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Thinking of selling my car...


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How much do you think the engine/ecu combo is worth? tranny too if anyone would want it...


and...the entire frame rail isnt gone...just the 15" horizontal stretch...the sides are still there...


It is my feeling that the body has at least 5-10 more years of road service left in it without a major overhaul.

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How much do you think the engine/ecu combo is worth? tranny too if anyone would want it...

Start checking ebay. Bottom line is it's worth what you can get someone to pay for it, but you need to check that out and figure a realistic #.


and...the entire frame rail isnt gone...just the 15" horizontal stretch...the sides are still there...


It is my feeling that the body has at least 5-10 more years of road service left in it without a major overhaul.

You're seeing the tip of the rust iceburg. You could be right about the 5-10 years of roadworthiness. But if someone is going to drive the piss outta this car that is going to take a bigger toll then driving to work and home.

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OK I have the take the opposite side of argument from POP on this one. I'm 40 and had my kids when I was young so both will be gone by the time I'm 43. I spent the majority of my younger life working toward the future so that when my daughter moves out I can enjoy the rest of it. My view point is that spending your meager resources now on a car will only delay the point in your life where you can decide if you want to work or not. I suggest getting rid of the car, set goals for your future and work toward them (sounds like you've already done this) and don't let things distract you. Educate yourself in financial matters so you have the ability to determine the long and short term consequences of certain spending patterns. Use this knowledge to map out your life, don't let emotions drive your decisions. I had to learn these things the hard way and it has meant that my decision date for whether I want to work or not was pushed farther into the future.

POP is correct that Z cars are becoming more rare but there are other cars worth making a hobby out of and Jon is right about the rust also. My Z had a "small rust hole under the battery tray". HA. Turned out I had to remove the entire tray along with a good portion of the firewall and inner fenderwell just to get rid of that spot. There is more rust to get rid of and I'll guarantee there's more rust in your car than you've seen, that is unless you've removed all the undercoating (inside and out) and checked all seams and cavities.

Anyway I won't turn this into a lecture, what I'm trying to say is look long term, decide what you want your life to be and make it happen. If that means keeping the Z, pouring your limited funds into it, possibly sacrificing other opportunities then go for it but know what the long and short term consequences are when you make that decision.


I'll climb down from my soap-box now.



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WTF!!....you shouldn't even have a girlfriend at 21, let alone a 'significant other'!! You should be playing the field and having fun......having issues like these at such a young age is really sad (not trying to be mean....when you get older you will realize what I mean). Break loose from all these ties and enjoy life.....Don't even think about getting tied down until at least 28-32 MINIMUM.....


well....lecturing will do nothing....just think about life in perspective and keep an open mind.....don't lock yourself into anything....life is wayyyyyyyyyyy to short for that....


....and I agree with Jon's iceberg analogy.

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Just to offset Tim's statement I got married when I was 22, we had been dating for 5 years at that point, and I am still VERY happily married today a couple months after our 8 year anniversary. Most of my single friends are MISERABLE and tell me about these skeezer ho bags they bring home from the bars and wish they could be like me. Oh, I've also gotten laid about 5000% more than all my single friends too. Something about having her sleep in the same bed lends itself to banging... :wink: Better make sure she doesn't see this post!!!


All that said she never asked me to sell the Z because she knows I never will.

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There is an exception to prove every rule :wink::icon53::lol:


There are so many things in your statement above that are against all the stats:

You are married and getting 'it' often.

You buddies are single and NOT getting 'it' often (Maybe they need new 'Game'?)

You were married young and are still married, and I assume (since you are getting 'it') happily married.

You are an aberation to be sure (by American statistical standards anyways) :icon52:

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Guest ON3GO
WTF!!....you shouldn't even have a girlfriend at 21, let alone a 'significant other'!! You should be playing the field and having fun......having issues like these at such a young age is really sad (not trying to be mean....when you get older you will realize what I mean). Break loose from all these ties and enjoy life.....Don't even think about getting tied down until at least 28-32 MINIMUM......


or you can be like me... 21 almost 22.. NO girlfriend, no playing in the feild, working 7 days a week, building cars left in right, having over 80K prob in cars alone which pretty much all havent been driven in over a year, some 4 years!

havent had a g/f in a long as time, last g/f passed away in a bike accident.

have 2 sport bikes which both are broken, and last but not least..... driving a yellow scion xB.


live life.. forget what ur parents say and ur g/f.. build your cars, play with your hobbies and have fun!



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Phyxius... you are in a fix....asking Z fanatics about getting rid of precious ! Put it up for sale locally... this will get you a reality check on what it is worth.... and whether you will really sale or not. Quit spending money on it... and wait out the storm. Either you are a Z fanatic or not..What seperates these people on this website from others is "sheer determination" and lfe ain't right without a z dream fantasy (running or not).

