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anyone ever use a Top End (TEP) camshaft? thoughts?


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They offer:



Our most popular grind for Triple Carb use is .510 lift and 302 duration

on 106 Lobe Center....


Anyone use this with their triple carbs and/or their 3.1L setup? thoughts?


I have been trying to talk to Jim at sunbelt for weeks now, but hes a bit busy with the demands of starting race seasons, so I don't know what cam grinds he offers.


Thanks for the help...

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If you're referring to the lack of customer service, I would imagine that a camshaft is a pretty safe bet. Just don't expect TEP to set it up for you over the phone.


I think that is the cam I've been looking for all these years (specs look good). Gotta file this away and start saving...



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Be afraid, Be very afraid.

I'm one of those who bought a TEP turbo cam that was totally wrong for a turbo appication. Can't say that his na grinds are similarly wrong, but I bet you'll find better stuff and much better 'tude at the more established cam grinders.

Iskendarian, Webcam, Elgin are among many who do a good job on L Motor cams.

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Yeah, I agree Jon, that grind was what I was looking for, but now....


...thanks for the warnings guys. I will heed...


that isky cam looks great but i think itll be a bit too much lift and will hit my pistons without valve reliefs...closer to .500 is what i seem to understand as being safe. anyone have experience here?


Anyone know what sunbelt has in that neighborhood of grinds? (or others)


thanks again...

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I ordered one from Competition Cams... locally here at Doug Herberts shop... (amazed that he carried a part for an import) :D


Not sure what the grind was exactly... I have the grind card around here somewhere.... It worked very good on my N/A setup..

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