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MSA Show coming up (April 24) who's going?


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Guest bastaad525



Tim240z - man help me out here to get a job working where you work so I can finally have weekends off and be able to attend a damn MSA show for once!!!! Seriously... I'm gonna miss another MSA show... in 7 years of Z ownership I've never gone once :( really sucks.


For that matter, I keep missing Tim's barbeque's as well.


what've I done wrong in life that I can never get weekends off :(

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Tim240z - man help me out here to get a job working where you work so I can finally have weekends off and be able to attend a damn MSA show for once!!!! Seriously... I'm gonna miss another MSA show... in 7 years of Z ownership I've never gone once :( really sucks.


For that matter' date=' I keep missing Tim's barbeque's as well.


what've I done wrong in life that I can never get weekends off :([/quote']


There is a such thing as calling in sick!!!

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Anyone know if there is a baseball game scheduled this Friday in Anaheim?

Last year traffic was an absolute BITCH!!! because of the game.


Well...it is horendous anyways, but it was unbearable!!


I'm game for some T&A on Friday night....isn't it Owen's birthday?

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:( man' date=' quite a few Zs going that I'd love to see. It'll have to wait until next year for me though


Someone do me a favor and take lots and lots of pics.[/quote']


Ah, come on Alex. Hitch a ride, bring your sleeping bag and stay at Tim's place.

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Anyone know if there is a baseball game scheduled this Friday in Anaheim?


Yup, Angles are playing the As at 7:05pm. I'll be at the game.


I'll also be at the autocross at California Speedway on Saturday and walking aorund at the MSA show Sunday. I'll be wearing my official BetaMotorsports T-shirt and carrying a Nissan Motorsports race oil pan. I'd wear the pan as a hat but its pretty heavy and the oil would ruin my doo.

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Thats right Tim..."HAPPY BIRTHDAY OWEN"...lmao


Stage dancing and ballons are optional this year Owen. All of the Hybriders that joined in last years festivities had a ball. It would be a shame to break with tradition. Besides Owen, the girls just loved you.


Whatever you two decide on, just let me know. Like a fool, I took this week off to work on the crate. So, Fridays open for me...pending rain that day!


On a more serious note...Weekend weather forcast called for rain & thunderstorms...tonight changed to partly sunny with a chance of rain in the afternoon/evening. Being SoCal and all, dont be suprised if its clear, sunny and in the 80's by then. At least that is what I am hoping for.



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Guest bastaad525

heh... with the job I work at... calling out sick is not really an option. I mean... unless I am friggin dying in the hospital, I can't really get out of work. The problem is twofold, 1) there are only three people at my job who do what I do, and we are spread pretty evenly between all the available shifts for the whole week (it's a 24/7 operation, always someone here), and 2) since it's not a hard job and I work here by myself, and really is almost akin to sitting at home since I dont have much to do during the dead of night, my boss really doesn't understand why being sick would preclude me from working, and indeed he's right. I've come in to work with 103 degree fever... hey if I can sit at home and do nothing and be sick or sit at work and do nothing and be sick and get paid, which is better :D


I could tell him I have some family emergency or something but believe in Karma strongly enough to believe that lieng about something like that is just ASKING for it to really happen... take the day off for MSA and next thing my wife ends up in the hospital... paranoid and superstitios maybe but why take the chance :)

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Tim, be glad he didn't say "alex, bring your sleeping bag, tazer, and KY jelly with you and stay at Tim's"


With a Tazer you need the new, electrically conductive KY Jelly. I'm surprised Alex didn't already know that... :-D

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Unfortunately I'll be working till a million oclock friday night, so that elliminates the possibility of me getting together w/ anyone friday (22nd) before the show. Missing out on a Hooters run really hurts.

So we check in our cars around 6:00am sunday -then what? We're not obligated to sit next to our cars all day are we? I'm hoping that I can walk around and meet up w/ you guys while my car sits there ...after all, my car isn't a mystery to me, what you guys bring is why I'm really there.


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