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history channel gripe forum


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They actually did post on some Z sites asking for suggestions. Most of the responses they got were of no help, just the usual, "we need more details", or the slight razzing. I sent the person in charge a detailed email with my pros and cons of three different ways I would have gone about it and at the same time suggested to him that if he was going to post on Z specific sites he better have more detailed questions or he would be flamed to no end. The later ensued to a degree.


It seems they spent more time on the history (a good thing) than the 2 Z's themselves. I also believe that they went with the 4-barrel carb, cam and MSD setup to keep the muscle car/hot rod guys interested. I don't think that the producers of the show cared what a few Z nuts were going to think as long as it appealed to the masses.


I thought the most exiciting part of the show was when the one guy needed a 10mm socket and I was hoping a fight would break out.


I guess the other sad part is I saw more posts alerting me that Ron's car was going to be on the show then it was actully in the show.


I'm still going to buy the tape and ad it to my collection of Z things to keep in a box to look back on when I'm 90.

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When I first saw this thread I thought people needed to not judge so much. Then I saw the show. What a bunch o crap!!!


Ron your car looked nice, I was glad to see Joe Demers in there too, as well as Les and the rest of the guys.


My first Z, a stock automatic 72 that I bought when I was 17 did 0-60 in ~8.5. Those guys made those cars SUCK. 0-60 in 13.x... sheesh. And those twins are just lame.


Maybe we should resurrect the "4 barrel manifold sucks" thread... :roll::twisted:

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They should have posted here. Where did they go? zcar.com?? :P


I am glad they had the interviews and history bits on there, even though there were a few things wrong. I like Carl Beck's post on the IZZC "They showed that adding a big cam and headers makes a stock 240 slower!"

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that's not necessarily bad - maybe now we won't have as much of an influx of tards to the forums


There ya go. Now look at it this way. Some honduh boy sees one of our Z's out there running around and thinks haha I can take em. SUPRISE!!!


Perhaps the tards will stop coming over here, asking the same silly quetions, wanting to build a champane Z on a beer budget, it just ain't gonna happen.



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a word about the fight that almost was.



When Fez Or heffer or whatever that dudes name was tried to use one of the twins tools and the twin freaked out, how lame was that?? you would think if you agreed to let someone use your shop to "hp up" a car you would have agreed to let them use your tools as well right? what a bunch o crap.14 HOURS?? how long would it take 2 z car guys to do all that crap? i guarantee less than 14 hours. The whole building the car end of the show was lame, and the history stuff saved the show.

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I agree those twins are annoying as hell the show was so just bland all the way around cept for the history and that one white and red Z :twisted: Were going to install a Cam..... (was waiting for the specs)


was just hopeing that they were gonna throw in something trick.


And new from nismo !


But no they got "custom" exaust. any who loved the history couldent stand the defaceing of a perfectly good Z.

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Just finished my AW (it was late, but...) and it appears the weekly AW program on Speedvision can't compete with shows like this type of "reality TV for gear-heads," and will thus have its last episode at the end of the year. I never got into AW on TV, but it was at least as good as this program was.

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Guest Z-rific

Just caught the rerun of the show. A few comments I haven't seen yet.


1) Those guys mauled that exhaust (yellow car). Headers and new exhaust don't help much if they're poorly connected, crushed, and bent like a pretzel.


2) Both cars had their hoods not fully closed. I'm guessing either a) the new 4bbl carbs with taller air cleaners didn't allow the hood to close right or B) they felt like they were improving air flow under the hood?!!?


I also caught the 66 Mustang version, and honestly it wasn't any better. 2 days of work plus nitrous and 14.6 was the best they could do?


If the guys on Monster Garage get tens of thousands of Freebies, can't these guys do more than about $1000 in parts?

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