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I'm in the middle of some pretty serious physical/emotional

Guest the_dj

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Dude, I know exactly how you feel. I have been having my own problems with depression as of late. I will tell you though working out over the last few weeks has really helped me. About a year ago I was kind of overweight and feeling like there was nothing that would work for me. I was on line looking at information on the Adkins Diet (Dont go there if you like you kidneys!) and someone suggested Body For Life. Man I tell you what BFL is the best thing that ever happened to me! You really need to buy the book by Bill Philips. He really maps everything out step by step and its really easy to do! I lost around 30lbs of fat in 3 months and gained about 10lbs of muscle! IMO this is the best thing going especially for someone who is looking for a way to get started! Here is a link to the BFL web site.





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By the way. Dont be turned off by the dramatic before and after pictures on the page. This is not a pill or a anything like you see on TV. These are all real people who worked there butt off! I joined a BFL support group on yahoo groups and actually saw people make this kind of change in their boddies.


Also, since I was on BFL I was engaged and almost married. I did get lazy along the way and am ready to go back on BFL. Right now Im 6'3" and around 240lbs. My goal weight would be around 225. If your serious about doing something about this we could get together over email and keep each other going!


Let me know

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Going to the gym is a very healthy thing to do, I started out in the weight room. It is a bit intimidating. One thing a fell in love with is running, it can be done anywhere, solo, or group.

It produces a natural mood boosting drug called endorphines. This is highly addictive for some ppl, but usually leads to a very healthy lifestyle. Runners are possibly one of the most supportive crowds out there. I have been personally been cheered over the line by the race leader on more than one occasion.


Don't expect to jump right in and become a speed demon. Gradually work into it, and you will be amazed by the results. Don't worry skinny guys are usually fast !!


I hated running during school, now I am training for my 3rd marathon. A pooch makes a good running partner, and is fun to have around the house.

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Guest subdermal
...someone suggested Body For Life. Man I tell you what BFL is the best thing that ever happened to me!
I second that. I went from 230 to 180 in about 8 months using the methods in that book, in that includes gaining a significant amount of muscle mass. Just feeling the difference in my energy levels and confidence did wonders for my general state of mind.


Now after a significant back injury that has kept me out of the gym I am once again a fatass :( However as soon as I get the go ahead from the Dr.s I'm going back to that same book.


PS If you do get into a heavy workout routine, take it easy on the back...

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I'll post more later as I have a background in behavioral science, but my advice is GET AN OUTDOOR HOBBY! Buy a mountain bike, street bike, roller blades... Something to get your heart pumping outside for atleast an hour per day, couple of days per week...


More later!



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I know you are in a tough situation. Maybe you should ask your doctor about effexor as an alternative to your current medicine. As far as energy, start with your diet. Don't eat too much fast food and eat more vegetables. Take some vitamin supplaments too. For working out, maybe you should start with some dumbells at home. It will get you started till you feel confident to go to the gym. Make sure your girlfriend understands that you need her support, understanding, and encouragement. She will help you get through it.

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Just wanted to second Mike's opinion about getting outdoors. If I don't get outside enough my mood goes way down. I even have to go for a run in -30 weather, humans are animals (not meant to be caged up all the time). Watch out for drugs, sometimes nessary but they can have side effects ugg.gif

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I have to agree about the Gym. I used to be a competitive bodybuilder until I tore 3 ligaments in my left knee and had to lay off for almost a year. I never did get back into it, thus my current physical state, but I was the most vigorous and energetic during those days. I know what you mean about going back to the gym and being the 'puny guy', but do it for yourself, not for how you appear to others. If you do it for the wrong reasons, you won't get out of it what you want.

my 2c anyway.


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I know what you guys mean about being in the gym with all these weight mongers! I am not a small guy and I feel like everyone is watching me. When I see guys benching twice as much as me I feel like I dont belong. Truth is, I really dont think anyone pays attention in the gym. What are they going to tell you that you need to join a gym? Your already there!

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DJ, I was on anti depressants for three years approx. They can help but the side effects are not great. I quit a few years ago and got a hobby. My Z car, and that has helped.


You do need to get outside and excercise! I use to run competetively, 10 k's, Marathons etc.. Knee injury stopped that cry2.gif Running releases endorfines that REALLY HELP!!!


If you can see a professional please do they can help!


If you need someone to talk to feel free to call me at home anytime. I know I'm an old fart (41) but I am pretty up on the world. And if you can't afford to call you can call me and I'll call you back on my dime. (971-422-0858).


Just remember it will not last for ever!


Keep the faith!!!


Mike Worth

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Originally posted by zfan:

I quit a few years ago and got a hobby. My Z car, and that has helped.

I don't even want to think what would happen to my finances if I decided to use my car to solve this. :eek:


I am seeking professional help agressively, but scheduling conflicts are going to really slow things down. :( If anything comes up, for you guys that offered help I'll keep y'all in mind. smile.gif

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Guest Anonymous

I'm living proof the Adkin's diet works. I'm 5'7" and at the beginning of this year, I weighed 212 lbs., I now weigh 159 lbs. Going Adkin's doesn't mean eating strictly meat in fact, when I was on it, I ate mostly green vegetables. Here's a day in the diet of an Akin's diet: Breakfast- eggs, bacon, bananas + apples, Lunch: Steak, ribs, 2 servings of veggies, Dinner: asian-style stir-fry with seafood, carrots, mushrooms.


I have to admit, the first week was tough. I experienced a loss of energy and was drained but after that, my body adjusted and my energy-level and metabolism shot through the roof. After a month on Adkins and seeing some results, I started working out. I only weigh 159 but can bench 240 and ran 2 miles a day. I'm now back to eating a regular diet which is pretty much the same as the Adkins' I was on before except I now treat myself with sweets more often and cereals, breads.


