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Nissan Factory Support / Involvement


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Has anyone thought about or attempted to get Nissan involved in this website? It could benefit both parties if done properly.

A good example would be resolving the "dispute" about the physical size of the 300ZXTT R230 vs the Q45 R230. We could perhaps even obtain information on the design limits, torque & hp, of the stock halfshafts & universals? They, in turn, would see where the "fringe enthusiasts" are going with their product and might benefit in certain styling or design decisions for future products.

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Here's a thought - I'm sure there are several folks on here that are members of Z Car clubs in their local areas - right? If each of us would approach our local Nissan dealerships through either the sales or parts departments - especially if you have a dealership that sponsors your club - then the National Nissan Organization could end up getting feeler inquiries from local dealerships all over the country. I'm going to start with mine in the next week.

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I was contacted by Nissan at the ZCCA show at Nissan HQ this summer and have worked with the marketing department on a few projects.


The next "project" is the GT LIVE show at California Speedway December 17th and 18th with a magazine spread in Sports Car International.


I guess my point is Nissan will look at every project that they get involved in and see what they will get out of it. They look for Print advertising and TV exposure. They will work with you every way they can, but I would not look for a paycheck from Nissan.


Most of Nissan has "shifted" away from vintage racing...They focus on supporting teams that have a track record and experience, racing their new products that will positively effect saes. This is a difficult field to break into...

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My suggestion comes from the way the manufacturers of sport compacts have started providing options for those vehicles to compete with the aftermarket. An example would be D-C with their Stage 3 kit for the SRT-4 which is a factory kit that takes the car to 355 hp & 365 ft-lbs. of torque.

HybridZ'ers tend to do things that take the cars to the extreme whether it be with a super boosted 280ZXT motor or an American V8. Anyway you look at it that requires a certain amount of engineering and the factory could benefit from just the ideas people are working on.

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I'm sure Nissan has no problem at all (dripping with sarcasm) with us yanking the motors out of their cars and replacing them with mills from GM, Ford, ect...


My buddy is the head of Marketing for Nissan and they have no desire to do anything with a Z that has a non-Nissan motor. I was looking to get some exposure for Nismo and they said they wouldn't even hook me up with a diff if it's attached to a Chevy V8. Of course, they said "If you'd like a Nissan V8 to put in there........", but it's virtually impossible and cost prohibitive to get a Nissan V8 to get 400 RWHP on pump gas like you can with a SBC V8. Don't think a $10k Nissan motor would be nearly as streetable, either. Anyway, just the feedback I got from my "insider" connection. I guess we'll have to live with the "bastard children" rep from the factory, but at least everyone else thinks they are cool. :D

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but it's virtually impossible and cost prohibitive to get a Nissan V8 to get 400 RWHP on pump gas like you can with a SBC V8. Don't think a $10k Nissan motor would be nearly as streetable, either.


i disagree, that new 5.6 Titan VH56DE is one badass motor that will meet and beat those goals, just nobody has tried it yet.

plus best part is it fits in the S30's engine bay..

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I'm sure Nissan has no problem at all (dripping with sarcasm) with us yanking the motors out of their cars and replacing them with mills from GM, Ford, ect...



At the International Z Car show in New Hampshire last year, a "exec" from Nissan was examining my car. He would look at the V8 and then at the "350Z" badging on the fender, look at the V8 , look at the badging. He finally asked me if it was my car, to which I replied "Yes". He then sarcasticly said, " That's a pretty liberal interpretation of a 350Z". I looked him right in the eye and very politely said " What would you like me to call it? Let's see.... I have 350 Cubic Inches, I have 350 Horsepower...... I think I have a REAL 350 Z. If you ask me , I think YOUR interpretation of a 350 Z is pretty liberal". He then turned on his heels and stomped away! hehe


BTW, I missed Nissan's Gold Cup award by 3 points...scored 287 out of 300, just missing the 290 cutoff. No way were they giving it to a Hybrid! AL

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Baracu and Dan, you guys are based in the real world... Lets face it guys, these are 30+ year old cars that are getting more and more rare, and less and less desirable... Gets harder and harder to stay motivated on a project where there is ZERO support from the "Home" team...


Mike, You might have some success with that Titan motor... WOuld be an interesting transplant and a cool project... Still would be a HybridZ in my eyes. :lol:


Phantom, Don't mean to poo poo it and BY all means, Give it a try... I wish you every success... Forgive me if I don't hold my breath, But I'll buy a round of drinks if you hit pay dirt! :D


Mike 8)

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Mike' date=' You might have some success with that Titan motor... WOuld be an interesting transplant and a cool project... Still would be a HybridZ in my eyes. :lol:


Mike 8)[/quote']


Mike what are ya doing to me!!!! you just posted that thread on projects and time and money.... dont get me started cuz as of now i cant finish 2 Z's lol..



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