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MSA BRE style spoiler help

John Scott

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What a piece of crap! Are these things supposed to be this rough? The whole piece seems arched up. The ends hit the fenders unless the hatch is opened 1/2". At the worst spots along most of the middle almost a 1/4" of air gap on the front edge. If I were to grind it to fit the body line I'd lose some of the rounding of the leading edge of the spoiler, which would look like $#!+. Has anyone else ordered this item with better success? I was expecting a little touch up before painting, but not to reshape the entire mounting surface. Any other sources out there with a good fit?


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OUCH! I can't stand to hear this kind of stuff. Somebody at the source has to have recieved some kind of feedback about what I would term a useless piece of fiberglass. And yet they continue to sell them. Aauggggg! If I was president, I'd grant everybody the ability to create quality parts so that nobody would have to put up with crappy products passed as useable parts. Jeez. Now I'll get off my soapbox.

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OUCH! I can't stand to hear this kind of stuff. Somebody at the source has to have recieved some kind of feedback about what I would term a useless piece of fiberglass. And yet they continue to sell them. Aauggggg! If I was president, I'd grant everybody the ability to create quality parts so that nobody would have to put up with crappy products passed as useable parts. Jeez. Now I'll get off my soapbox.

The 'GlassMaster has spoken. If BlueovalZ Aero Parts were making a spoilers, my hard earned $$ would be going to you.


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OUCH! I can't stand to hear this kind of stuff. Somebody at the source has to have recieved some kind of feedback about what I would term a useless piece of fiberglass. And yet they continue to sell them. Aauggggg! If I was president, I'd grant everybody the ability to create quality parts so that nobody would have to put up with crappy products passed as useable parts. Jeez. Now I'll get off my soapbox.


Stay on that soapbox Terry! There are too many hacks out there ripping us off. :evil: This why I speak up every chance I get to tell people about the true quality parts and service from John Washington. Fiberglass is a tough business and a finicky material. It likes to move all around on you. But anyone who is willing to sell parts that they know won't fit doesn't give a damn about his product or you. Don't support these thieves. Demand a good product or your money back. Then spend that money with a conscientious vender. This is the only way we are going to get good parts.

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There are a few comments I can think of. The design that motorsports sells may not be a true BRE rear spoiler. Les Cannaday has the original Z432 BRE spoiler and he sells it you might want to contact him.


I have one of his, and although I have not fit it to my car the finish is good.


Les Can be reached at: Les@classicdatsun.com , 760-940-6365

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Thanks Dan, Ron for the other sources. John Washington was the first to reply, no rear Bre, but with an offer to build me a front airdam. Not his usual line, but his willingness and professional attitude is commendable. Les also replied stating he has another style of rear spoiler, more true to the original Bre (has original front air dam molds) that would probably work, insisted it would be way better quality, but I didn't like how high the spoiler comes up the hatch. Sooo, After 6 hours of cutting, grinding, relaying and filling, its starting to look good. I filled the key cutout detail , since access is no problem and it was off center by almost 3/8". The left side sagged so badly, that some of the TOP surface of the spoiler was gone after I cut for the fender contour. The top was lower than the body line!! Recontoured both ends to better match the body. The bottom was no longer attached in at least a dozen places, so needed to rebuild that as well. I should have sent it back to MSA, but the next one might have been as bad or worse and can't find any other sources for this style. Oh well, after this many years, I can't really expect anything to just jump in place on my projects.


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I think you will be pleased, I have our fiberglass dashes done by the same people that do his stuff and they do a great job.


These are the guys that have all the original BRE molds so the parts that you are getting are out of the original mold, and not a copy of a copy.


I will pass along to Les that you will be contacting him. He is available on the weekends at 760-940-6365.

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For future parts I would strongly suggest Classic Datsun or John washington. I have first hand experience with classic parts and have had some correspondence with John that was highly professional and informative. I hope to meet John maybe as soon as this yeaar??

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