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VW Boys Busted....Caught On Tape..Check The Video!


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Thank god that would never happen to me...... (My 240 is on figurative jackstands, I dont have either the balls or the youthful mindset, and back when I may or may not have been involved in that sort of activity, most video cams were large enough to have been blunt trama instuments at that speed......= )


As a matter of fact, the last time I was in a Z convoy like that, everyone was old enough to make or appreciate "C.W. McCall Convoy" jokes.

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Terry....the thought has crossed my mind several times and the desire was burning.....but I never had the guts (or stupidity - depending on your mindset), to actually do it......those damn cones just beg to be slalomed!! :twisted::roll:

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When I see stuff like this it reminds me of ALL the "street" video clips people put up. Darius on the street racing a GSXR, people doing donuts, burnouts, racing their buddies, and there's that one Z video with a bunch of older Jap cars racing on the freeway at night. That's just asking for it IMO. Don't video your crimes guys :!:

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Yeah, but who among us has NOT used construction barriers as a slalom at one time or another. Leaving them up in an "inactive" area begs for abuse. I can see the flames headed my way :D


Once had a conversation about that very same topic with a half dozen park police.


But, in my defense, it was in an empty portion of a stadium parking lot.

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