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You Guys Are Holding Out On Me!!!!


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Man have I been in the dark!!! I just got my Victoria British catalog...........Call me dense but I had no idea you could purchase all of these parts new!!! I have been looking for fenders, rockers, and all kinds of other parts available there. Now for the reeeaalll dense part.........


VB is in the states....................... :oops:



Shipping isn't that bad. :D

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if you haven't already, check out msa as well. i've heard they can be a bitch to deal with, but if you compare both their catalog and vb's some of the prices are lower depending on which one you're looking at. and msa has a bit more of a selection of parts.


but if you're looking for body parts... better to look around for pepole selling privately.... you can get skins for way cheaper than either of them sell them for.

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