I haven't exercised in 2 weeks because I need surgery to remove a hernia, but when I recover, I'm hittin' the gym!


Getting your safe in shape is not hard, it just demands patience and dedication. I wish you the best of luck!

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Guest Anonymous

DOH! bonk.gif I thought this thread was about weight-problems, stupid me!


Dj, I think it's safe to say everyone gets depressed and for some, these periods last awhile. When I'm usually feeling that way, I get active and do something, usually working out. Hobbies help too.

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Feeling good isnt just about looking good; the looking good is physical while the feeling great is metabolic...at the cellular level.


For the weight problem I have to agree w/everyone who has suggested working out. Prior to my choosing to give up Cheezeburgers & Fries & other fast foods I was getting plump. This didnt please me either.


I decided to start playing Tennis. I always liked the head to head challeng of Tennis-its a Chess Game played out in the Physical Realm. To be competitive at Tennis I had to lose weight & gain some serious streamlined toned muscle; I also chose to start running. The first 6 months were tough but after about the first 4 months I found that if/when I missed a run I would also experience withdrawal from the workout-it really is addictive. I found that I didnt like missing a workout.


The first two years that I ran and played Tennis (still play once or twice a week) I also discovered there was more to working out than simply working out...as others have suggested-diet plays a HUGE factor in not only looking good but "Feeling GOOD".


Our food, especially the processed food as well as the so called healthy food...fruits and vegitables dont have the degree of intensity of vitamins and minerals they once had say 100 years ago. As a result we think we are eating healthy in reality we are not. Thereofore-you need to consider health supplements. You can buy half a dozen or more books on vitamins & minerals & get aquainted w/what Vitamins and Minerals are best for you or you can do an internet search & find a site that specializes in healthy supplements.


An important issue to understand is that Vitamins are great for you-but it is the Minerals that aid the metabilizing of those Vitamins: they both go hand in hand.


Case in Point: were you aware that the Vitamin B's are not only healthy for you but they are also important because they make your "Brain" think that you "Feel Healthy"; after all what good does it do to look good but not feel good?


Once I got relatively competitive at Tennis I noticed my competativeness was wishy-washy, physically speaking, one day I play great-the next day...ehh, not so great; until I got aquainted w/vitamin & mineral supplements (the natural stuff-dont get conned into steroids or depressants-they have nasty side effects). Once I found the right combination I literally dont tire out when playing Tennis; when I play Tennis I dont play for just an hour then go home...my friends & I play for about 4 hours w/little to no breaks...its all about being healthy: not only on a physical levle but a metabolic cellular level & you can do it too-you just need to realize the process & then go for it.


What most people dont realize is after about 20 or 30 years of eating poorly your body begins shutting down. Little by little your brain realizes it cant keep up anymore & your mind tells you that you "Feel Bad". To counter this you really need to get involved w/health; working out & eating correctly. I take a mineral tonic-from a networking company that has 120 minerals in it, plus I take all the vitamins...I really can tell a huge difference in how I feel; energy is always up-and that feels good. Find a health store (not just a GNC) but a real health store & dont be afraid to ask questions...ask a lot of questions from a lot of people prior to making any decisions. Dont just take the word of the first person you spoke to or to the person that yells the loudest-talk to as many people as you can before making a decision; the collective knowledge you gain will be invaluable and allow you to make a more educated decision. 2thumbs.gif


Hope this helped=it also helps to know you are not alone; everyone thinks what you are thinking now at one time in their life...so dont feel like you are the first one to go through what you are going thru right now.


If/when you have questions-post them & someone will be more than likely to offer suggestions.


The first step is realizing you need to make a change...the second step is realizing you are not alone!



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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I think you are doing the right thing in seeking help. Also working out or excersizing is a fantastic way to get your body responding in a very positive way with your brain, and vice versa. I second everyone's opinion on this.


About 4 years ago I was in extreme financial hardship, and I was working very long hours in the car business trying to support my very young family. I began to notice a change in myself that I would have increadible mood swings in very brief periods throughout the day. Having worked in a mental hospital years ago, I started to become concerned that I was heading for an emotional breakdown or I was becoming manic depressive to some extent. A lot of what I was feeling was due to exhaustion. Well, a lot of prayer later, improvements in the job, and some exersize, I was feeling much better about everything.


This year, I entered a new job and am progressing steadily (upward, heh) in, I'm working out using the Body For Life methods Bill Philips talks about in his book. My wife bought me the book about four months ago and I have to say it completely changed my perspective on working out, eating, and exercize. I highly recommend it.


Just a bit of advice: Don't ever be intimidated by the 'big' guns around the gym! Who the heck cares about how much you can lift, when every person must start at ground zero anyway? Just remember that. What do most of those guys know about engineering? Nothing! You are a 'big gun' to them in your own world, so don't ever sweat someone else's abilities over your own. Besides, physical ability, like strength, can be obtained through working out with weights, etc. I started lifting again this past February after being off weights since the end of the 1980's when I used to lift in college. I began using the Body For Life method and have made increadible gains in both size and strength. My bench press went from a straining 135 lb max to 255 lb max(?) strong & controlled in only 8 months. I look and FEEL much better then I ever did. Read Bill Philip's book and you'll be amazed at his insight.


I wish you the very very best in overcoming your struggles in life. Hang in there!



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I just want to say that the running this has been the best for me during time in my life where the normal answers just don't add up or are impossible. In no way can I run a marathon or anything like that but, I've played a hundred soccer games and that helps get you in the right condition. Just go outside and start walking if need be and set a small goal. Then do alittle more everyday. You could do time or distance doesn't matter, just do it. get your g/f or a good buddy to go with you.

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