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My new avatar thing

silicone boy

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Well, I've figured out this avatar stuff. I had this stupid bouncing blue smiley face. It was OK, but most of you guys have a really cool one. I thought I would change mine on a rotating basis in celebration of my favorite substance, silicone-love what it does to hot chicks. If anyone is offended, well too bad. I figure I'll change it every week or so. Feel free to rate them.

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I'd be willing to rate them, if you can go to the trouble of putting each new ones name in your sig...You know, in case I like them :twisted:


UH....name, address and phone number please! :D Oh...and measurements!!

Man!! You must really look forward to going to work everyday!! :shock:



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Keep it silicone! Silicone is old school, when they were always too big and obvious. These saline ones look like natural boobs, girls don't go huge anymore, it's getting hard to tell if they're fake or not.


I guess my point is, keep it real with silicone!

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girls don't go huge anymore, it's getting hard to tell if they're fake or not.




You are right. On a recent quiz in Playboy (my partner, who is a woman, has her patients pick out they size they want from magazines, so there are a lot of Playboys around the office-I don't feel comfortable having my patients pick out a centerfold picture by the way), I was only correct 70% of the time in telling whether they were real or not. By the way, my avatars are not real patients-that would violate confidentiality.

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I can't help but comment on this.


How is someone so well educated and of such social stature as a doctor so seemingly childish and obsessive with breasts, that he even names himself silicone-boy? I'll tell you how: BOOBS. They're badass. They make a typical man quiver, and a superior man, well, quiver.


Boobs are why I get out of bed every day at the crack of noon. Where would I be without boobs? I hate to think it.

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