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I'm impotent because I eat meat...

Guest bluex_v1

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PETA has a weightlifting commercial on TV here in WA (may be national). Kinda funny. Looks like they're trying to dispell the "myths" about sickly anemic vegetarians. The only anemic and sickly vegetarians I've ever met were ALL of them... :wink:


Supposedly it can be done right, but I haven't seen it yet.


Someday I'm sure I'll hear the words "Look at those verile and buff vegetarians" but I'm not holding my breath. I figure I have both eyes in the front of my head and canine teeth for a reason.


BTW--new cat food commercial "And blah blah gives my cat the green vegetables that he craves..." Whaaaa????? Yeah, right. I always see cats dragging in their latest kill; a head of lettuce, or kale. Happens all the time.



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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

I have seen vegetarians that are very healthy, one of my best friends is a strict vegetarian and is built like a tank. He's about 5'11" and 215lbs and has 16" biceps and could probably just about bench-press the back half of my Z.


All I know though, is if eating meat is supposed to cause you to become impotent, all the stuff I have been eating must not be real meat! :lol:


BTW--new cat food commercial



My cat used to eat some plants, but I think that was just for the buzz.

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Does your friend take protein supplements? You CAN get enough protein from plant sources in supplement form, but it's hard (not impossible) to do without the supplements. BTW--my wife is an RD working on her masters right now. Together we had to convince her lacto-ovo vegetarian sister whose eyes were all sunk in and who looked like she was an extra from "Night of the Living Dead" to eat meat again about a year ago, so I'm not just spewing out my bottom end... and the sis-in-law looks great again.


And sure cats and dogs will eat plants, but I just don't see them "craving" leafy greens. Houseplants are a novelty, and the poisonous ones can get your pet a little high, and anything that comes off a human's plate or from a human's hand is fair game as far as most pets are concerned, but you never hear about lions in Africa getting into a farmer's field and killing all the lettuce, now do you? Attacking livestock, now that's another story. Or the mountain lions coming out of the hills in SoCal and attacking people's vegetables while they are unloading groceries from the trunk of the car. It's always the cat, or the dog, or the baby. That's what cats crave.


Just trying to be realistic about the whole thing.



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My GF is a vegi...not purely vegan mind you, she still eats cheeze, drinks milk. but no meat at all, no fish, no chicken, no nothin. (dont even think it)I must say that she doesnt look like shes on the verge of death...as a matter of fact, the majority of my friends that are women, are vegis. and they are all very beautiful.


I also am a big fan of steaks and fajitas, and other animal products and thus far my woman has no complaints at all, be it in the kitchen, or bedroom. shes does complain about bread crumbs under the sheets sometimes. :roll:

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You're GF is a lacto-ovo vegetarian, and they have a much easier time than the vegans (no animal products whatsoever). Still, it has to be done right for them to be healthy, and I have yet to see that comparison with one twin vegan and one twin an omnivore that would bear out my hypothesis that the omnivore would be the better weightlifter. And I still haven't seen the "healthy" lacto ovo. Skinny yes. Healthy no. But that is just my limited experience talking, and as I said before, I know that it can be done right.



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My response to the PETA commercial is... I eat alot of red meat,fish,chicken. In fact My favorite foods are animal products.

If any of these cause impotency I don`t think my wife could handle me if I were a vegitarian. :wink:

In fact if my sex drive were any better my wife would probably tell me to get a mistress. :D (not really...I`d just get turned down more :roll: )

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Offtopic' date=' this brings about an interesting question about vegans and oral sex....




They arent really eating it, so it doesnt count :D

Most vegetarians Ive met are in the worst shape ive ever seen, but some are in very good shape. Way I figure it, when we go into Mad Max syndrome and we have to have some nasty stuff, the meat eaters will be able to survive longer because of the stronger stomachs!

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA
Does your friend take protein supplements? You CAN get enough protein from plant sources in supplement form, but it's hard (not impossible) to do without the supplements.


Ya, he is always drinking protein powder drinks, and the veggie burger stuff he eats has protein added.




Bottom line, I think the question is if your female counterpart eats meat is whether or not you can get it up. :D

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Have to bring it up. There is some old grandma that has a call in sex advice show on cable. She said strictly vegan men are suppose to have spew that is sweet.


If they could just get it to taste like chocolate we could all die happy men.


I like Ted Nugent's line: "Animal rights. You can bet every time I hear that phrase I am killing 10 of something."

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