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Lion vs Man (guess who won?) Vid

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Guest plainswolf

years ago I had a coyote do that to me.. but he never made it all the way too me.. and he was aweful tiny compared to that lion.. :D

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Those people are real works of trash, real pussies. They high five each other after they cowardly kill a lion. Real pussies, lets see them fight the lion one on one with a kinfe, thats fair. Wish i didnt see that video, now im pissed for the rest of the night.


BTW i think hunting is BS, we have supermarkets that serve a purpose.

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I agree that video makes me angry.

I am not against honest hunting but I do belive one should never kill an animal you don't plan to eat and one should never bait an animal in order to kill it. That was not hunting its just some jerks killing an aminal for fun. I would have had little sympathy if that lion had won the fight.


Just to rant but last year some morons from out of country stayed in the provincial park nearby, left food all around their campsite then shot an killed a mother bear and cub who came by with their gun they had illeagally in the first place (no guns in parks). I am sick of hearing about trourists who complain about bears while they go to sleep with a half eaten snikers bar in their sleeping bag. Then the animal catches a bullet for human stupidity.


Wow that had nothing to do with the video, I think this thread hit a nerve with me :-D

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Guest zfan

Yeah too bad the Lion did not catch him square :D Would have made a real mess of his ass. I do not see how someone can enjoy killing such an awsome creature.



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Man, you guys don't know what you are talking about. A lion is a tough animal to kill. Pretty well illustrated by this video. Takes some pretty big cojones to remain calm in the face of a charging lion.


Those guys were a bunch of yahoo though. Lucky they didn't shoot each other in that conflaguration. Looks like they brought underpowered weapons too.


Funny remark about the supermarket. Guess if you don't see the animal killed that somehow sanitizes the whole affair.

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Thanks Pop. I was hoping I wasn't the only one... :2thumbs:


I love the "magnificent animal" BS. Like the cockroach you stepped on a week ago or that head of lettuce you bought at the grocery store wants to live any less than the lion.


If anyone eats meat and hasn't killed, gutted, skinned, cooked and eaten their own food at least once I think that you owe it to the animals you're eating to do so. It really is a blood and guts world out there folks.

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Guest plainswolf

Fro my earlier post in here, I was at my inlaws place which was about a 4,000 acre spread and my brother in law and I were out to help with the calving and just as we rounded a small hill there were 4 coyotes, two of which were making quick work of a newborn calf..


they tore the lips, the tail, one of it's ears, and most of its ass,literally, right out of the poor dam thing the mother got her ass pretty rtorn up in the process as she had literally just gave birth..


I sure dont condone a 'canned hunt' which isn't a 'hunt' at all, thats quite disgusting and serves no purpose at all....


In our case two of the four coyotes were shot and one, not directly and he came charging at us but sure didnt get very far. But, thats how they make their living, from their livestock, and that poor calf was a loss.


Pop N wood.. true about the supermarket, I used to work in a meat packing plant.

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Theres a few things you should keep in mind about hunting a lion, there are only three ways a lion can be taken:


1- If it is a danger to local people


2- as part of a sanctioned hunt


3- poaching


The governments of the countries that allow hunting of dangerous game depend on the income generated by the hunt and by tourism (photo safaris). The hunts are VARY expensive and EXTREMELY limited. They will remove animals that have become a danger by a sanctioned hunt whenever possible. These animals are the main source of income for these countries, you better believe they are very concerned about the lion population - no lions, no tourists, no money. The folks who took that lion will bring it home as a trophy. The meat will probably go to locals and guides as a courtesy.


Now poaching is a different matter. Poachers kill the animal and take only portions that will sell and be carried off. They'll kill an elephant for it's tusks and leave the rest to rot. They kill as many as they can with no regard for conservation.


If you look at the video you can see how close the lion came to taking the one guy out, that's why it's called dangerous game. He was very lucky. If you've had that close a call you'll high five anything in a five mile radius in an attempt to keep from soiling yourself.


Now poachers, there's something I could hunt. I wonder if there's a limit ????:D


Sorry for the rant, but most folks don't know that these countries depend of these hunts for income. That's how they pay the patrols that go after poachers.


- Joe

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Guest zfan

Like I said earlier I still wish the Lion had taken out the turd brain he clipped. I have slaughtered pigs, cleaned and skinned Deer and an asortment of others.


I think as I have grown older I do not enjoy the hunting anymore as I have grown to appreciate life more over time. Yes I know where the food at the store comes from.


That damn near seemed like a canned hunt. The three stooges plus one extra to add to the gene pool. Too bad they did not shot each other!



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Funny remark about the supermarket. Guess if you don't see the animal killed that somehow sanitizes the whole affair.


How can you compare cherries to watermelons? The meat packing industry doesnt videotape and publish their exploits for entertainment and i seriously doubt the people who club baby calves all day long laugh and hive five each other after the kill. That lion was killed for pure sport. He was even running away when the final shot hit him. Its really a disgrace for the human race.


If you need meat, go to the supermarket where the meat you buy was raised and killed for the purpose of you eating it. Dont take 5 of your friends and scope a harmless lion from 100 yards distance, and then congratulate yourselves when you kill him while its running away. :roll:

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Funny remark about the supermarket. Guess if you don't see the animal killed that somehow sanitizes the whole affair.


How can you compare cherries to watermelons? The meat packing industry doesnt videotape and publish their exploits for entertainment and i seriously doubt the people who club baby calves all day long laugh and hive five each other after the kill. That lion was killed for pure sport. He was even running away when the final shot hit him. Its really a disgrace for the human race.


If you need meat' date=' go to the supermarket where the meat you buy was raised and killed for the purpose of you eating it. Dont take 5 of your friends and scope a harmless lion from 100 yards distance, and then congratulate yourselves when you kill him while its running away. :roll:[/quote']



Thats the exact point I was making by posting this.... well said!!

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Dont take 5 of your friends and scope a harmless lion from 100 yards distance, and then congratulate yourselves when you kill him while its running away.


You've got several million years of precedent and I think instinct you're up against with this one... may not have been 100 yards or a scope, but you can bet there were 5 hairy little dudes out there in a hunting party several million years ago, now we have 5 taller less hairy dudes doing the same thing.


If you need meat, go to the supermarket where the meat you buy was raised and killed for the purpose of you eating it.


Please explain why is it OK to go to the supermarket and get your dead animals but not to kill it yourself? What difference does it make if the food was killed for you or if you killed it yourself? How are you putting a different value on the life of food that was raised for slaughter? Or is it completely arbitrary, eg lions don't deserve to die because they're "majestic" but cows can go because they were bred to be killed?



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