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What's the Highest Ticket You've Gotten Away With?


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I was piloting a friends 1972 Pantera with a blown 351. It could go faster than I could at the time. Unfortunatly due to this escapade, his car gained such noteriety with local cops, he had to trade it in on a new car. His new car a 1989 Lambrogini Countach. I felt sorry for him for about 1 millisecond. Unfortunately I did not get to drive the lambo solo after that. Though I did with him in the car. All I can say is we drove around for 2 days before we realized the car had a stereo. It was a nice ride, but it's hell to find a parking spot for a $155K car. Oh the fine would have been $1200.00 12 points and an automatic 2 year revocation of my driving license. Rick


PS: BTW my first car was a 1971 Pinto.

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I know a couple of the older hot rod guys in my old neighborhood used to have panteras, and they have similar stories of how the police would pull them over a lot, and they finally just got rid of them. Supercharged 351c with dual sidedrafts out the trunk(hood?) is awesome.

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Only 95 in a 65...but I ended up going to traffic school for that one. I have been cited equally in town and on the hiway--they don't like me.


Still, I am thaknful that we can apparently get away with 75mph+ on freeways around here in the morning commute if everyone is doing about the same speed. I guess it's hard to pull over 20 cars at once :D



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I was going twice the speed limit in a residential zone here in amsterdam. (speed limit is about 31 miles/hour) a cop pulled me over and said he was tailing me all the time. I thought "yeah.. right" since he was driving a VW golf diesel. But I kpt my moulth shut. He noted my name from my drivers licence when sudenly he got called away on an emergency. He gave back my licence and said I could expect a big ticket. But he send the ticket to my sisters, because the car was registered in her name :D . She was a little pissed off I can tell ya. But because the ticket didn't match properly I heard nothing about it again. 50 km/h over the speed limit means losing your car Here in holland.

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On Thanksgiving day a couple of years ago, it wa sa beautiful, warm, sunny Colorado day. I got pulled over for doing 90mp/h in a 30mp/h zone (I was also in 3rd gear and had two more to go!!). The cop was completely (had ever right to be) p!ssed off with me. I shut the car down right away and pulled over.


His first thing to me, was "I heard you, way before I even saw you"


The he says "Thats a quick little car you have there"


I stayed very calm and respectful while he read me the riot act. As it turned out my insurance was expired (had the new on on the kitchen table at home!!) and he decided he was going to impound my car and pull me license temporarily. He was getting ready to write me for a ticket that was $30 for ever mile I was over the speed limit. That equates to $600 and that was without the expired insurance fine and the wreckless he was going to charge me with as well. I figured by the time it was said and done, incl. getting my car out of the impound I would be spending a solid $1G.


As he was writing up the ticket, he asked me to remove my sunglasses and kept looking at me and then says:

"Don't I know you from somewhere???"


Then I realized I had hired (6months prior) this same cop to work a bunch of extra duty after hours (overtime) for me for a construction project I was managing. He had helped me alot with the traffic management and re-routing and made some major $$$ in overtime.


Shortly after this discovery. He ripped up the tickets, cancelled the flat bed truck that was en route, told me to slow the hell down and enjoy the rest of my Thanksgiving. Trust me I had alot ot "Give Thanks For" on that day!!


Here was the car (my fierce old supercharged rear wheel drive Corolla GT-S AE86, running 14psi and lots of neat tricks). It used to get me in trouble regularly, now sold and definately missed.








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Is it the cost of the ticket or the clean record you're worried about? If it's cost it's probably cheapest to do the defensive driving course, if record only then get a lawyer. Although I think if you do dd it keeps your record clear anyway.


The cost really isn't anything -- it's only $177 -- I would just like to keep it off of my record. I can go to defensive driving to get it taken off my record, but then that means that if I get caught speeding again within another year, that WOULD go on my record and jack up my insurance. I would like to go to court in hopes of the cop not showing up, but like I mention earlier, if he does I would be screwed and most likely I'd have to pay for dd, court fees, and the ticket.


I have been thinking about a lawyer...about how much do they charge for just a little case such as this?


