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Cell phone hazards

Heavy Z

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Here's an interesting article to check out in Popular Science. It's not conclusive and needs further study, but indicates cell phone radiation isn't good for brain tissue:




"His team exposed 32 rats to 2 hours of microwave radiation from GSM cellphones. Researchers attached the phones to the sides of the rats' small cages using coaxial cables -- allowing for intermittent direct exposure -- and varied the intensity of radiation in each treatment group to reflect the range of exposures a human cellphone user might experience over the same time period. Fifty days after the 2-hour exposure, the rat brains showed significant blood vessel leakage, as well as areas of shrunken, damaged neurons. The higher the radiation exposure level, the more damage was apparent. The controls, by contrast, showed little to no damage. If human brains are similarly affected, Salford says, the damage could produce measurable, long-term mental deficits."




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I find it comical, sad really, that health minded people will NOT eat food if it is cooked in a microwave: yet those very same folks will not think twice about sticking a cell phone to their ears for hours on end. :roll:


In the last few years I see kids w/cell phones in the Malls...yes of course the cell phone is glued to the side of their faces. I bet those same kids drink cokes for breakfast, lunch, supper-eat greasy fast foods for lunch & supper: and we wonder why America leads the world in medical problems?


I guess healthiness takes a back seat to the status symbol of having a cell phone.


I keep trying to get my family members w/cell phones to use an ear piece: no such luck thus far.



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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A buddy of mine gives me the "but I wear a headset" crap. So great, now you're torching your gonads... much better option...


What reason could anyone give for not eating food out of a microwave. Do they think the radiation used to cook the food is nuclear or something???



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On a similar note, I read a study a few months ago that said a large dose of EMF can cause hallucinations that were similar to many of the "alien abduction" stories.

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Microwaves do not produce radiation. They have a magnatron that is basically a small radio transmitter that bombards the water in the object to be cooked with sound waves.


These sound waves cause the molecules in the water to move back and forth across each other at very high speed. This causes friction that generates heat to cook the food.


I saw it on Mythbusters last night. :D

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You're right Denny, but radio waves are radiation, in much the same way that light from a light bulb is radiation. Saw that Mythbusters too. My wife was going insane when I would put AOL cd's in the microwave (fun 2 second light show) and I made her watch just to see that I wasn't going to blow up the microwave.


Also, I have personally experienced the super heated water thing from water straight out of the tap. Doesn't have to be distilled like they said in the show.



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One thing to keep in mind is that brain tissue is brain tissue, regardless of whether it's a rat or human. Perhapse everyone with a cell phone is a "lab rat" of sorts, but not in a test that only spans 50 days. At this point, nobody can say what the truth is either way. IMO more caution is in order until more is uncovered. Keep in mind we were reassured repeatedly that DDT, IUDs, and Miltown were all "safe," until outside testing proved otherwise. The familiar "This is your brain on drugs" slogan may be nothing compared to what we're doing unknowingly with cell phones. We shall see one way or the other...

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For you to have such a problem with super heated water, your water must have a very low total disolved solids(TDS)level. Our city water has so much crap in it, i doubt i would ever have that problem.


BTW... Certified water tratment technician is just one entry on my very long resume`

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.., What reason could anyone give for not eating food out of a microwave. Do they think the radiation used to cook the food is nuclear or something?.., Jon


I dont know as I have no problem eating microwaved food. I was just making the connection w/how some folks think. I've come across a few people that go to great detail as to why they wont eat microwave food and in the middle of that sentance their cell phone rings..."Oh, excuse me, someone is calling me and I have to put this microwave beam to my head" kind of logic confounds me.


When it comes to cell phones I will posture myself like Heavy Z and believe it is better to be safe than sorry.



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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I dont know as I have no problem eating microwaved food. I was just making the connection w/how some folks think. I've come across a few people that go to great detail as to why they wont eat microwave food and in the middle of that sentance their cell phone rings..."Oh, excuse me, someone is calling me and I have to put this microwave beam to my head" kind of logic confounds me.


Yeah, I hear you. I agree that it is pretty funny that people would be afraid of microwaved food but not of a cell phone. It's not like you take the food out and it's still producing radio waves... :? I've know a few engineers who worked for cell phone companies, and I don't have one, so I'll let that speak for itself. My wife has one and we use it for "emergencies."



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I have a couple of observations here:


-the picture of the rat brain sure does have a small cerebrum (higher brain), while the cerebellum and brain stem (vital in coordination and basic functions of survival such as running away from humans) are pretty big. The thalamus and hypothalamus, involved in reproduction are pretty prominent too.


-regardless of the hazards of cell phones, I think the g forces that some of the Z cars on the board here generate are even more dangerous for the brain. Imagine your brain being squished against the back of your noggin when you punch the throttle. (I'm protected here, as are the Jackstanders, since my car has been immobile for the past year)


-I'm no expert on brains because I barely passed neurology in med school

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA
I think the g forces that some of the Z cars on the board here generate are even more dangerous for the brain.


I doubt anyone here is pushing more than 1 lateral G. Which means, 1 x the force of gravity. (Which is directly equal to the force your brain would experience when you are laying on your back). I sure hope that's not dangerous! :)

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