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Even though I have heard some great wisdom with this post, I have yet to hear something. What is it you want from your life.

Yes, being in a good relationship is something we all strieve to do. Having the car you've always wanted is another. Life is all about compromise(relationships even more so). Spending your hard earned money on a car to find out later you have to spend more money on it to fix what you thought wasn't a problem can lead to destruction of a relationship later(go ahead, ask me how I know). If the car isn't worth saving then cut your losses early. Take what parts you've put into it getting it to where it is and dump the shell if thats what you need to do. Get another one in the near future. Yes, they are getting harder to find, but with some savings later you can get a better platform to start with and be closer to your goal.

We have all heard it before. Start with the best frame we can for the money we can afford. If your better half doesn't understand what the car means to you, apparently she doesn't realize what makes you happy. It's all about compromise. Let her know how you feel and see what she says. If she is unwilling to compromise then what else in your relationship will she be unwilling to do so. Make her happy, but don't forget about yourself!

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I know what you are going threw. When I started my project 3 years ago(man has it been that long!:icon52: ), I thought ok pull old motor...put new one in...and bam Im done....Yeah right! Now having spent $20K+ on a car that isnt drivable right now seems silly but I honestly dont know what else I would have spent that money on. Sure there are other things I like to do but there is nothing else that I love to do more that to work on my Z! My parents like yours thought I was crazy for spending all that time and money on my car. Just now they are realizing that I could have been doing a lot worse. I dont drink(atleast not a lot, just a few times a year), I dont smoke, never done drugs, and I got an education after high school(yeah Im an auto tech for dodge, so I work on cars pretty much 24/7...some might say Im obsessed!LOL). I think getting my Z car was probably the most important thing to happen to me in my life so far(Im only 23). It's what got me interested in modding cars and its pretty much the reason I decieded that fixing cars was what I wanted to do(I was in school for Computer Programming but I couldnt stand the thought of sitting at a desk every day). Now I am doing what I love every day.


The woman that I have been with the past 6 years has been with me through all of it. From the first day I started the swap till now she has understood my passion. She would never ever ask me to sell my car or quit my hobby of fixing/modding cars. Its like asking the pastor of your church to stop preaching....it aint gonna happen! If she cant understand that you love your Z and working on it, maybe shes not the one for you? Ask her if she would give up something(hobby) she loves for you. My guess is she answer with "well thats not the same" or "yeah but..." Its always different when it comes to the stuff they like/love to do.



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Set out some rough ideas on how you would like your life to progress towards.


Get that education. Don't go crazy with spending money on the car.. Drive it, enjoy it. Wait for the decent career, then its balls to the wall with the car. (this was my plan.. worked pretty good too)


Explain the importance of the Z in your life to your GF and family. Find out what exactly don't they like? Spending money on a car that sits?, spending money on a car that doesn't look like its worth anything? Spending money on a car that is a constant pain in the ***, unreliable?


I would think that is the main problem..A hopped up car that is ghetto rigged, and looks crappy at less than 50ft, yet seems to receive lots of cash investment.. ie they don't see the return on the investment.


Stop spending on the upgrades.. Fix dents, clean the car, make sure it is safe and driveable and reliable. Make it looke like you'd be proud to take the GF out to a nice evening on the town in it? (that last part was one of my problems. I made it too racer like, and then I felt ashamed to go out on a date in it.)


I really doubt the $ figure on that.. I have an 82 280zx non turbo that I drive everyday, and I can't sell it for 2450.00 (posted price) 16" wheels new rubber, new brakes, new suspension, exhaust, etc.. You will likely have troubles selling it for a price that you want. The cars are rare, but so are the people that want to spend $ on a "fixerupper".


Good luck with your decision.

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Well bro, its funny I'm in the same boat as you. I just got a verbal lashing from my mother this morning on the same topic. I had a 57 gmc project that I bought when I was 15. My mom told me to go to college and when I graduated she'd help me with the money to finish it. I graduated with a BA at the age of 19 and a year later my mother forced me to sell the truck. Since I had the z, I figured the only redemption was to put the money into it and go turbo. 10k+ and over a year later later, my car is not driveable, for what always seems to be very stupid reasons. Mostly cause I'm such a bad mechanic. I thought life was going to improve financially after college and i'm sure it will but it hasn't yet. I've just put too much money and time into my car to sell it now, and I haven't even put 300 miles on the rebuild. Hey i'm 22 though, and the only support I get from my folks is a place to stay without rent. If they were paying for a car for me or anything else it would be different. You have to listen to your parents if they're your lifeline (car payment). Mine aren't, and I'll be darned if I let any girlfriend tell me to sell my car. You could probably save the extra cash not having her anyway.

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