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Punishment for looting in Iraq


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My son is in Iraq right now. He is an engineer for the Marines. He is rebuilding infrastructures. He says the majority of people there are friendly and helpful. It's just the radical few that are causing trouble. Of course, our liberal media likes to paint a different picture over there.

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"You can please ALL of the people SOME of the time, and please SOME of the people ALL of the time, but you CAN`T please ALL of the people ALL of the time."


Assuming the vid is true, I think the circumstances around what happened should be investigated. If it is found that the soldiers actions were unwarrented, they should be punished.


BUT...I have a real hard time taking the press at face value at the present time. There are too many supposed jounalists trying to inject their own political opinions and agenda into their stories.

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Lets keep in mind that this is another country. We've not been invited over there by it's government, which WAS a dictatorship. But do we overthrow every dictatorship (even abusive ones) in the world simply because it's policy for governance is contrary to our own? We appear to be complaining because we get a black eye once in a while in a fight that we picked. We may indeed be in a world economy, but not a world government.

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this is what happens when trigger happy army grunts are bored out of their minds.


A little over the line with that comment' date=' don't ya think? Maybe you and Hanoi Jane ought to go over there and teach them boys the proper way to conduct themselves in a war zone.[/quote']

aren't you a little over the line with your comment as well?


there's a difference between screwing over civilians and fighting a war. If the video is true, do you feel justice was served by using a 70 tonn tank with depleted uranium armor to crush a man's only means of making a living? How would you feel if a bunch of bored guys barely out of their teens, and not even old enough to drink yet came up to you, shot up your Z, rolled over it with a tank, and said "that's what you get for running a red light!" I'm sure you'd be perfectly justified with that.


To your 'hanoi jane' remark, you don't think US troops burned down entire villages of innocent people during the Vietnam war? and US soldiers didn't rape women and young girls? Of course they did. Just like most soldiers from any war did.


Go look up what happened in Manturia when Japanese invaded. They made Hitler's gas wagons look humane.

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My comments are directed toward one individual in response to a presumptuous and IMO incredibly ignorant comment on his part. Your comments, on the other hand, are denigrating an entire army of service people based upon some video that is, by your own admission, of questionable origin.

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My comments are directed toward one individual in response to a presumptuous and IMO incredibly ignorant comment on his part. Your comments, on the other hand, are denigrating an entire army of service people based upon some video that is, by your own admission, of questionable origin.

I'm not implying the entire US army does this. When I said 'trigger happy grunts' I was referring to the morons in the video. Also, if the video tape is real and not staged, are you still convinced that this is the right way of going about it?

A little over the line with that comment, don't ya think? Maybe you and Hanoi Jane ought to go over there and teach them boys the proper way to conduct themselves in a war zone.

However your comment was the one that started the generalization arguement. You automatically affiliated me with a scumbag that saw tortured pows and vowed they're in clean good health. :)


I also never get into an argument that I can't win :)

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You have no idea what happened in that situation, no idea what the grunts experienced prior to the filming, no idea what their standing orders were and no idea whether they were ordered to destroy the car. Yet some how you feel justified in using terms like "morons" and "trigger happy" and attribute their motives to being "bored".


A couple of words of advice. Don't believe everything you see on the internet and don't try and categorize US service men as a bunch of trigger happy rapist who are out to destroy innocent people's lives.

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Guest Looking for apt in Alb Ny

According to the soldiers comments "thats what you get when you loot" you cant edit that.


Maybe thats how they handle things over there? I personally dont think its right. Our laws here should apply there then if we are in control.?


auxilary I feel your pain and understand how its easy to make comments like that. Personally I can careless .Your comments were based on the video itself.



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Served active and reserve from '72 to 94. Vietnam to first visit to Iraq. What we need to be careful to avoid is what happened to the boys in Vietnam. They were sent to do a job which they generally did to the best of their ability under the conditions and rules they had to operate under. There are always situations that politically motivated individuals will exploit - generally at the expense of innocent people. We have to continually think our boys are doing what they thought was right under the current conditions and let the local authorities investigate and handle. It is not up to us to judge because we really don't know the true story - just the part someone wants us to know. How many of you guys have taken photos of your car that made it look better than it really is? It's easy for an amatuer to do, how about a professional? We need to support our troops. We need to tell them that we are pulling for them. Those men and women are in threat of their lives every day by an enemy they can't clearly identify? How would you deal with that? Personnally I'd have a tendency to shoot first and ask questions later - but then I am from Texas, right, and we all know how all Texans are?

I saw too many really good guys serve their country during the Vietnam "police conflict" and then get spat upon by the very people they were serving. Let's not be one of those. We need to give them the benefit of the doubt and let their commanders and those that know the true facts of the situation take the proper corrective measures. If those troops were out of line they will be punished - but don't let it transfer over to the hundreds of thousands of others that are doing their job well.

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I agree with the "support our troops" comment(s). Unfortunately, there are too many narrow sighted citizens in this country that equate supporting the troops with supporting this political agenda (or personal, whichever you choose), and visa versa. If these two issues are not distinctly separated, then we (us) risk sending a very bad signal to Washington, and our troops, which tell neither one what is our truest feelings. Yes, I support the poor guy who is only following orders, but I cannot support the decision to send him over there and show the world that "might makes right". Isn't this what we are trying to defend against in the first place? How do we support the troops, but not the motive that sent them there? I wished I had the answer, because it challenged us in the '70s and is still an issue today.

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Guest bastaad525

It does boil down to... the troops are usually doing only what they are ordered to do, whether it be good or bad. There's always going to be a few guys who get full of themselves and let the power go to their head. You see it with police all the time, right? What blueovalz just gave me a revelation though... I don't agree with what's going on in Iraq right now. I think we shouldn't be there, there's no need and really what gives us the right? And that made me kind of bitter towards the military and troops in general. But... they are just doing their job. So, yeah I stand behind them, because most of them are probably doing what they think is right, in the name of defending our country, and the ones that dont really dont have much of a choice other than to follow orders. The ones that take advantage of it and be dicks just because they can... And you KNOW there are some of those... well... they'll get hit back in the end, one way or another.


I agree very much with blueovalz and Phantom... don't spit on the servicemen... spit on the guys who are giving them the orders.

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Guest shodog

If you don't like it, change it. Get out there and vote for who you think will best lead this country. It's your right. It has been paid in blood.


Thank you America, thank you troops for those who served, are serving and those who never came home. I bow in humblity before you all. Thank you for doing your service, for protecting me, my family, and my way of life. God bless you and I will never cease praying for you all.

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