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This is not a subject i often see on this non-tech board... SO if nobody wishes to discuss it then i fully understand.


Ive just been pondering alot of the crises that this country has found itself in. The problem i see is this:

The country is being driven to warfare by an agenda that lives in the government, yet not among the people.


The approval of war against terrorism came after an "unprovoked :rolleyes: " attack against the U.S. right? If you study the history behind the events, you see that our country can easily be blamed for many of the things that has happened to it. Point: Our country involves itself in the affairs of other nations and groups in a way that is reminiscent of a badly organized police squad. Our "undercover police" takes actions that are not endorsed by the people. Actions that directly affect the way other nations and groups see the American nation. Although the general public in the U.S views our country as the "good guy", internationally we are seen as a meddling nuisance that should keep it's nose where it belongs.


We all know the reason that Bush wants war with Saddam, oil, and a vendetta that began with Bush Sr. I personally dont believe that the United States should go to war with anyone at this point, unless we plan on fighting until every single organization that has any negative feelings towards the country. You can ruthlessly destroy one agressor but there will always be another waiting to take his place. We are not a popular country. And although our military may be strong, the battle losses arent going to be in the military, they will be right here among the general population. Innocent people that in no way have a say in how the military is used.


We dont have a democracy, we have a republic, and the people that control the government are power hungry. What we need is a more direct democracy, and the full story, with no hues of American ideaology.

Propaganda keeps many of our country's actions under wraps even after there is retaliation. And then we feel justified to attack, even though very few people know why we are under attack.


This is getting long, and if i expect anyone to read it and put thier thoughts and information down, then i should end it now.


But one last thing, i think there should be an amendment to the constitution that states:

"No son/daughter of a former president is to be allowed into office, personal agendas from previous administrations shall linger and adversely affect the decisions of the new administration."


I welcome constructive criticism, especially if i am wrong. All i want is truth, because it is very difficult to find.


Have a nice day,


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Guest Anonymous

Joe, I do not want to offend you and your views but I get on this Forum solely for Datsuns and not politics. This is my escape from the crap I have to put up with in life. Like Terry said or to para phrase him in my words. Politics will just get everyone mad at eash other. I just want to share info and expand my education on Datsuns

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that's understandable...


I just thought that since we seem to have a community of people here that are more intelligent than the "average Joe", it would be interesting to see some of your views on this subject.


Though i was hoping to get a discussion going that would follow the general trend of acceptance of other's views that i have seen on this board.


But if this isnt the right place, then I suppose i can take my quandary elsewhere.


It is probably best for Hybridz to stay on the subject of hybrids...?


Have a nice day,


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If you do kill murphy I would try to do it in front of a police station then maybe his law would allow you not to be seen. That was the best I could come up with to try to get around his laws. Subtract from a negative and it equals a positive (in the old math anyway).

I thought about your post and all I'll say out of respect for others is I agree about no president should be directly related to a past president.



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Guest Anonymous

I think this is one of those subjects , like religion, that should be left for another day. I'm sure this was what Pete Paraska had in mind when he created the mission statement, to prevent us from starting something that might create a big fiasco.

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Joe: I just happen to agree with you. But this subject is probably best left for other forums. Zcar.com had lots of this type of subject matter, the bandwidth got too great and they limited the forum to "Car Talk". Feel free to email me if you find an acceptable forum for this.

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I also believe that discussions of politics and religion should be left off this board. They are two topics that most people have very passionate feelings/beliefs on. Open mindedness concerning ideas of mechanics and styleing is a complete different ball game. When someones core beliefs about religion or politics is challenged, they have a tendency to get defensive. When defending ones point of view we have a tendency to attack others. As Terry said, I would not want to alienate someone because of a point of view that is mute in an auto related forum. I suspect that many people here feel the way I do on this. ;)

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you all have very good points...

If anyone is interested in discussing the subject, feel free to e-mail me or....I may bring up the topic in another non-z forum and post a link? maybe i will do that later tonight....


Although even in another forum, it is still this group that would be disscussing politics, just on another board... doesnt really make sense. oh well....


have a nice day,


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Well, I guess we have no choice here but to start a new political party. 2004 is right around the corner, so mobilize, people!


Our platform is solid, and our combined road campaign should allow us to hit most population centers. As word spreads across the land, the legend of the Hybrid Z becomes a household center of discussion. In both brute power and white-knuckle agility, full-blown testimonials will overtake this country from high school rag to CNN, Jeraldo, and Telemundo, in-cockpit-cams will convert thousands as we shift gears from sea to sea.


I'm thinking we get Lord Humongous from 'the Road Warrior' as our president (remember the big guy with the hockey mask?), He seemed like a real intellectual who also has a good presence, and of course understands the need for fast-track Hybrid Z legeslation.


You know we could... cheers.gif


Heavy Z

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