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Homeless pandhandlers make a lot of money


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I have seen beggars here in Tucson recycle their signs, so one day it is one person using it the next day it is another. Really makes you "believe". Now they have been outlawed here in town. You don't hardly see one anymore.


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theres one spot in downtown San Francisco that seems to make so much panhandling money that a gang of panhandlers take shifts there, i see them pass the cup at my lunchbreak, and it was always the same group of them, its a racket i tell ya.

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When I see a homeless guy/gal on the street. I pass them by go the store or stop & go and buy a loaf of bread and package of lunch meat. Then drive back and give it to him/her. I feel that I did something and didn't contribute to their drug habit. I guess if everybody did that we would have alot of FAT panhandler's on the streets!

So I agree with Len168 about giving food. You know "Len" you got a good name!

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Guest 240hybrid

I'll admit it I've give a couple bucks out in the past when I was up on my luck and bank account. I stopped giving out donations though, I've learned that I better just keep my money for myself as of about a year ago. As I'll most likly need it in the future to come as I do now, after being hit in my truck by some idiot twak.gif that ran a red light and he doesnt have insurance :mad: so now I'm counting all my pennies being after xmas and all. I'll try to sue,but prob. wont help much. So its become painfully clear recently giving out MY money isnt gonna help me in any way.

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Well I have to agree with kevin on this one. I have a personal belief that things happen for a reason. We have to lean not on our own understanding sometimes and let fate (God) take over situations. I think that if you didnt understand why you gave that 20 dollars away that was probably all the more reason to give it. Maybe it didnt have a thing to do with the man needing it or not but rather just that fact that you were willing to do so. As far as the earlier remark about buying a dozen roses for the misses I have found that most girls admire guys with a kind heart and stature is all about the long term brownie points. Auxilary I think you did the right thing for that time. I dont usually give to beggers but If I see one I usually say a simple prayer and see if I feel led to do anything if not I drive on. Guess Im rambling... Merry late christmas to yall.

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I am a religious man, and I know that you cannot outgive God. I believe in helping those in need , and there are many people that are truely in need. That being said, I usually do not give homeless and beggers because of many stories like these. I also know that the bible says "...If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat." 2 Thessalonians 3:10

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I sympathize with the plight of the human factor. Funny, that never seems to happen to me when I am on duty and/or in uniform. Could it be the gun and the badge! LOL. However, when off duty and I am approached, I usually present my badge and explain what they are doing is illegal, and to move on. They usually close up shop walk across the street and get into their Caddy! Unfortunately, it's usually to head off to another spot not too far away. On a few occassions I have been confronted by someone standing in pouring down rain asking for money to buy food. If I have the time and they look genuine, I will not give them money, but instead offer to buy them a hot meal, at the nearest fast food place. If they decline, then there is no question that they are on the take. But twice, my invitation was accepted and I had no problem with providing them with a hot meal. Thats when you know they are really in need.


Otherwise, all bets are off. The masses usually don't expect or even want that degree of kindness. They just want the money for other pleasures. These are just a few thoughts I wanted to share with you regarding this situation. Just remember, what goes around, comes around. Next time use your resources, not your impulse.


Comps, VAN

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Obviously a question for the ages. I've given money and driven away happy in the fact I "felt" that to some degree I've contributed to the altruistic nature we have as humans. I've also given and watched from afar to find I've more or less been "taken". Sure, when that happens I become incremetally more skeptical about the next guy, but my cup (or garage in this case) runneth over, and in a couple of days, that $20 would be spent on something that I wont even remember. If it feels good, do it, and let it go. Our actions result in a myriad of events we won't even become aware of, and so I choose to be optimistic in assuming my actions will help others later down the road. This attitude has served me well more times than not.

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I've identified a criteria that is fairly reliable in sizing up the authenicity of a curbside beggar: If their sign says "God Bless" at the end of their message they are most often a fraud and using that phrase to give the impression that they are legitimate, possibly even endorsed by God.


I don't give a thing to these theives. There are times, though, when you just know the situation is real. I recently gave money to a guy on the side of the road standing in the rain with a sign which read: Stranded, please help me, I need to get back home to Ft. Collins, CO. And no "God Bless". The clincher was that he kept holding his sign up to hide his eyes because he was embarassed that he was crying.


Through my travels, good people have helped me when I was in a jam, I am eternally grateful, and I do the same good thing for others...but I hate the low-lifes that have found an angle there to exploit and bilk good decent people out of money. DAW

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update: i should mention that it was raining quite a bit that day, and the guy was out on the street with the sign. I only saw him in the area once - i've driven 4 times through the area since then - twice just today. He was nowhere to be seen, so I think he was actually someone down on his luck.

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I think you did a good thing. I just go by my gut feeling when sizing these people up. One thing I really enjoyed when I lived in downtown Chicago was going to a nice restaurant and getting a "doggie bag" for whatever meal wasn't consumed. Then I'd walk around and when my gut feeling told me that I found a person truly down & out, I'd give them the food. One reason I liked the food idea was that with cash, it might go to drugs or booze, but with food I knew it was going to nourishment. DAW

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Guest eric-z

there was a guy that did that outside of my local mall for about 4 months then one of the radio stations interveiwed him and it turns out the guy was making $32,000 a year or somthing like that. with that said on the radio you know his begging career went downhill.


the way I see it is if a guy can stand around at a street corner and take donations then they are able bodied enough to go find some other work. I mean it just seems to me that these people are just plain lazy (and for the guy who stood outside of my mall, he was stupid as well).


call me cold but I just have no respect for these people. my family doesn't have much money and my parents raised me to believe that you should work for your money even if it is very little.



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The reason you, I, and most anybody else works is because we would never subject ourselves to the humiliation of asking for a handout on a day-to-day business. Standing in hot or cold ass weather begging for handouts, and facing that kind of degredation indicates to me this person is either incapable of holding a job down, or would rather live in the streets instead of a nice warm home with a family in close ties. Either way, he (or she) has not gotten the blessing of a full use of their faculties that we take for granted. All it takes is a simple little chemical in minute amounts to be in excess or insufficient quantities and you have a person that cannot reason in the same easy fashion that we don't give a second thought about. If a beer or a drink will make this persons life a little more tolerable for them, then even though I don't condone that purchase, I will live comfortably knowing there's the chance that my "gift" is being spent on that, and move on. Too many times in my life I've been treated better than I deserved (and still do) to be. All I can do is try my best, within reasonable thought and conscience, to be this way to others, and then not dwell on it.

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Guest eric-z

I re-read my post... I think it was a little too harsh. I just think that if these people really need help (be it temporary or long term) there are better places to provide for their own needs than on the street. that also might be because I don't live in a very big city and there are not as many homeless

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