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I don't have one or any of them for that matter, but from what I understand the PS2 has about 10x more games than the others.


Most of the driving games that are good are available for all 3.


Doing some Xmas shopping for yourself?



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well i dunno ppl say graphics on Xbox are better... and they might kinda be but they do not have better games then PS2, and def not better racing games..

PS2 rocks..



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Guest comeandzpa

Gamecube generally doesn't have many racing games, it's more family based as were all the other Nintendo systems. I haven't played X-box much, but from what I have heard it is a little more complicated than it needs to be, and I know that the controller is bulky as all hell. PS2 has a crapload of games, Gran Turismo obviously being the greatest racing game of all time (or so most people think, I'm sure some beg to differ). So for racing games, I would say the PS2. If you want family games like Mario *fill in the random thing he has/does now (kart, party, world, etc)*, go for the Gamecube.

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im having a blast with my xbox, need for speed underground is wicked, it's like fast and the furious though, haha, so much rice, ps2 has way better games though, although i love xbox

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Guest bastaad525

Ah you're making me miss my job (working at a video game store)... used to get this question 50x a day.... I own all three.. so here is the unbiased oppinion.


If you are looking mainly for racing games I say get the PS2... While MOST good racing games will come out for all three systems, the PS2 does have a couple that the other two systems do not, most notably of course is Gran Turismo. Actually that's about the only one I can think of but that one alone makes the PS2 top dawg for racing. Oh and Tokyo Extreme Racer 2 and 3 aren't out for anything other than PS2, but that game is admittedly not everyones cup of tea. PS2 also has the widest selection of games in general, when I last worked at the video game store about two months ago, PS2 had almost exactly twice as many games as Xbox, and Gamecube has even less than that. The disadvantages of the PS2 are that it it only has 2 controller ports... the other two will allow four players right out of the box, not that there are any four player racing games I can think of. With the PS2 you gotta buy a memory card. You also may need to buy the network adapter if you want to play online games, which a lot of the racing games are supporting now... online play is free for the most part on the PS2, but most games support broadband only, no dialup. You can buy a PS2 package for $199 now that includes the online adapter. The PS2 is the oldest of the 3 systems, and is starting to show it's age. Any game that comes out for all three systems will almost invariably look the worst on the PS2, many times having a lower resolution, and also may have issues with the frame rate. Lastly, Logitech makes an absolutely AWESOME steering wheel controller for the PS2, that has force feedback, and makes racing games seem much more realistic.


Xbox is technically, by far, the most powerful of the three systems. Graphically it puts the PS2 to shame. It doesn't have so much of an edge over the Gamecube though. The game selection for Xbox is beefing up but there are SOOOO many crappy games you really gotta be careful what you get. It is starting to grow a good selection of racing games, Project Gotham Racing 1 and 2, and Sega GT 2002 are both good games that are exclusive to Xbox, but neither are as fun or as well done as Gran Turismo. Many of the other good racing games, such as Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2, Need for Speed Underground, Test Drive... are available for all three systems but look the best and run the smoothest on Xbox. Other advantages include a built in hard disk drive, which means you dont need to buy a seperate memory card. The Xbox also has a built in broadband modem, so no need to spend extra there, however, to play online you do need to pay a monthly fee for "Xbox Live" service. Xbox is a good system if you enjoy first person shooters or PC gaming in general, and really seems to cater more to the PC gamer than to the 'grew up on Mario' gamer. Me personally, out of all three systems, I play my Xbox the least, and have the fewest games for it, though that is starting to change as more and more games come out for all three, and again, almost always run better on the Xbox


