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Rant - Current use of language

Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

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I'll gladly take that challenge and say this:


First, this site is run very well and when someone reports something offensive, we handle it. Don't know how much more strict we could get without banning MANY of the folks who are regulars and well regarded. Up to the challenge? I won't bother with responding to that one since WE ARE volunteers and do one HELL of a job running this board and baby sitting.


I don't expect to tell others how to govern themselves, and What you stated above sounds more like Big government trying to tell me how I will or won't live, or what I can and can't do in the privacy of my own home and behind the doors of my bedroom with my wife, mistress, or whomever.


Likewise, I won't allow others to tell me that I'm not allowed to worship my devil, god, or other item I believe to be my creator.


YOUR point is to dictate how "WE" as a society should live, walk, talk, and conduct ourselves. Your comment about some people not having common sense tends to lead me to think that it is up to those of higher moral standing to rescue, educate and "Save" the sinners of the world. With that I disagree... Not for you, as you should be able to do as you wish as an individual. But to say "We" should do X or we shouldn't allow "Y" is the problem. Point is what fits your feet may not fit mine and one size will NOT fit all.


I am ABSOLUTELY taking this steps far and beyond the realm of foul language to illustrate a point. When we allow "The powers that be" to govern our rights right out the window, then what do we have?


Should I conduct myself in a manor that sets what society dictates as "Proper?" Only if I agree with the rest of society... However, remember that there are some who would call the masses... SHEOPLE, Not PEOPLE, and those individuals choose not to be a part of the flock... Who are we to say who is right, and who is wrong?


Do as you see fit in your life, and don't expect to much out of the rest of society... My guess is if we all focus on our own back yards, and set the example, by doing, then the message will get out without dictating or force feeding.


Besides, I'm with Terry, this is the age of reality TV and ME ME ME... You want to do something about the current state of our society as a whole? This is an election year... Good luck... But I'll caution you, "Family values" won Mr. Clinton his election... TWICE... and we saw how MORAL he was, Right? (Hey I voted for him the first time, so I can slam him... :roll: )


Proceed with Caution!


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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

Why do we even have a language filter then? Why do we have any rules? Rules are necessary to maintain order. I am sure we all agree on that. If someone doesnt agree, then I feel sorry for them and hope they find their paradise of chaos somewhere in this world.


I am not saying that anyone needs to be banned, in fact, if the members are in such good standing and such respectable people, then they shouldnt have any problem with a simple warning or request. If you think that someone should have any special priveleges simply because they have been a member for a while, then that quite a problem as well. Does that mean that the veterans can do as they wish and any newcomers need to take it or leave?


And the challenge was to either state that my statement with profanity was either perfectly acceptable, or admit that it is not. I dont think that anyone here that agrees with me is trying to tell anyone how to run their personal lives or how to raise their children or if we care if you worship God, Satan, sheep or llamas, we are just saying that there is no need for the profanity. There is a language filter here (presumably because it is agreed by "the powers that be" that profanity should not be here). Bypassing the language filter should not be acceptable, otherwise there is no reason to have the language filter (unless it is just here to appease the FCC).

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Guest bastaad525
From my small world point of view' date=' this is what I'd call the MTV syndrome. I see my 15 year old daughter listening to programs on MTV (I loved it in the '80s, hate it now) in which every other word is "beeped" out. When I try to explain my disagreement to such programing, she asks "what is wrong with it? No bad words are said actually said." I had to think on this point and realize that it's not what's said, but it's what's implied. And if what's implied offends others, then out of courtesy for others (which is still a virtue even in this day and time), we should try to avoid it.

Unfortunately, most members on this forum only have a single means of interaction with the other members, and this is solely through written communication. This single method leaves much to be desired and leaves a great deal of room, for both the sender and receiver, for misinterpretation. In short, let's review, proof read, and consider each post as being "my" one and only shot at showing you the best of who and what I am.[/quote']



Heh I've got quite the sailors mouth, in person, I must say. But I think I have done a good job of keeping that out of my posts here at HybridZ. I know you want to always be yourself, and you want your written posts to reflect what you would be saying were you communicating verbally, but think of it this way too... how often do you go into a crowded public place and swear loudly enough for all to hear? Heh anyways, I may just be misinterpreting your post :)

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Guest goldraven
I guess it all boils down to the fact that some of us can communicate in an intelligent manner without using profanity, and others of us cant.


I think it would be more accurate to say that the morals of our country are disappearing.


