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How to legaly deal with being ripped off?


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I need advice.I have been ripped off by a member of the board that lives in texas.I sent him money for a t-56 with the flywheel clutch and pressure plate,and he never sent it.

I have filed a complaint with the US postal fraud inspectors office.Contacted the local (texas)sherrif,was told it is a civil matter which means I'll have to take him to court myself.Has any one here done this before

Can I sue for the cost of legal council,and my expenses to travel to texas from minnesota where I live.

I would love to hear from anyone that has been in a simular situation. Thanks, Tom

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Guest Anonymous

If you sent that money thru the US Mail (mail fraud)..get hold of your local or nearest US Attorney's Office and file a complaint with them. Post Office is usually a dead end. When the local yokels do not want to handle anything they invent civil law techincalities. Too bad and a real shame for us all, sounds like the deal went thru in June or July.. and a little late to claim shipping delays and problems. I am hoping there is a good reason behind all this................

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Thanks for your replies.David is correct in identifing the culprit.

I was also suprised that fraud is a civil matter.I was told that because it is between two individuals,and doesn't involve a buisiness it had to be handled in civil court.

Locutus aka Mike Vondran has been claiming health problems.I last made contact in mid December,I gave him a last chance to make good on his obligation. Obviously he didn't follow thru.Now I am forced to follow up by pursuing him in court.

Are there any lawyers or cops who can give advice? I will be sending him a registered letter detailing my intents to file suit.

Thanks again,Tom

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Guest Anonymous

I think Locutus is an administrator on this site? Maybe someone has heard from him here and can confirm health problems.


Even if you had health problems, you would think you could return the money? I can't believe someone would just take money and think that the person they were dealing with is just going to forget about it. I would show up at the doorstep (strapped of course) and demand action. I would have the authorities with me.


That really sucks, I have never questioned anyone's legitimacy from this site.


How long has it been since you have had contact?


Maybe there is a good reason behind what's going on.


Good Luck

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Sorry to hear of your problems. Ironic how the original thread had him complaining of deadbeats.


Your best hope is to convince the guy it is in his own best interest to come clean. Since the guy was running some type of buisness in Texas, perhaps you could find some way dirty his reputation around the people he lives and works with. Better buisness bureau is a place to start (although one without teeth). Maybe another member knows him personnally and can put in a request on your behalf? Or even help the guy box and ship the trans?


I know it is too late for you, but makes paying an extra 3% to use paypal with a credit card seem like cheap insurance.

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Well, id hate to be ripped off myself. Looks like his last post was in July. . Thats a long time and maybe he did have something happen to him. If you cant get in contact with him, how about searching public records to see if anything has happened? If something happened to me, im 100% my family would not know to come here to Hybrid and announce that i have had a misfortune.

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That sucks. I hate to think that a member of HybridZ would do such a thing. This sites membership is growing pretty fast. Locutus was one of the first members, it does sound odd.

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I spoke with Mike in early Dec.This is only the 2nd time I have been able to speak directly to him. The first time was in early July,he returned my first call.This was ten days after sending the check,I wanted to know when the tranny was going to arrive.He told me that he had been in the hospital for a couple days and promised to pick up the lumber to crate it up on the way home.Well the tranny never showed and he hasn't contacted me since,despite repeated messages left at his work and on his home phone. His wife did leave a message about 3 months ago after I had left amessage stating I would take legal action unless the tranny or my money was sent.

When contacted in Dec.he made excuses about having been sick.When asked to return my money if he couldent ship the tranny, he said he couldn't do that,but promised to get the tranny shipped. I told him he could have 10 days and then I would seek legal action.

I think that if he realy wanted to ship the tranny he would have been able to find a way by now.

I have given him a lot of time because of his former position as an administrator,and because of my belief that this would be a criminal matter.

If there is a member in the Huston area that would be willing to help him crate and ship. it would save us both a lot of hassle.(that is if the tranny even exists) Thanks Tom

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Guest Anonymous


Awhile back someone posted a link to a thread about a guy going after somebody that ripped him off. Maybe it was saved and you could use it as a blueprint. You are not going to get the tranny or you already would have it. Send the registered letter, call the postmaster, harrass his family and his work. Good luck, Mark

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Tom, Sorry to hear about all this. I met Mike(locutus) a couple of years ago at a Z meet, seemed like a good guy.


I hope you can get it all worked out. Funny how people can change sometimes. What a shame.



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Tom, I'm sorry you are dealing with this. I had a bad situation with Mike when I sold him my seats. He made it right, so I never broadcast it. Anyway, just so everyone knows, Tom has paid ME IN FULL For the T56 I have and I have NOT sent it yet due to time constraints and my Job... I'm going BACK to work tonight and won't get off until tomorrow night Midnight... War is Hell as they say... ANYWAY, Tom, you Clutch Kit and all the small stuff will be going out Thursday afternoon and I'll e-mail the tracking number and I'll send out the Tranny as soon as I can get the box built... The box will be built AROUND the tranny with the rear and front bolted into it.


It will be one solid piece. Also, there is a new speedo sensor in original packaging for it as well, and all the little small parts...


Tom, you will have a T56. I'm just sorry you had to pay for it twice.



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Guest Anonymous

Mikelly.. camber plates arrived today...thanx.. Tom the Feds have about a 97% conviction rate usually based upon a plea bargain system that multiple charges are continously filed until acceptance of guilt is admitted. He will be dealing with some real professional bureacratic a** h***s. