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T.K.O. (another sad story) (now + pics)

Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

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Sucks to hear about the accident, I was in one a year ago. My Z is a weekend driver, and it got plowed into on the weekend. I was going straight when some tard turned in front of me (oncoming traffic) and i had to swerve to avoid him, but not enough time was given. I totalled my headlight bucket, bumper, fender, spindle, rim got hit, balljoint, tie rod, etc.


side note: if you're not crazy about those mirrors, let me know, I probably want them :)

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

They were 16" Enkei wheels. I have heard that those are pretty rare, the 15"s where what everyone had.


As you can see from the pic, the front suspension is torn up. I think it would be cool to swap in like a newer technology setup.


The drivetrain is OK, no leaks. Apparently I did turn the engine off when it red-lined. I also found out that I apparently spun when I hit the island (I didnt know I did a 360)

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Guest freakypainter

be ready for a fight with the insurance company, that much damage on a 1970 model car is a total loss, take a good look at the pillar the door mounts to, I bet it is pushed in along with the rocker panel. That sucks man, good luck.

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Crunchola. Not good. Your 16" wheel is NLA. Sooooooo, a 16" Volk Racing, or CCW wheel might be the ticket and you can tell the offender's insurance company to come up with the money for a 16" performance wheel like that. Hey, you are severly limited to wheels that fit, right? Make it happen.



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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

ARG!!! I finally got a chance to talk to the CHP last night to make my statement and the officer was trying to argue that the SUV never hit me and that all my damage was from hitting the island and the curb! HELLO, did he even SEE the right side of the car?!


To quote the officer:

"I was looking at the car for an hour and a half and I did not see anything to indicate that you were struck by another vehicle"


I just wanted to say:

"An hour and a half huh, but yet you also didnt even notice that the left front wheel was hanging off!" (Police report said NO damage on the left side of the car)



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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

I made him go out to the tow yard to have another look at it. At this point, I dont even know who it was that hit me because no one would talk to me at the scene of the accident. The CHP were so disorganized. Hell, the officer that called me wondered why I "left the scene", he didnt even know that I was put into an ambulance!

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA



Looks like the fella who hit me wasnt driving a white Jeep. Looks like it might have been a Silver Infiniti QX4. Owner/driver is about 24, and lives out in Walnut Creek. Can we all say $$$?


Too bad silver vs silver is going to be hard to show paint swap.

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Glad to hear your OK, dude. The thin skins of our cars always worry me in times like this. Luckily you werent seriously injured.


The car is probably like one of the family for you as ours are to many of us, but, it can be replaced. Doesnt make it any easier to look at after this bullshyt, but you lived to build and race another day. More importantly you lived to see the ones that love you and be there for them.


Best of luck on resolving the matters at hand and healing that back. DONT take your backpain lightly. Focus on correcting that before anything.


Take care,


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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA



Grr, the CHP sucks!

I just found out that they STILL dont have a report yet, my attorney says he cant do much yet. My employer is refusing to let me on temporary disability (read: no pay check whatsoever). Not sure that they can even do that, but it is going to take a while to get that figured out. Gonna have to cancel my year-end vacation and will have no money for Christmas!


For all of you who have great plans for Christmas, enjoy! Be thankful for what you have. :wink:


And no, I am not sour, I am thankful for what I have. Family matters the most during the holidays, I just wish I didnt have all this crap going on to remind me of that.

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Guest bastaad525

holy crap dude... that is really f'd up. Why dont people realize they need to be just a liiiiiittle bit more careful when it's raining out??? Nah instead they figure it means it's time to go faster??? Idiots!!!!!! :fmad::fmad::fmad::fmad: That's the mentality here in Socal... seems more people want to speed up in the rain than slow down....


And an early early 240 too... that's really crap... someone would have to hold me back after that... I'd be ready to make people bits out of someone for that crap. Well as everyone has said thankfully you ARE okay... man you are gonna get a fat chunk from the insurance... you definately should and you know what? If it was me... and normally I'm not a dishonest person... but if some idiot plowed into my Z and I had any reason to believe it was because they were being a stupid driver (not a genuine, no one really at fault accident) I'd start claiming all kinds of injuries or exaggerating the ones that I'd have... screw them... maybe their 5x higher insurance will be forever a reminder to them to NOT BE AN IDIOT ON THE ROAD! I hope his parents rip him a new one... maybe if he's really unlucky (as he deserves to be) his dad had a 240 when he was his age and is gonna be pissed that he had to hit an original... :twisted: I can dream can't I?


I'm really sorry dude... I dont know about you but that'd be just about the most f'd up and hardest thing that could happen to me right now other than something happening to my fiancee... really f'd up :cry::evil:

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA
someone would have to hold me back after that...


I have to admit that fear was holding me back. I was sitting down at the bottom of the embankment, looking up, and realizing that my car literally flew off of the freeway to where it landed. Then I heard tires screeching from other cars trying to stop and realized that any second another car could go flying off of the road where I was and hit me if I was trying to climb back up the embankment.


I dont really have much of anything to make up, my back and neck are pretty well screwed up. Then I've got some things going on that would indicate I might have wacked my head pretty good. Still gotta go to the Doc again to follow up on that.


I'm just hoping to get the car back soon so I can start getting an idea of what's gonna happen next.

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