Gamecube... poor gamecube... Nintendo is doomed to always be seen as the maker of kiddie games, and so really doesn't even get taken seriously anymore. The system itself is powerful, graphically it looks just about as good as the Xbox. Gamecube also has VERY fast loading times... not a big deal but you notice it. Also, while having one of the most comfortable controllers as far as how it feels in the hand, it is also one of the least functional controllers, with fewer buttons, odd button placement and shape, and a very small digital + pad which is all but useless. The game selection for gamecube sucks... only a couple hundred games out and most of them are very obviously aimed at the younger crowd (not all of them though, there are a few mature rated games), and many of them also suck :P even the ones not meant for kids. On the other hand, what many people consider as the BEST games, the absolute cream of the crop of console video games, are all available only on gamecube. Exclusives like Mario, Zelda, and the extremely awesome Metroid (one of the best games ever made!!), are the descendants of games that made gaming popular, and the newest versions still hold up and always manage to be fantastic A+ titles. Very few games on other systems get as much praise as these games do. Unfortunately, there's not much in the way of racing games on the 'cube... the usual stuff is there, need for speed and such, and a few exclusives, like Fzero and Mario Kart, which are fun but I dont think they're what you're looking for. Oh... Gamecube is also the cheapest system, though like the PS2 a memory card is a mandatory extra expense. Online play also requires an optional accesory, and very few games take advantage of it right now. Out of all three, believe it or not, I play my gamecube far more than the other two... partly because of the quality of games that it has... though few and far between the good ones DO come, and partly because there are so many really really fun multiplayer games for it. If you have friends over a lot, ones that aren't 'hardcore gamers' but that like to play every now and then... the GC has a lot of games for up to 4 players that are very easy for anyone to pick up and play and do well at and are a blast.


For the guys who like to preach PC over console... pay them no attention! PC is a TOTALLY different beast than any console. Sure, if you were to go spend a good chunk of change on a decent PC with good video card and lots of RAM, yes it would graphically be FAR superior to any console (well the Xbox can still come pretty close to what current PC's can do unless we're talking absolute top'o'the line pc..and please, SPARE ME the hype about the great screen resolution on a PC vs. TV... most people just don't care and resolution doesn't make a game good!). But PC games are a whole other breed... most notable PC games fall under four categories: first person shooter, simulation (usually flight sim, though this can include stuff like spacecraft sims), strategy, and massive multiplayer role playing games. While there is a HUGE selection of PC games many of them just feel like you're playing the same thing over and over again. There are just way too many first person shooters and way to many real time strategy games out. PC games are usually far more deep than console games, with manuals that can be an inch thick. Very few of them are just 'pick up and play'. This can be a good or a bad thing. Then there's the fact that your'e gonna NEED to upgrade every year or two if you want to play the latest hottest games... and upgrading usually aint cheap. At least with consoles any given generation lasts a good 4-5 years or so and you really never have to upgrade them. Not to mention you can buy any one of the current 3 consoles for less than a good PC video card costs alone! PC's are great gaming machines if one of the above four categories are what you're into, and are the best for playing online (though Xbox is getting close with it's very good xbox live service). I only ever play games on my PC when I feel like going head to head with a few other peeps in one various deathmatch game or another. PC gamers often have superiority complexes :wink: I mean regarding PC's being better than consoles, not about themselves vs. other people. But really it's like comparing apples to oranges... hell... actually it's like comparing apples to camels.


Well anyways, hope this helps :)

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Go get the Xbox. I have played all three and owned the Xbox since it came out. Sure, it has less games out than the PS2, its been out for less time. Its a far better machine and the games keep getting better.


Oh, the best game of all time is on this system as well...Halo! Coming soon, Halo2!



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Last game system I owned was the Atari system with little cartriges (kinda like 8-tracks). I was the envy of all my friends! :D Now if I want a good driving experience, I just walk out to my driveway, jump in the the LT1 and go :D:D:D



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Guest bastaad525
Buy them all. :2thumbs:


DEFINATELY the best way to go :) each one has it's strengths and weaknesses, and really, there is no clear cut 'best' one... at the very least get the PS2 and Xbox if you like PC style games and sports games and can't stand 'kids' games, or PS2 and Gamecube if you are an oldschool gamer who still remembers and loves the classics that we all grew up with.

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get the X BOX.. there is so much you can do with the X box.. its built like a PC so it can be upgraded like a PC.. my X box i had upgraded to a 120 gig hard drive and installed a mod chip in it. i dont have to buy any games just rent them. load them to my hard drive and now i got a cop of the game.. also it plays MP3 any window media file and it also plays all region DVDs.. which means you can play any DVD from anywhere in the world.. it also has the capability to turn off macro vision so you can record your DVDs to VHS.. this thing as it all.. on my X BOX ive got over 800 games loaded on it.. about 35 of them are X box games. and ive got the whole library of NES and SNES games on it too.. i also have all the arcade games from 1978 - 1995.. and thats a whole lot of games..

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Guest bastaad525

You guys really should be careful about posting that stuff on here...


I've seen forums get shut down for people mentioning that stuff. Not trying to sound like an ass, just dont want to see anyone get in trouble or see our great forum get messed with.

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