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Debate number 2 Poll


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Still don't know what it means to "win" a debate.


One thing I know for sure. From the looks of things, Bush would have been more at ease using his chair to drive home his point against Kerry.


If they had let Bush "debate" in his own way, the “debate†would have been over in short order.


Actually both guys seemed extremely well prepared. But in all honesty, after a while I started muting Kerry's responses. Part of it was his being at odds with my political beliefs, but for the most part I found his lack of sincerity extremely exasperating. Like the one guy said, I wish I had a nickel for every time he said "I have a plan".

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I thought Kerry kicked Bush's ass in the debate last night. How's that for weird. I thought they tied in the first one... :shock:


There were a couple of things that I thought made the difference.


The QUESTIONS. The questions seemed slanted against Bush to me. I think Kerry was only really "confronted" by the one abortion question. The rest of them seemed to be geared at how we're going to get out of Iraq, or how were going to stop the increasing deficit, etc.


The LAST REBUTTAL. This time I thought Bush made his case much more clearly, and I really think that when you look at the argument, that he scored a lot of points. The problem is that when Bush had the last word he restated his case. When Kerry had the last word, he called Bush a liar and an idiot, and I thought (along with my wife who doesn't follow politics much) that this tactic was infuriating, but also probably very effective with people who don't follow the issues or just those of us who know better.


The ARGUMENTS. Both guys had a pretty concrete hold on their arguments last night. Bush gave good philosophical reasons for going to war, the short term increase in the debt, etc. Kerry gave specific responses, used the name of people who backed him or who supported his viewpoint, and called into question Bush's leadership. Seems to me that Bush could have named of 80% of the Pentagon to counter this, but didn't...


IMO, Bush had the stronger argument in almost EVERY situation, even on those issues which I don't agree with him. The problem it seemed to me was that he kept allowing himself become Kerry's victim. I don't know you guys feel, but I think all Bush had to say in MOST of his answers was "That is a great plan, Sen Kerry. ON PAPER. In the real world, that plan doesn't work, and here's why:" then he could talk about how the UN sanctions wouldn't have worked because our "allies" in Europe were pulling the wool over our eyes. Or maybe he could have pointed out the anti-semitism in Europe, and how it clouds their judgement towards the middle east. Whatever. I think he called Kerry naive once, and Kerry called him an idiot 23 times.


Bush made most of the arguments he needed to make. He said aren't trying to win a European popularity contest, he alluded to the oil for food scandal, he talked about deregulation of business. He just left himself open for the Kerry uppercut at the end. Same thing in the VP debate, but Cheney was able to hammer Edwards a number of times, because Cheney stopped debating with the issue, and turned instead on his opponent, and used one of his many many weaknesses against him.

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Kerry never answered a single question. It was always: Nice question, but let me tell you how bad Bush has been.


And "I have a plan" was said so many times by Kerry without ever telling us what it was.


The best example of a question not being answered was the first one to Kerry. But did you expect anything else.


I stopped watching half way through.

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Guest Phil1934

I quit at 10. Bush seemed a lot better, not smirking or stuttering or repeating "It's a tough job." many times. He was still blinking like a silent screen starlet, though. A pre debate commentary was this is an indication of dishonesty. He seemed annoyed just saying the campaign mantra of flip flopper didn't work when Kerry is is the same room. He was too eager to rebut, even cutting off the moderator, so I'd give him a C for manners. Kerry was trying too hard to drop names and facts and give everything a Missouri spin. Yet both indicated they would cut the deficit in half in four or five years. The deficit was front page in USA Today last week. It's up to $475,000 per household. If either one can get an additional $238,000 out of me in four years, they deserve the job!

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Well it won't let me vote in the poll for some reason, but I think Bush won due to the fact that his answers made sense and that he spoke with feeling and not just the dull "I have a plan" crap that we keep hearing from Kerry.. If you have a plan Mr. Kerry, then tell us what it is instead of trying to get people to visit your website :)

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Guest Phil1934

At least he got the web site right. When Cheney told people to go to factcheck.com instead or factcheck.org. the owners of the site noticed the huge number of hits, so they linked the site to one of a billionaire Democratic supporter titled "Why we must defeat Bush." :lol:

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In my opinion Bush won this one. The first debate was close.


I too cant stand the fact that Kerry wont stop saying "I have a plan..." If he does have a plan no one knows what it is! I also think he is very naive about just about every thing. He thinks that if he would have asked the UN to help us in Iraq they would have. I dont think it would have mattered at the time and now I dont think they will help if Kerry is elected president because he keeps on saying we went in alone even though we did have help from several nations. Sure it wasnt a full on assault like us but any help in my book is good help and should not be critcized!


Bush 1-0-1

Kerry 0-1-1





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