BTW, those are some great stories! V8ZRACER260Z, you better consider yourself damn lucky to have escaped a 175+ ticket. That must've been a pretty awesome feeling, though :twisted: Thanks for sharing those -- I'm starting to regain hope again. :-)

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  • 8 months later...

Comming back from National guard Duty in my truck I had the speometer peged out and it stops at 85 ... and im pretty sure i was going past 90. Any ways i notie a buick looking car behind me riding my ass ... i was like holy shit that guys more stupid than me so i changed lanes to let him by. On come the flashing lights :cry: . Cop strolls up ... do you know how fast you were going ... of course this is a no :twisted: then he walks around to the back and sees the NG plate and walks up front just as he reaches the window a vette flys by at some crazy speed. He hands me back my DL says have a nice day and jumps in the cruiser and drives off after the vette. My hands were shakeing like crazy.

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You love bringing back the old posts man! :D


Yeah, my girlfriend once got pulled over for speeding in her Probe GT, and right when the cop was asking for her DL and Insurance, another car flew by them, so he told her to, “Wait here” and took off after them…lol. She left after about a minute and never heard from him again.

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I was leaving West Palm Beach in FL after a weekend of leave to visit my GF, heading back to Orlando. Woke up late, and had to make muster that morning, so I was flying, in a borrowed 1987 Ford Escort GT. Pretty quick car, considering. I passed some small town, and was doing about 125 when I saw the lights way back (still dark, very early) and I decided that I might as well get a little closer to Orlando, and I wasnt even sure it was me they were after. :roll: Well, the officer finally got close enough for me to choose discretion, and I pulled over. He had his gun loose and plunked handcuffs down on my roof before even saying anything. Upshot was, he pulled Navy boys over all the time on that stretch, and gave me a break, cut the ticket from 125 to 80, which apparently saved me approx $2000....

I was doing 100 again within minutes.... and promptly FELL ASLEEP at the wheel. I opened my eyes to see guard rail approaching, and threw the car into a very loud and very impressive succession of 360's, at something over 80MPH. Dunno how many, but the rubber left on the road went for a long ways, and I was very awake at that point. I got back in and didnt start speeding again until the trembling subsided....

Funny thing is, I forgot to pay that ticket, and it turned up on my record like 15 years later, when I lived in Colorado. Florida couldnt figure out why my license was suspended, so I got off pretty much completely.

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Mine pales in comparison to some of these stories, but it's kinda funny, and I somewhat got away with it. I had an '85 200SX, bone stock, and felt like going out to a rual area and letting loose a little. Found a stretch of road with nice long fast sweeping bends. Just as I was accelerating I noticed a motorcycle headlight way back there. I thought to myself there's no way it could be a cop from the one horse town I just left so I kept speeding up, and pulled away from him. Well I finally slowed down, the healight zoomed up with the red and blue, and I thought this is it, I'm going to jail. Turned out it was a State Trooper on a Harley. He of course asked, do you know how fast you were going, I honestly didn't know, "well I was doing 95 and you were pulling away!" He officially clocked me accelerating at 84 in a 45, but wrote the ticket for 20 over. I figure it was best to be thankfull for that and never fought it.

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Call the officer's precint command every day and ask for him by name. You will find out which weekday of the week he has off. Call the traffic court and have your trial date re-set to that day of the week. Chances are the officer won't come to court on his day off.

- advice from Hot Rod Magazine (early 1980's).

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Guest Z-rific

My Dad picked up his 79 Vette from the shop and the guys told him to run it hard (just had a tune up). So he did, and got pulled over for doing 94 in a 55. He told the cop the mechanics told him to run it hard, which he did.


Cop said "Fair enough" and let him go.

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When I was 16 I got arrested for speeding between Carson City and Reno. I don't know how fast I was going - the needle was pegged on a 125 mph speedometer. May not have been so bad except there were a bunch of kids in the car with me - it was really dumb to do that. The highway patrolman wrote the ticket for 100+. Spent a few hours at juvenile hall waiting for my parents to pick me up. Interesting place.

