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Advice on removing exhaust studs...


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Im replacing the exhaust mandifold on my 240z, I removed all of the bolts, nuts and now I need to remove the studs. I did a search on this but all I got was horror stories of studs snaping off and 4 hours of drilling them out. So I'm here once again, asking for advice form you guys about removing the studs.


P.S. I cant do the torch trick or welding trick to remove them, dont have the equipment to do that.



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ASA240Z, first do as auxilary suggests then do what Clifton suggests. When you do replace the studs, go with stainless steel studs and use anti-seize when installing them. ARP can set you up with a set...and their products are as good as they get.

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Did you try tightening two nuts together on the stud and turning the bottom nut to remove it? They shouldn't be to hard to remove. I have only broke them by over tightening them.


I've found that's a sure way to snap them. If no precautions are taken and they're simply torqued off there's a really good chance they'll break. Heating them with the oxy torch works 90% of the time for me. Maybe MAP gas or Propane would work too, in conjunction with soaking them?

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The BEST way is to get a stud remover. Snap On sells them. Looks like a socket, slips over the stud, and as you put torque to it it grabs onto the stud. Works like a charm. Problem is the damn tool probably costs $60 so be like me and make friends with somebody who has one! :lol:

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Sometimes I find it's helpfull to get a hold of the stud stud (whichever way you chose; vice grips, two nuts, fancy tool) and try to turn it IN slightly before trying to turn it out. While un-threading it, keep going back and forth, in, out, ect. Sometimes bits of rust/crap can jam up in the threads (working it back and forth helps clear the threads), and the more you try to turn it out, the harder it gets. That's when they snap ussually. :icon8:

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double nut and WD 40 has worked for me.... since manifold torque is low @ 10 -13 ft-pds for 8mm studs and 25 -36 ft-pds for 10 mmn studs....why remove them and risk breakage unless a modification requires removal ?? Due to the low tourque requirement, I have found Datsun manifold studs very weak in comparison to other Datsun OEM bolts. I am getting very shy about removing these studs lately since it takes more tourqe to remove than they were designed to hold.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest bastaad525

are the exhaust manifold bolts as prone to breakage as the studs?


Just found out I have a minor manifold gasket leak and want to replace it, but worried those bolts might snap.

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