To everyone though, I apologize if I am a bit sensative on this issue it's just that I have always tried to maintain morals and sensativity in the society around me, and now that I am going to be bringing a child into this world I am even more resistant to all the crap around me.


Certainly this is a possible outcome, as with any discussion, the individuals will either butt heads and never accomplish anything, or they can have a rational, mature discussion with a mutually beneficial outcome. If you think that the only outcome to a discussion is to butt heads and accomplish nothing then I think you should be open to a change.


The point here is, not everyone is smart enough or respectful enough to use their own discression.


The problem is that there are too many people that dont have enough common sense to govern themselves and it will get way out of hand.


I am not saying that anyone needs to be banned, in fact, if the members are in such good standing and such respectable people, then they shouldnt have any problem with a simple warning or request.


What is your deal nic? You have a major elitism problem. Have you noticed how each one of your posts says that it is not your problem, but obviously my problem, since i clearly do not have the inteligence to govern my own actions/words. I have appoligised to you nic, two times now, and you still rant about it? look, this site is going to be just fine, our admins are running this site perfectly.


I like the analogy, if you dont like it. change the station.

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Sure, I swear like a sailor when I am with my buddies out on the river or whatever, but in a professional venue such as this, it is not warranted, needed, or dignified.

An internet messageboard is NOT a professional venue. There's no involvement of money, religion, or vestal virgins. Like I said, this is a bunch of guys standing around and drinking beer while discussing car topics and giving each other a helping hand.


There is no need for it, and those who are offended by it should not be obligated to pretend it doesnt exist.

That's just you.


Here's an analogy:

If I am hitting you over the head with a stick, should I stop, or should you be obligated to ignore it and pretend I am not hitting you? What about if it is just a playful hit over the head? Is a new member going to know that it is just a playful hit and only playful hits are tolerable? No, they are going to get out their twaking stick and use it whenever they feel it is acceptable.

Your analogy is wrong. Based on that analogy, one would be insulting you directly. If you want to make this analogy direct, it would be more like this:


You are walking down the street, and you see a guy beating air with a stick. Are you going to complain because it somehow affects you? He is swinging in mid air, away from people, and bystanders are just watching him swing away. It doesn't affect them because the anger's not channelled towards anyone in particular.


The point here is, not everyone is smart enough or respectful enough to use their own discression. A perfect example has already been given by those who enjoy abusing the use of a word after it has already been addressed as a concern.

There's already a language filter in place. You seem to be on this high and mighty crusade that this is all wrong and offensive. To your 1 voice, there are 10 that say you're wrong and are taking this way out of context. At this point you need to sit down and re-evaluate: is the problem with me, or with others?


Nick, are you a smoker?

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A language filter is in place. If you feel that is not sufficient for you personally, I'd recommend one of two avenues...


A: Contact Superdan OFFLINE to discuss your options. I'm sure you could entertain him with your reasoning offline.


B: Go out, pay the money, buy the hardware, secure the space, and create your own little private idaho.


I'm perfectly content with the site the way we currently have it and I personally feel we meet 95% of the members needs. I could be wrong, but I somehow don't think so... However, I'll support DAN's decision since this is DAN's site... When you NIC, own a website and have it up and running, I'll be happy to abide by your rules if I choose to play on your website.


I'm personally DONE with this one fellas.


Mike 8)

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Damn, I didn't answer your challenge, Nic...


YES, unless someone complains, your statement is fine by me... Other moderators or Adminstrators may feel differently, but right now, after 6 hours in a truck, three of it towing my stepsons car with him in the passenger seat... YEA, that language seems just fine.


Have a nice day, and good luck saving the rest of society. :lol:


Mike Kelly

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I can't believe I'm taking this position.


For all my education and proper upbringing, every now and then I encounter a situation that just requires a good curse. I do not use it gratuitously, but I do season my language with it when appropriate. When you hit your thumb with a hammer, the use of an expletive is completely understandable. When posting in a public forum, I believe that as a sentence modifer, a curse can clarify your position in a way little else can.


What I DO object to is excessive seasoning to the meat. Just like you wouldn't enjoy eating a steak that has been buried under a half pound of salt, so too will your good point be lost if you curse without reason. Use curses sparingly and only when absolutely necessary to convey your point. Otherwise you look like an uneducated nitwit who was improperly raised.


In short, do not censor me. I am not a child, and I resent being treated like one.


Thank you.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA
You are walking down the street, and you see a guy beating air with a stick. Are you going to complain because it somehow affects you? He is swinging in mid air, away from people, and bystanders are just watching him swing away.


Isn't that baseball?

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