions I've had in the past, and saved me immeasureable time. And the work you've done in documenting things like tail lens treatments has been a springboard for dozens of people's creativity. Thanks again!

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I appreciate both Mike and Scott's input.


Mike, Thanks much for the quick feed back. Nice to know that HybridZers are willing to answer my call for input.


Scott, what I am attempting to provide in my project displays is more than one way for both Z car customizers and just the curious, to review key features in photos from a project shoot without having to click away and reload a second page just to study unique features on project and featured cars showcased at my website. My idea is to enable viewers to interactively study a car photo and then quickly view more details about car's custom features in the photo simply by moving mouse cursor over those items . I am hoping, once I refine the popup feature with numbered or semi transparent circled hot spots in photo, that more visitors will catch on and find it helpful in studying overall project or featured car.


However, I agree with you that a more conventional approach. with visible, fixed position, comments next to each photo, as you prefer, may be more satisfying and less stressful to for many visitors.


Rest assured that the the visible commentary boxes next to each photo, typically used in other displays at my website, will not be discontinued. At the moment I am working on a featured project layout concept that will include at least 3 different ways for a visitor to review and study what is presented.


1. An introductory page to each person's featured project consisting of the owner's main write-up. Within that section, which may be as long as several pages, the owner can write anything he wishes, with me sometimes recommending a bit of brevity or clean up to an overly verbose one with too many misc details. Any reader can read to his hearts content in this section and download for a print out if he cares to. Also within this intro will be scattered occassional key photos from the photo display as support to owner's comments.


2. A 10-20 page, online web photo display (similar to slide show) with brief comments on each page clarifying important tech details about what is shown in each photo that may not be entirely obvious to a viewer trying to study the builder's project and ideas.


3. Links on Introductin page to 1-5 experimental pop up comment photo pages featuring key photos of the car, most likely the more aesthetically attractive of the bunch, which will give a certain type of web visitor a chance to interact with the photos without loosing sight of photo of itself. My hopes are that some will find this a very interesting way to study the builder's project and customizing ideas without having to load another page or scroll the page down so far that the viewer can no longer see the photo that the supporting comments relate to. Get the Picture?


Hope that all makes sense for now. Comments on improving my project displays are most welcome. Scott's critique has been quite helpful. I hope others will point out other objections or make suggestions for improvement such as his so I can continually improve my web layouts to improve communication and usefulness to the 45,000 plus visitors per month that regularly visit ZPARTS.COM from all over the world.


Thanks much,

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i have a few questions and such.

i might be the only person that likes that page setup, but maybe if it had bigger font to see what you wrote in the box's.

also maybe if you could click on the boxs and then go to pages about that part of the car that you wrote about.


also what if somebody isnt in cali near you to talk the pics? like say somebody from a different state?

not saying me lol.. my Z isnt near as nice as the cars you have on ur page.


but thanks



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Good points, Mike


What monitor/screen resolution, and size of monitor did you view page with that made the text in the boxes appear uncomfortably small? This is a difficult problem to address because so many web visitors view sight with such a wide range of computer hardware and monitor settings, not to mentiion different operating systems and browsers all set differently.


I mostly design web pages on a dual 21" monitor set at 1152x870 under Mac OSX and check site with 3 different Mac browsers and a Windows based setup on 15" monitor set at 1024x768, resolution which normally would make small text even smaller than average, so I have been hoping that most stereotypical web surfers running at 800x600 would most likily see the small sized text as plenty large. On both of my website check

computer systems, the text seems quite clear and large enough for legibility, but I am in the dark as to what others see or are comfortable until comments like your surface. Maybe others will comment about this.


Big problem with increasing text size is that comment box sizes have to be increased as well in order for all the text to display at once, thus crowding out the image behind them.


Hot links in the boxes to more info or on page somewhere on page is a good idea, but currently I have the boxes configured as "show on mouse over" and "hide on mouse out" so as soon as you move cursor off object, text boxes with links would disappear. There may be another solution however. Stay tuned.


I, myself, can no longer afford the time to take personal calls or email inquiries about all the custom work displayed on my website and still run my business and "have a life", but I do encourage project builders and car owners to allow me to publish their email contact addresses and/or phone #s within the web write up so fellow Z customizers can attempt contact them to exchange ideas of mutual interest. For privacy reasons, choice to publish them or not always remains with the project or car owner.


btw, from comments seen you make about your car, you seem to be a bit down on your Z car's olive green color, but I actually think that stock color can look kind of classy and distinctive when the factory paint is in good condition. I also have a turbo charged L28 in a 240Z painted the same stock color as yours and although the paint is shot to hell after sitting out in the weather forever I often think of repainting it the same color because I like it. Below is a scan of a Nissan brochure at my website featuring that same stock color in it's prime just to boost your spirits a bit.



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Oh i like color the Leaf Metallic Green color.. im keeping it too :)... i just didnt no how you feature ppl in different states then ya?

also i get what you mean about the pop up's... i think my setings are 1024 by 768... thanks



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