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Bad day at Black, err, Little Rock


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I always try to avoid working in the garage when I've had little sleep (which happens when I work nights, like today for example) due to stupid ass things I end up doing to myself as a result. Anyway I decided I wanted to mark a car part with some red paint this morning when I got home. So I grabbed a can of red spray paint out of the paint cabinet, and promptly dropped it on the floor, popping the spray head out of the can when it hit the floor. Naturally, the spray head rolled off somewhere that I couldn't find or see. Being it was one of many cans of Krylon spray paint I have, and being the spray head was not broken (but simply popped out of the can), I came across the brilliant idea to pull the head off another Krylon can and insert it into the red Krylon can. Well, the replacement head was not going back into the red can very well, and (yes, I'm being stupid here) I decide to try and force it into the hole, unbeknownst to me the head is pointed straight at my eyeball. You see, at age 48, I must look over my glasses to see up close, so with no glass between my eyeball and this hermaphrodite spray head, and only 6" between the two, I'm suddenly blasted in the eye with red paint. Well, all this is happening in a cramped space between the 8' high hydraulic press and the paint cabinet, and I instinctively jump backward and put a knot on my head that Tarzan couldn't swing over when my head hits the frame of the press. At this time, expletives that my dog, my wife, and the neighbors never heard off come reeling off my tongue as I'm stumbling around all the equipment in my garage, knocking over anything that's not bolted down, wondering if I'm ever going to see again. About this time (after hearing all the commotion on the other side of the garage door) my spouse comes running into the garage, stops momentarily wondering what is going on, and then goes absolutely ape-shit when she sees red all over my left eye (and yes, I've got some blood on my hand as a result of busting my head on the press). Many (very many) moments later, I was able to finally calm her down, even in the midst of a burning eye, and aching head, at which point she decided it was time to give me a chewing out I've not had in a while, all the while reminding me why I should be in bed instead of screwing around in the garage, scaring her to death. "Dang woman, I'm half dead here and you're worried about yourself?" Anyway, I cleaned myself up (the eye is fine, but the frame of my glasses will forever bear the scars of this incident) and went to bed.

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Oh... dearie me, I got a good laugh out of that one.... :D It seems that every so often we set off a cascade of events, usually painful or harmful, that are pretty funny after the fact. To others anyway.... hope you are ok, dude, dont maim yourself before you get a chance to put some miles on that beautiful car, anyway.

I once took a bad step while using a chainsaw on a brushpile, and the blade ended up ripping a bunch of bluejean material off the inner thigh of my jeans. I managed to get away from the deadly (and now inert) tool, and ended up on my arse in a nasty red ant pile. The guys already laughing at my foolish and dangerous antics went into histerics. I had to completely write off my jeans and my dignity. The ant stings eventually healed.

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Well that is one for the record books. Glad you are Ok. I hope you didnt get any Red Krylon on that blue body work.


I always inevitably mess things up when I get impatient and try to rush. Not that you were rushing. that is just one of my faults.


good Luck.


PS Have you ever had your car at the new Barber Motorsports Park in Alabama? since you are in Little Rock.

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Working on a car tired is just plain dumb, voice of experience talking, you tend to forget 'important things'. Like the following.


A few years ago (1999) I was working on my 1991 Taurus SHO replacing the clutch. I had been working at it for a day and a half and decided that I was GOING to finish by the end of the day. So it's about 2am and I'm pretty tired and I get the clutch in place and let the jack down. Oops, forgot something... Transmission bolt :roll: so the trans falls on my chest and I'm just laying there stuck. Theres about 3 inches of top clearance so I cant move the trans, and noone else is home, so I got to spend the night under the car, laying in oil and coolant (changed both earlier) with a 300lb transmission on my chest on a cement floor :frown: What's even better is the next day when my dad finally showed up at about 11:00 and found me, he immediately got the camera BEFORE helping me :roll: Those photoes still haunt me today. But it was a valuable lesson. Dont work with potentially lethal (not to mention expensive) equipment when tired.

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Terry, I'm glad you are okay. And, your wife was not being selfish. She wants you safe. That response shows some serious love.


Also, I am terribly sorry. I just started another post before I read this. :oops: Terry, ouch man. By the way how do you get Krylon out of your eye? At least I didn't get hurt with my mishap today. In my defense, I have been getting very little sleep lately. And, I can't believe it, but I didn't swear when the car went flying off the lift. There was no time to swear. After I got it shut down, the only thing that came out of my mouth was, "A thousand bucks." My friend, who witnessed the whole fiasco, asked what it meant. I didn't even know I said it out loud, but I was thinking that the VR front clip costs "a thousand bucks" and I was sure it was toast.


Here's the rest of the story.



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Dont work with potentially lethal (not to mention expensive) equipment when tired.


Exactly, and even though I can laugh at the story after-the-fact, I must concede that working on a car, or with power tools, is foolish if clarity of mind is lacking.


PS Have you ever had your car at the new Barber Motorsports Park in Alabama?


Nope, but I'd like to visit some tracks I've never been to in the next couple of years.

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I had one of those moments, but with carb cleaner.

I was alone in my old shop, it was late and I thought I was not going to see again.

I got both eyes full and could not see for 45 mins after and was two days before I started to see normally again.

I could not get my eyes open to flush with water (once I found the bathroom :D )

Scary, I always think twice with chemicals these days.

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I thought you were going to say you sprayed your Z with the red spray paint! :shock:


Im glad your pretty much ok! :wink: We've all been there and done something like this, I just cant think of one I've done but Im sure theres one there Im forgetting! :oops:




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