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No freking way!!! video


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Guest rick458

In Europe there is a good chance that he would not drive a vehicle (legally anyway) for ten years or better, and couldn't afford to when legally able.

did you notice that he first took out the areas fire protection THEN hit a power (or possibly phone pole)


People if you exercise your right to clean up your corner of the Gene Pool please don't do it in a neighborhod :evil:

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I'll bet money that he told the policeman investigating the accident that he simply lost control or a dog ran out in front of him that caused him to swerve into the pole and fire hyrant. Lets just hope that there were some witnesses to this stupidity instead of just his dumbass friends with the video camera.

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I think a lot of people just want to be in all the crazy videos you see on the TV/internet. Then some thing goes wrong and look what happens…. It is so easy to get your 10 seconds of fame on the Internet now days. Seems like a lot of kids are out to make a crazy video.


Have you ever watched a dirt bike or sport bike video, lots of stuff like that on them.

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