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I think god hates me....


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....because i've been at the beach for a week and a half, looking foward to driving the ZX the second i get home. I came back early tday, instead of saturday, and i was gonna suprise sum1 special, well, i get home at 10:15, and jumped in the Z, and nuthing happens, it sputters and dies, so i crank and crank and nuthing, then i think-of course its not getting gas, so i put it in drive and turn the key(thats how i prime the fuel system)-no fuel pump sound....try over and over, still no pump. God likes to play games with me, mostly with my car.....so first thing tommorrow morning, i hafta fix the fuel pump, this is gonna b quite interesting. WHAT A WEEK, life has been goin to Sh!t latey, and that just adds to it. Looks like its time for sum more work to do, i get home from vacation early, really happy cuz i get to see sum frends for once over summer, but nope, get home, gotta fix the Z tommorrow, and my dad decided to plan a trip to wyotech for me on thursday and friday w/o telling me......i really cannot stand my family, when everything is going great, i can always count on them to make me feel like crap. One more year till i can move out again.

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I was out there for a second, and decided to replace the fuel pump relays, runs fine.......dont u love the easy fixes, i decided to stock up on relays last time i was at the junkyard.


I lied, i went back out a few minuts later to jump the A/C, and fuel pump doesn't cut on anymore......not bad relays, i guess sitting over nite fixed it, why? and y would it not work now-seems like the head temp sensor problem, but i don't think that that has to do with the pump.

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trust me, I doubt your that high on the (TODAYS TOO DO LIST!) in heaven,

theres a great deal more for the LORD to look into than your FUEL PUMP FUNCTION,...under the screw with this guy! notes,


its probably just a worn out or badly ELECTRICALLY connected pump!


besides IT would NOT be the LORD it would be one of Satans little buddies if your on any list!

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i think your right about satan, sumthin must have been clogged in the pump, becuz i jumped it for a few minuts, and then i didn't need to jump it anymore, runs fine. But this is the last straw, i need to sell this Z a.s.a.p, and buy an S30, parts interchangability is driving me insane, so much to the point that i can't even tell wht my car is. Its supposively an 81' with a 79' engine and 3 speed tranny, and it originally came with a five speed, i called the local Z expert and he said the 81' fuel pump is inside the gas tank, but this one was under the tank, i don't know what to do anymore, so i need to sell it and i have a line on a 75' 280z in better condition then mine-anybody wanna buy my car?

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I agree with Phantom, God loves you, but it isn't Satan's little guys either. They have much more effective ways to screw-up your life than a fuel pump.


Stop trying to jury rig it and trace out the circuit to find the real problem. Then you can fix it and not have to worry about that one anymore.


Besides selling it to get a 280 will just buy another different set of problems to be discovered and solved. You know the saying "Better the devil you know than the one you don't".



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no, its not the fuel pump, its the entire car, the fuel pump is just one of the plauges, how many plauges were there? I never touched the wiring to the fuel pump so its not rigged up at all, its just diffrent then it should be, its in the spot that it would be on an 79, not 81, wich means the PO swapped out the whole fuel system, electrical, and drivetrain from a 79'........it just confuses me at times.

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Smartest thing a ZX owner has ever said! ;)


And if god hates you' date=' don't worry, the flying spaghetti monster loves you: http://www.venganza.org/[/quote']



"Carbon-14 has decayed by electron emission to Nitrogen-14"


I didn't know that. Interesting. If that's true, maybe there is a spaghetti monster...


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