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Check This Video....These Guys Have Big Cahonies!


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very cool.

very good riders too, only stupid part is that one guy not wearing his helmet.. and maybe the guy next to them semi truck standing up on the bike..

BUT still badass.



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hehe no, there are some good stunters in that vid, but even more stupid ones. Especially that tard with the green/american flag bike that kept trying to do the ape-hanger.


here, watch my buddy adam's film:






I bought their DVD, it's pretty good :)

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Yeah the tune is a littel catchy even though I personally do not like rap. A better question is what riff did they rip off to make the song. You know the little background flute and sixties sitcom sound they have throughout the song.



These guys on the bikes are good at what they do. They make riding a sport bike seem easy. So why am I so teffified of them :?:


As far as some of the stuff that they did in the vid like riding next to a semi on an interstate at probably 70 to 80 mph while standing on the gas tank is crazy!

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Wait a minute, aren't you the same bunch of people who were sermonizing about how you wouldn't ride without a helmet? Yet you think that some idiots in sneakers pulling that crap in traffic is cool?? Where is all that talk about insuranced rates? Stupidity is more dangerous than lack of helmets!!

If I send you a dime, will you use it to start a fund to save up and get a clue? :evil:

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Wait a minute, aren't you the same bunch of people...



You must be careful when you group people together especially when you haven't read all the posts. I never said a thing about the helmet thread but since you have to elicit a response here goes!


I would have had a severe head injury about two years ago if it hadn't been for a plastic and foam bicyle helmet. I crashed hard and my head bounced off the pavement about three to four times as I slid along stripping the skin off of my knees, legs and arms. The bike finally landed on top of me with the end of the brake pedal and chain ring slapping up against my helmet. Riding a bike that means motor bike or bicycle without a helmet is just plain stupid! There now you can include me in on that one.


There are certain speeds and circumstances whereas a helmet will not do you any good just as a seatbelt or air bag will not save your life in an automobile if the circumstances are right. That being said, I would hate to know that a helmet would have saved my life in a slow speed crash but I was too much of a dumba$$ to wear it.


I stand behind what I said about these guys. They are extremely talented on these bikes it's just ashame that some of them will probably die at a very young age doing something stupid on their bikes. Lets just hope that there are not any innocent folks that get caught up in their madness.

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First, I have protested Manditory helmet laws for at least 30 years. Key word Manditory. I am a truck driver, and get to see more traffic in a year than most people see in ten. I have no use for these "cool" jerks. All they do is make it possible for the hacks in government to make more laws to protect us from ourselves. As for the nifty stunt beside the truck on the freeway. If that dip s//t had lost it, the statistics would have shown that a big truck was involved in an accident with a motorcycle.

I know you're right Aux, Darwin will win out in the end. If the guy on the rice rocket would have center punched brick wall, I could have cared less. (Actually it would have been mildly amusing) A few years ago I saw a man, his girlfriend, and their bike coimpacted into the space between the top of a set of trailer tires and the deck of a trailer. that's why I don't have much use for those who drive with their headsup their a$$.

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Guest Rusty260z

So the consensus is...retards tearing up perfectly good bikes, but a good tune...okay cool.



So we need to figure out who that song is by and the name of it....pretty damn nifty.

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Sorry to bring this post back up, but I figured that I'd share let you know that I recently recieved an email with the artist and name of that ghetto song. He said it's "Love Joint" by the Mercenaries, but he's not sure if they ever put out an album. He said he'll look into it for me. I've been looking around, but I can't seem to find that song anywhere. Anyways, just figured I'd throw that out in case somebody else wanted to search around for that song. :2thumbs:

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