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heres the short bus..

Guest ON3GO

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Guest ON3GO



drove the car all over the place today.. i love it! best buy i ever made.

so comfy, has a/c, great on gas, has a/c, has a/c, oh and has a/c!


wheels and coilovers and sound system is next and then thats it for my daily driver.

what a ugly car!



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Guest Chris240turbo

Jeez Mike, what can I say? congrats on buying the goofiest car since the pontiac aztek, next time you come over, please park down the street a ways, I have a reputation to protect!!!


here's a few digs, let me be the first!!!


if that guy in the lifted F-250 (third pic) is compensating for something, WTF are YOU compensating for!


another fine move by the monkey! I hope the joke doesn't wear off before the payments do...


didn't your old ford ranger have good A/C?


didn't your 280 also have A/C, at least before you took it out for a <20# weight savings?


That's a SWEET car, or would be, if you were an 18 y/o asian chick.


are you gonna get a sweet rainbow sticker for the back window?


a '78 econoline van can haul more stuff, and has more seats, and no payments, and prolly better acceleration! but hey, at least you can haul around all the friends you'll make, you know, driving such a sweet car and all...


man, thats a mistake you'll pay for.................... every month!!!


playing with cars made of legos was cool when I was 8...


at least scion hit their target demographic, homosexual, young urban males! scion's marketing department rules!


if you were #893 out of 2500 to get stuck with such a gay car, would you take a pictue of the plaque???


"series 2.0", is that 2.0 liters, or horsepower?


"take her to the zoo Rock, I hear retards LOVE the zoo!"


all your posts will now begin "so this bitch in the new beetle rev'd on me"


Your car's so ugly, I bet you have to sneak up on the hose just to get a little air in your tires (John Milner to Bob Falfa, American Graffiti)


heh, those are just the ones I could think of right now, wait 'til I get rolling! or clue Hickl in on this thread!


Chris (S30 Boss, of making fun of Mikes new car!!!!)


you didn't really think you could get off easily driving that, did you?

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Good God Mike, Just when you think you know a guy he goes and does something like this. I just sat in my office and drank 7 beers just to try and fiind a mindset in which that thing would look cool and I just can't do it!


I know you'll want to get this thing in the 10's or 11's like your other cars, how will you do it? I know you can't talk Chris into turbo charging that thing for you. I know he totally hooked you up on Blue, but if he touches this one, I'll slap him.


I vote that ON3GO be formally banned from Hybrid Z for posting such vulgar and offensive pictures.


Peace :)


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I like the Xb's, 34mpg some cargo room and +it's a Toyota. I'm comtiplating on getting one to replace the corola if it ever dies. 168,000 mi. and still rolling @ 35mpg. I like it because I have my nice looking unpractical car with horid gas milage, and constant need for wrenching. The DD should be the opposite. Helps keep you priorites in order.

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