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I Drove the my LS1 240Z for the first time last night!!!

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I desperately wanted to drive my ls1 so I through some basic stuff on and hit the streets. I still didnt have exhaust, air cleaner, a gas neck filler installed, and o yeah a 2 foot hole in the floor were the spare tire carriers was.


The crusty old 195/70/14 didnt have a chance...at least the passenger side one. I have a 3.54 gear with a t56. It seem like the gears where to low. I was getting stunk out by fumes so the ride was short.


I started this project in August so it has been 5 months, must be a record!!!

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If your 3.54 was too low I wonder what my 3.70 will be like? Maybe I'll be starting in 2nd a lot. At least it's a positrack driving 225/50-16's.

Anyway, congratulations on getting it around the block. I'll bet you'll really be goin' nuts to get it finished now. Mine is looking like sometime in March which will have my 8-12 week project out at 8 months. Reality does set in after a while.

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Well congrats are in order! It's good to here that another LS1 powered Z is on the road. It took me about 2 months to get mine on the road, but that was working on it 24/7. Mine is an A4 with 3.36 LSD and it runs through the gears pretty fast with just casual driving. I Can't wait to see what kind of HP you make through that T56. I've installed a 3500 RPM Yank stall covertor, and was having trouble with it hitting the rev limitor on WOT shifts. So i had it LS1 edited , but i was low on trans fluid and did't know it. Now it shifts at 5200 RPM.I ran it at Ennis the other night and ran a 12.134 113MPH. I'm hoping to get in the 11's when I get it shifting at 6200RPM. Get it finished and but some good rubber out back. See you later! ;)

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Ok I drove it again last night. It peels 1st, 2st, and partial 3rd. I have a check engine light on, what are my options to find out why it is on. I think I can not jump the ALDL like on older cars.


BTW The stock springs and shocks are now a joke.

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Originally posted by cyrus:

Ok I drove it again last night. It peels 1st, 2st, and partial 3rd. I have a check engine light on, what are my options to find out why it is on. I think I can not jump the ALDL like on older cars.

You are correct, you need a scan tool, the ALDL used to be dumpable to the SERVICE ENGINE SOON light but that all ended in 1993, the 94s will not work with a pin shorted either, need a Scan Tool. They are available for the Palm as well for OBD II, but I have OBD I, so I used FreeScan smile.gif
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  • 2 weeks later...

I got my exhaust system put on last night. It cost $$$$ by the time I got all the stuff. But I finial got to drive it some reasonalble distance. I got a trouble code, so I ordered the predator LS1 scanner from diablosport. The car still seems scary with the lousy brakes and suspension, and worn shocks, but it goes FAST.

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If it helps,i run a Mac Tool truck,and i sell all kinds of scan tools.A read code/clear code tool starts around 175 bucks,full function w/live data around 350.I will give anybody here help with any tool problems i can and give a substantial price break whenever possible.let me know if i can help....

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since i am a smog tech at work i can prpbably predict why you have a check engine light on.some on the sensors from original car were not installed and ecm sees an open circuit.example-the fuel tank pressure and purge assembly.or the cat monitor o2s.see what dtcs you have .if its for something on the car for your application fix it.if it is for something you deleted you can get the ecm reprogrammed to ignore the missing parts.the chevy performace catalog shows an offroad limited function ecm for an lsi that might be better for a swap application.

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Once you get into mods, then you'd need it.


However, I do know of at least one programmer who locks the PCMs by creating some invalid HEX data, so that when trying to access the PCM most programs basically freak out (what is this junk? crash).


So, you may want to find out if they do that, its a way for them to keep you from distributing thier work on the net, and whatever other reasons they may have (keep you reliant on them, etc).

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My LS1 was a GM crate motor, and the EMC was an off road type. When I tryed to have it LS1 edited, the program would not work be cause the first thing LS1 edit looks for is a Vin #. I took my EMc to the dealer to have a Vin# flashed onto it, but scanners said wrong peramitters. I had to buy a new EMC and have it flashed with an approperate Vin# fo a 98 auto LS1.Then LS1 edit worked, but could not turn off such thing as in tank pressure sensors, so now I have a SED light all the time.

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John at http://Speartech.com is the man to contact.


I sent my PCM to him and had him to the swappers setup on it - if you look on his page you can see a laundry list of mods he does to the programming. He had it back to me quick fast - I think the whole process from me boxing it up to unboxing it was 5 days.


Then you don't need LS1Edit for anything. Unless you just want to mess around and try and optimize stuff.

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I got the check engine light to remain off. I wish I would have known to leave the following f body stuff in the harness:


Clutch switch

engine fan circuit

lead for the cruise control


If I did I might have no DTC's


I have some but they must not be severe enough to light the check engine light.

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