I ended up doing a week of work crew - I will never forget that experience. I wasn't the brightest kid but the other kids on the work crew were really stupid and I swore I would never end up in a place like that again.

The car I was in was an Olds station wagon with a 455 in it.


Another time I was driving my 71 Z down to Vegas and was doing about 90 mph along with a long line of other traffic. A highway patrolman drove by from the other direction with his arm out the window waving at us to slow down. We did until he was out of sight then picked it back up again. I average almost 90 mph from Reno to Vegas and got 30 mpg on the trip. Z's are great.

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Heh, driving back to San Luis Obispo from parents house at about 3am (was a monday, had class at 8 8) ) was in a 99' Chrysler 300M, doing about 133 (70 zone) it was a really warm night so I decided to open the moonroof. As I did I looked up and right above me.... were the lights of a helicopter :roll: I just pulled over right then, and about 2 mins later a CHP pulls in behind me and start writing the ticket :? . The officer however, wrote in 150+ :shock: so I took it to court, and one of the officers in the helicopter didn't show. Turns out if it's cited by air, EVERYONE in the vehicle has to show or it's dismissed :)

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I have two good ones.. (well, one big ticket I got out of, and another I should have gon to jail)

1; My good ol' 85 200sx, bone stock, but I'm late for work this particular morning.. :twisted: (about 5 years ago now..) and seeing as I'm the only car on this stretch of road, I put it down.. Around the bend ahead, a cruiser apears.. :shock: I look down and see that I am over 130K (85 mph?) in a 60 zone (35 mph I think..) so I just pull over and wait. Cop pulls over, turns around, and pulls up behind me. He says 'Do you know that at double the limit, I can take your licence right now? And you'll have to go and explain to a JUDGE why you shoould have one?!?' :oops: I hand him my DL and ins papers... Figured I was toast.. but he comes back with a ticket for 90 in a 60 ($182, 3 points I think..) which SUCKED.. but I got to keep my licence!


2; This one is my favorite.. same car, and Im RACING my friend in his 89 Chev P/U step side, 305 (built a little) 5 gear. He's gust playing, caus he can easily out pace me. But after a few minits of this, we are BOTH now riping through town (60kph zone) and stupid speeds.. As he comes from behind me changing lanes (this is a 4 lane road) he accelerates past me on the right like I'm standing still. Im goin 100kph!! Thats when I saw the cop doing radar.. :shock::roll: crap.. Stupid thing is, we hit a red light :lol: So My friend FINALY sees the cop coming after us, and when it goes green, he books it. I start to take off slow, and the flashing lights come on behind me. I pull over instantly, but slowly.. :wink: and the cop pulls in behind. My pal in the truck is GONE by now.. :x So the cop askes me "Who was that in the truck? You racing? You know what the conseqences are for that?!?" I tell him "I don't know.. that guy just got behind me and was driving agressivly, and then passed me.. I was speeding a bit to try to put distance between us, but that guy just kept comming.. I dono sir.. " :lol: Cop says "Oh.. well, I have to give you something, cause you were speeding.. I got that truck at 124k on radar, and although you werent anywhere near that, you just told me you were speeding... " So the cop checks my licence, gives me a ticket for 10 over (no points, $40 or so..) and asks me "did you get the licence number off that truck? Or catch what make it is" I said "no.. I'm not much on cars.. might have been a ford..( :lol: ) and I didnt see the plate.. sorry sir.."


Not that racing in the streets is acceptable now.. I got lucky thats all!

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Guest 77vegasz

5 years ago, on my last day of work in MD before moving to Nevada, I was running late. I was comming into an area of I70 east where it necks down from 3 lanes to two, then to one and then into either a park and ride or an exit into Baltimore. The road is wide still, the yellow line just angles over to neck it down. I was going about 65 in a 35, passed all cars infront of me in over the yellow line, barely made a sideways entrace intor the exit ramp and continued into a controlled skid around it. I got caught at the light, and there is where an unmarked Baltimore cop caught me.


He said"Do you have any idea how many violations you just committed"? All I could say was "no sir, after 4 or 5 I lost count". Ha laughed and asked what the story was. I told him I was leaving state that weekend, and he let me go.



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