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Today is 'Homeless Day'


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My initial reaction to this story was not sorrow, pity, despair...etc.


It seems, to me, like this is less an 'opportunity' to honor the homeless and more an avenue for the 'do-gooders' to be praised. DO NOT GET ME WRONG. There is nothing wrong with giving of yourself to help others who, perhaps, may be less fortunate. I, personally, have a problem with those who are selfish in thier selflessnes.

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Well here is the liberal in me coming out...


This country is full of opportunity and prosperity for some... But not everyone is lucky enough to get the break, or have that one shot to prove that they have what it takes to make a living, and get that job, just a shot...


I've known a couple of people who simply were kicked and kicked and had one bad break after another until they were literaly on the street. It can happen, and it does... Sure there are the stereotypes who work the system, have no desire to leave the streets, and are content at being homeless... But lets make no mistake, There are LOTS of unfortunate and unhappy folks who are homeless and looking for that break.


Unless you've been on that slide towards the streets (And I have come close ONCE!), you can't comprehend how quickly it happens and everything goes south...

All I'm saying is, if you haven't walked in those shoes...


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Heard a song on the radio the other day. The guy was kind of half rapping about some homeless man he ran into. When he looked at the guy he immediately thought "Get a job". But then he noticed the homeless man had his underwear on outside his pants. The whole rest of the song he went on about how he was pretty sure even McDonalds had a "no underwear on the outside of your pants" dress code. How can this guy work there with his underwear on the outside of his pants?


Just don't ever give them money directly. If you really want to help them donate to a homeless mission or center for abused women. Admittedly these guys aren't trying too hard, but most of them have other problems.

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BIngo Pop...


I worked in south east DC at the Navy Yard for YEARS and had panhandlers come up to me all the time and hussle me for money... Anyone who has met me face to face knows that ain't gonna happen, to the point that I'll become the aggressor and rock them back on their heels... There's a difference in being down and out and panhandling... BIG difference...


Lots of missions that could use $100 donation, as well as many many shelters across the country... THOSE are legitimate and THOSE need help!


Merry Xmas, and do what you can to help a family, man, woman or especially a child in need...


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... Anyone who has met me face to face knows that ain't gonna happen...


I don't give them money, either. They hang out at all the freeway off-ramps here in So-Cal. In the Air Force we used to go to the shelters and make food, donate clothes, build shelters...etc. I liked doing that sort of thing.


My current employer 'adopts' families and helps in that way.

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little over 2 years ago ... my ex got $113k in divorce settlement ...


14 months of partying ... she got evicted for not paying her rent ... she didn't buy a vette, no jewlery, she did, however buy a sears lawn mower ...


my son asked me stop by her old house ( he's 15, i've had custody since he was 6 ... long drawn out divorce ), he wanted the lawn mower, make a little money mowing the neighbor's lawns ...


she and her boyfriend are homeless and living in her car ... have been for about a year ...


when ever i see homeless people, i wonder what got em there ...


as i say, ex doesn't have anything to show for $113,000 ...


well, except for what my son and i refer to as the 100,000 dollar loan mower



funny how when you get dragged into a mess ... even after the nasty divorce and how she blew through the money .. i still helped her out, food, money, car parts ...


she's my son's mother ... the way i treat her, reflects on the way he meets life ...


yet, she makes little or no efforts to change her lifestyle ... apparently she can find a way to party, but can't find her way to get a job ...



when ever i am accosted by a homeless person begging for money ... i have to wonder ... by choice or by circumstances ???

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I've met many so-called homeless people, in dept. store parking lots and such. But the thing that makes me wonder is why are they there? I mean what choices did they make to be there? You see, I don't believe that one's circumstance dictates the way one lives. Sure I agree that one person can be of a more privileged 'up-bringing' than some others, but still, when you break it down, it's what YOU decide to do with YOUR life that matters! I grew up in a poor family, my mother worked three jobs to pay the bills and the bar tabs my father racked-up! I myself raised my brother and myself, yet by GOD's GRACE, I am not like my earthly father. I belong to a NEW family, a family that loves me and accepts me as I am.

I am not responsible for the actions of others, yet GOD requires that I show kindness to all. To the hungry I will gladly provide food, but to the panhandler I say GET A REAL JOB!!! If they won't take food, it's because they don't want it. Most panhandlers make more money per hour on a street corner then a medium wage job, plus collect SSI for 'disability' (usually frying their own brains) plus free government provided medical. They probably make more than me--tax-free--and my taxes pay for their SSI and medical. I've already given them enough of a handout, thank you. And if they have the ability to stand on the same street corner, day after day, they could hold a job--they just don't want to. My wife has spoken at length to several 'regulars' and they are content with the status quo and not having the responsibility of a regular job and all that goes with it--and our state government enables them.

I guess, bottom line, help those who can't help themselves, and don't enable the rest, but encourage all to be productive citizens, parents and individuals.



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