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Anyone else watching "5th Gear"... HOLY CRAP!


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I didn't know how many other people smoked up on here! 8)


Lol! Neither did I. I can attest to the driving high part too, no big deal. In college I actually had the sight thing happen too - some extra strong $hit my friend's uncle grew in his basement. It was like watching an empty B&W television channel for 30 seconds! :shock:

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At the shop we sweep out the customers cars, and you would be surprised how many ppl do partake. I just wonder if in my lifetime it will be decriminalized/legalized. That and what percentage of the population dose inhale, or has inhaled at one point in time in there life :?:

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My wife and I are the ONLY people my age (30ish) that I know that haven't ever smoked pot. While I was kinda hoping for some other really fast rally car stories on this thread, but since we're talking legalization, I do have something to say.


If you're on the pro-legalization side of this one like me, PLEASE don't try to fool people by saying that marijuana is medicine. You can already be prescribed Marinol, which can be taken orally or anally (for those who want to use marijuana to stop nausea). A current drug example: you can't be prescribed opium to smoke, but you can get morphine and other similar drugs delivered in a "safer" manner through injections or IV or pills. ANYONE who has seen or heard someone with a good case of "bong lung" should know that marijuana in smoked form shouldn't be considered medicine. If it is going to give you emphysema, it probably shouldn't be considered "medicine".


I for one am fine with the "I just want to get stoned and it's none of your damn business if I do or not" argument. We can get drunk legally, and there is nothing wrong with that, so I don't see anything wrong with getting stoned legally. I think the whole issue becomes ridiculous when people try to justify it as medicine. It just makes me feel like smacking someone when some hippie on the news with greasy hair jumps out of his 67 VW Van with the Greatful Dead sticker and the tie dye curtains telling us all what great medicine marijuana is. At least just own up to the fact that you want to smoke pot because you like to get high. At least I can respect the honest argument.

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I think it should be legalized because unlike alcohol, it can't kill ya!


I got into a huge argument over it with some friends and finally we looked up the "side effects" of both drugs. In comparison, mj is no where nearly as bad as alcohol. Some of the side effects included stupid things like dry mouth and paranoia, and some of the larger effects were (over a long period of use) close to the same effects of long term smoking.


Alcohol lead to alcohol poisoning, possible addiction, increased heart rate (applicable to weed too) and possible death.... among liver problems and all the fun stuff that comes with being drunk..... dizziness and that kind of crap.


I don't even understand the "medical" argument, but I know that anything you do high is way more fun :)

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Guest ON3GO

well im all for it too but i have to be realistic on this..


POT can and will lead to a possible addiction, but to that person it may or may not be a bad thing.

now weed is stronger then reg smoking, it is, its been proven. something to the effects that one joint is like 4 cig's..

but with all that said...


it once took me 45 mins to poor a glass of water :D hahaha



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Personally I feel the biggest gain from the legalization of marijuana would be turning the tide of the drug war. The money gained from the taxation of it would, if used properly could fund the war on drugs. Not to mention how it would free up $$ in the prison systems and law enforcement agencies to pursue “harder†drugs. The biggest problem here in Indiana is Meth. About once a week a meth head blows their house up here. I agree also that using pot for medical purposes is BS. And BTW it can be addicting to those with addictive personalities (??) just like not everyone who drinks is an alcoholic, some people just should not drink. Well some ppl should not smoke, they just don’t have the brain cells to spare (or the modivation). :D

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