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Scam...what do you guys think?

Guest goldraven

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Guest goldraven

Alright, so I have my hybridZ on the classifieds here. I get an e-mail a couple of days ago regarding the buying of my car. Here is what has been said, I'm a little on the worried side about identity theft, so i'd like to hear what you guys think.




Hello i am interersted in buying your car from you i will need the general condition of the car, price and pics of the car also get back to me if th car is still available for sale.





From: "nick lenk"


Subject: Re: urgent

Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 09:32:52 -0800 (PST)





here is a link to the classified section of HybridZ.org. It is a forum that I used throughout my swap, many very inteligable people on this forum regarding the swap. I have a few pictures posted there. All of your first questions can be answered there. If you have any more specific questions please feel free to ask.


Hope to hear from you,





Hello thanks for the mail well i have seen the pics of the car i will like you to mail me the last price of the car and if you will accept a cashier check or money order for the mode of payment if yes pls get back to me so that we can continue from here.;






From: "nick lenk"


Subject: Re: urgent

Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2005 09:48:13 -0800 (PST)



Yes, I will accept a cashier check or money order. I'm looking to get $5000 for it. I look foreward to hearing from you.









YOUR NME IN FULL...........................






ZIP CODE...................................














From: "nick lenk"



Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 08:59:57 -0800 (PST)


Where do you live? Once I get the money are you going to come pick it up locally? If so, why dont you just drop off the check? If you live out of state what would you like me to do with the car? Update me on your plan first before I send you all this information.




Hello thanks for the mail i will like you to know that i am in holland i will like to buy the car from you , as for the shipmet of the car i have already aarranged or the picking up of the car by the shipper that will come over to your location there.


The car is for me to present to my father who has been disturbing me since all this while i want to use the car to as a gift to my father at is birth day so i will like you to get back to me with the information below that i asked from you.










OK, that is all I have of the conversation so far. What kind of feel do you guys have of this? I'm leaning towards not giving this person all my information....but then again I am rediculous. One key factor that has been making me nervous is the fact that she knew my e-mail, but she didn't know about my HybridZ add. This is the only place that I've put up my add and e-mail address for the car on the internet. So....I dont know. Thanks for the help once again.



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Sell him the car... Hold the car & title until the funds have cleared... that simple. If the funds don't clear, then you know the deal was a fraud case, and you can turn it over to the authorities, and keep your car! Explain to him in advance that the car will be released once the funds clear, due to all the fraud that goes on around the world these days... A reasonable buyer will have no issue waiting... And he'll have more than two weeks tied up getting that car through US Customs anyway. So an additional two weeks shouldn't concern an out of country buyer.



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Guest Phil1934

99.9% of foreign car buyers are frauds. If you agree he will probably tell you the shipper has a cashiers check for an extra $3000 as he has to pay the shipping line and would like you to give him a check for the diff. The bank will say the cashiers check is good for a month or so, then will say further checking showed it to be a fraud. You are better off to just specify no foreign buyers.

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Mike's advice is good, but my bet is it will never get that far. The person will undoubtably ask to send a check larger than the purchase price and ask you to send the excess back. Whatever you do don't go along with that old scam.


Sending your address and phone number is no risk, but I would just tell them no foreign buyers and be done with them.

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If you give the bank a fraudulent casheers check you can be held liable and even face fines and jail time. I read an article about a woman that got scamed tring to sell her car. She took the check to the bank, they gave her the money, she handed over the car then a couple of weeks later the feds came after her! She never went to jail or paid a fine but all the money had to be paid back and she lost her car and had to pay a lawyer a lot of money. After reading that I stay away from money orders and cashers checks. I would go cash, paypal or bank transfer.

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Guest goldraven



ahhh yes, I do remember the coprophilia. Pure genius.


As for an update, I reneged on the cashier check/money order, sounds like from you guys that they arent as safe as i previously thought. I offered paypal as a way to transfer the money, I also threw in some wonderful tidbits about Holland.



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There is a lot of misconception and mis-information about what you are and aren't liable for when receiving a bogus form of payment. Being that my wife is THE FRAUD Investigation interface between her employer (Naval Surface Warfare Center Federal Credit Union) and the federal gov't, I'll defer to her for the "Right" answer and post it later... Bottom line is telling the guy to piss off is certainly one of the "better" options, as killing time with some tool who is trying to swindle you out of car and cash is certainly on the list of things I don't like doing... somewhere close to self mutilation and standing nickles on end!


However, if you receive funds in good faith, and deposit them unknowingly, you are not acting with criminal intent and won't go to jail... you WOULD have to give the money back though...


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I spent some time with fellows who mastered the Cashier's Check scam. Sometimes the bank does not even know it is a bogus check. Get the money in your hot hands first if in doubt. The FEDS are in the process of doing some publicity prosecutions for indenity theft according to the latest Justice Department Bulletins but expect a big show with little results because these guys who really do these scams are seldom caught and prosecuted. These guys are organized and have special phones set up to verify cashier's checks or any thing else.. The "tweeker" drug addict may go to extremes rifling mail and garbage cans but the proffessional buys sheets of personal information to steal idenities and usually your idenity is stolen and your credit resouces are gone before you know realize the loss (and the scam artist has got off a plane and sitting in the third row of some concert or championship prize fight living large he did not pay for either. "Don't Pay em " .....Play em!!!!!! I was not rehabilited but spent two years at a taxpayer sponsored Federal Crime School. The FEDS have a 67% recidivism rate of returns and a 98% conviction rate without jury trial and (the big fish get off the hook)

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If you ever looked into buying a megasquirt AVR board you find that the guy who makes them is in Yugoslavia or something like that. He demands cash only for the boards, put the cash between magazine pages in an envelope. Seems to work well.


So tell them to send you cash (US dollars), yeah like they would take that kind of risk.

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Sounds like they knew english well till the last one. Then their spelling, grammer and words went to heck.


Give them a p.o. box, it only costs a few bucks to set one up, then they won't be by with a shipper to pick up the car without your cash sitting in the bank. Tell them you can accept a wire transfer, set up an account with a local bank that will accept transferrs from out of country, then get the info for sending the money and give that to them. That's instant and impossible to fake.

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Guest Phil1934

Bad info. If you give out a routing number, they can draw all the funds out of an account. Amazingly, banks have no checks on wire transfers in or out. If it's a near empty account, they won't get much, but you may still take an overdraft attempt hit.

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Guest Ptrust

becareful. I was hit with a scam like this but I didnt bite, except I was selling a catermaran(sp). They wont you to take the cashiers check and cash it and then wire the money to someone to pick it up and the cashiers check is a fake. them you are responsible for repaying your bank the entire amount of the money back. And they walk away with the money for shipment that you sireed to them.


Please be careful



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