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Shift "Gate" Plate Anyone Out There Made One?


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Guest grimlynsan
Well' date=' what are you gonna do about keeping the fumes out?


For not seeing past it, what about something like the fuzzy window trim?




I have a rubber boot that is air tight (i even used windshield silicone on it to makie sure) under the console below where the gate will be affixed...


That felty stuff is a good idea. thanks...


Anyone else have any epiphanies?

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I had always envisioned some sort of black material (naugahyde?) affixed on the bottom-side of the plate, and in the center of the shift 'channels' just make a slit. As the lever moves through the pattern, the slit opens in front and closes immediately behind. With the right kind of material it won't interfere with tight tolerances in the plate. You will still HAVE to have the lower rubber shift boot in place to keep noise and fumes out of the cabin. The gated 'plate' would need to be suspended up, at console-hole level. The always seem to be mounted 'above' the tunnel with some form of 'spacer', for that very reason I'm sure, in the high dollar supercars.

I am a long way from that phase of my build; but, I have not given up on the idea.

There is a British television show called "Fifth Gear" that I watch. They frequently drive some very exotic cars on the show, and invariably they will have that elusive shift gate. It is like standard fare for million dollar supercars (not that I am trying to pander my car as a supercar, I have just always been drawn to that interior trim detail).

Keep the ideas flowing! I thought that this topic that I had started was dead...glad to see that others are pursuing it.


As an afterthought...for 'bushings' what about those nylon cutting boards that are used in the kitchen. Very inexpensive. Similar to a Delrin type of material. And easily shaped to whatever sizes needed. Just cut blocks and shape down.

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I tried to do this with my 5spd 280z, the pattern was too sloppy and it ended up being a big rectangular hole, then I got my short shfit kit, and there wasn't even a point in makn' a gate as the shift was sooo short. Withn' a 2" dia circle.

Good luck, post pics if you get it to work.


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For sealing out the fumes and such why dont you take the stock shifter boot and turn it upside down? afterall that's what it was designed for. I havn't a clue if this will work, just trying to help. If it was me I would use some thin rubber sheet glued to the underside of the gate and slit open like 240Z2NV was talking about to give it a finished look, give the plate a brushed aluminum look and ...supercar here we come! I'd really like to see one of these in action on a Z, might give me further motivation to work on my car.

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Let me preface this by saying that my uncle John (Now dead) owned K&K Auto in the town I live in. John used to work exclusively on European cars, and for a couple of summers I got to work at his shop. I got to drive a number of exotics...


Every single gated shift plate car was a royal pain in the arse to shift. I hated them. Now this was in the early 1980s, but I can think of several times that I personally had issues with false shifts where the gate would interfere, and it was a constant joke around the shop about how that plate alone would hinder racing successfully in those... Low and behold, one of our customers had several race cars from Ferrari and he enlightened us that they would remove the gate plate off the shifter. :lmao:


Function has to meet form guys... Good Luck!

Mike :cool:

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Guest 260ondubs

Whenever i've seen a shift gate plate it has (of course) pretty much only been fitted to an exotic.

When I see one it makes me go 'oooo' and 'expensive' and more to the point; I think it also adds a bit of mystery in the car. I always pretend to shift it with an invisible hand and wonder what it would be like.

I can imagine them being royally crap to use in haste, but they do add a nice touch of mystique to the cars that I can't afford.

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