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I'm in trouble, looks like I'll have to sell the car


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I have had a "he said, she said" problem with the neighbor for several months and now she made up enough BS to get a restraining order against me and a wreckless endangerment harassment charge which is a class 1 misdemeanor in Colorado. I have hired a lawyer, but now unfortuantely I am on the bad end of the deal and have to spend all of the money. She is a real piece of work and it just goes to show how the whiner gets all the attention. They threatened my wife and my family and I have never even said a curse word to them, but last night I was the one that got drug into jail regardless of the facts. For my own protection I was told because I might harm myself.


Anyway I will get up an ad in the for sale section in a couple days, but the quick rundown is that I am near Colorado Springs and I need to get $3000 firm for the car. Proxlamus has ridden in the car and can attest that it gets up and goes


73 240z

as rust free as z cars get, just a little under the battery tray.

L28et, 450cc injectors, JSK rail

60mm TB, ported intake

3 inch mandrelk bent exhaust

t3/t04e 57 trim turbo @14psi

dsm BOV

custom heat shields

280zxt hood vents


Tech Edge Wideband

NPR intercooler

BW T5 with ACT 6 puck clutch 240mm


8 point roll bar

urethane mustache bushings

new master cylinder

new tie rods

GM alternator

electric cooling fan

urethane front air dam

no heater or radio in the car right now


compression is good, car runs great


I also have a pile of extra parts like half shafts, etc that can go with it if you want them


WIth this mess going on I won't have time to mess with shipping so basically I will put up some pics and if anyone is interested show up here and I will take you for a drive and then if you want it you can drive it home or haul it home.


Sorry it has come to this, but the way this woman is going she might have me stuck in jail tomorrow with another BS story now that she was able to get the restraining order and harassment charge.


PM me for my phone number

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Guest Battle Pope

I hate neighbors. We've had our share of problems with ours, and it sucks that people can't just mind their own business and get along. Best of luck to you, sir.


I also hate that you have to sell a car to get this resolved. If I had the money, I'd jump on it in a heartbeat just to help you out.

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Sorry to hear about the trouble. I do have a couple of questions regarding your car tho. Is it a stock bottom end on that turbo motor? How many miles on the engine? Ever run it at the track. what kind of shape is the paint and interior in? I'm interested in it (gotta convince the wife tho...that gets tricky).


If you would, please send pictures to datsun280zxt@sbcglobal.net

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A restraining order once in place is impossible to break and considred very serious by the courts and federal government...(guns and ammo)..and any good lawyer knows this that the order is usually futile to fight. The order violation should be fought.Your protection is to obtain an opposing restraining order on the other person to keep from getting hauled to jail everytime you look in that direction. I recieved a stalking order for attempting to collect past due rent on my rental next door to me (6 momths) from a welfare witch. I was in jail 17 days and missed the eviction hearing. When I got out of jail, I obtained a restrianing order on her and her moron son and evicted them by virtue of the restraining order.. The eviction proceedings became a sham due to the fact I was prevented from appearing in court by the Sheriff which was a constitutional violation of my due process rights...After being in and out of court...on domestic violence issues my opinion is that :About half the restrining and stalking orders are a joke. and your defense is to obtain one on the other person. I have absolutely no criminal record of violence or domestic abuse. I won a $269,000.00 court judgment each from the witch and her adult son but my chances of collecting are nil since neither has much of a work history ar any property except an extensive empty alcohol container collection..I imagine Moby that you are much like me. Look them in the eye and express your true feelings without much diplomacy.

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Thanks for the replies guys. Basically I am giving her some time to cool off, but if she does ANYTHING else, then my wife will get a restraining order against her and her husband to put an end to the BS.


I don't want to inconvenience anyone else at this point by accepting money, but thanks for the offer.


AS far as the car goes I can build another one after the smoke clears and my life is back to normal.


I already have a sale pending on the car, it is nice to be part of a family like hybridz where I know I can talk to people that share the same interests and that my car will be enjoyed as much by the next owner as it was by me


I will not be leaving the group AFAIK and I am still building the 454 supercharged megasuirt engine unless I need more lawyer money.

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Bryan I am in complete shock and disbelief...


your the nicest freakn guy i've met in a long long time.. and you've worked soo hard on your Z!


I can't believe anyone would say anything like that to you!



My best wishes to you and your family!


IS there any other resort than selling the Z? If I had the money I would buy it from you and store it, if ya ever wanted it back...


I don't know what to say man... im in shock

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colorado & oregon-a bunch of left wing tree hugger rainbow sticker on the volvo wagon types moved out of komifornia to those states.the kind of people that want to sue you for riding a dirt bike or firing a gun on your own property.i wish you luck.try counter-sueing the neighbors for harrassment.

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Moby, Fight fire with fire and submit the paper work against them. Whatever happens, you don't want to come off as the aggressor again. Some advice... I'd plan to move. Whatever it takes, Get as far away from those people as you can... Drama seems to follow some people through life. I do what I can to keep the Jerry Springer candidates as far away as humanly possible... Keeps me out of jail, and the world balanced.


I know, I know... A guy shouldn't have to sell out and move just to get away from bad neighbors... But sometimes (And more often than not) this is the only logical solution to not lose yourself or the life you have with your family in the conflict.


Good luck! :2thumbs:

Mike :cool:

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I agree with here comes trouble. Get a restraining order on them to protect yourself. There nothing wrong with trying to be a nice guy but you shouldn't screw yourself in the process. Then she might violate it and have to come up with money she doesn't have to fight it and it may make here back of some on you. Plus If she violates it and your case is dismissed maybe you can sue her for legal cost. After the lawyer takes majority of that money you can use what left to but another Z. I think being the bigger person his great but you have to keep in mind that she is not just trying to hurt you but hurt your family. I don't know your whole situation but If you have to got to jail it's going to make it harder on the people you love and for me that's were being nice ends and you have to do whatever it takes legally to protect your family and your way of life. Sorry for rambling I hope everything works out. I am not a lawyer so talk to someone who actually knows the law.

Just my two cents

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I am waiting for her to try escalating the situation again to get the restraining order on her. I know how she operates and she will hang herself.


Luckily I own two pieces of land, 10 acres right by her, and 40 acres that is 660 feet away from her property line and in a position she can't even see it. I think in the least I am going to move over onto the 40 acres which was always a plan I had in normal life. If things go any worse with the ticket, then I am moving far away like Mike says and put my life back together first.

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