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Pallnet Is Ok


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Last night, I put a message on NOLA.com requesting information regarding Pete. This morning, I woke this morning with a voice mail from a Mr. Rodriguez, an apparent neighbor of Pete. The message said that "Pete is OK, he's at home, with no power. If you can locate his Mom, please call him".


I returned the call to find out that in fact, Mr. Rodriguez's wife is friends with Pete's neighbor. They have physically seen Pete. He is alive and ok. Unfortunately, Pete's mother, who is a manager for LaQuinta Inn in New Orleans East, hasn't been heard from yet.


I've enquired with LaQuinta Inn, through their emergency numbers, and was told that "Those people were evacuated BEFORE the storm, but we don't know exactly where they were evacuated to.".


Having been to Pete's house in the past, and knowing exactly where to look, I've been exhaustively searching the satellite photos of the storm damage. Pete's house did NOT flood. According to other reports on his subdivision from eye witnesses that have been through it, the only damages were wind damage and trees down.


That is all the information I have been able to obtain, so far.


I'll post any updated I find when I find it.



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OK, here's the latest. Pete's Mom and nephew have been located. They're SAFE at a hotel in Baton Rouge. Pete is now aware of this.


Also, on a side note, Forrest, in Baton Rouge, ran across someone going passed Slidell on his way to Ocean Springs, MS. Forrest was thoughful enough to ask if they guy would bring Pete some supplies on his way through. The guy said he would, and DID. So Pete has now been resupplied with food and water, thanks to this.


So a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to Forrest.





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Thanks very much to Proxlamus from CO who just happened to be talking to me online when I was in contact with the guy from Slidell. He sent me some cash to help purchase the stuff. I got as much as I could fit in the Z. Pete should be good to go for quite a while.


I AM SO RELIEVED! I cannot express it. Mario is ok, Pete is ok, his family is ok, my parents are ok, my drummer is ok, and almost all the rest of the people I know evacuated before the storm and are ok. There are only a few people I have not talked to since monday and I think they all left the area.

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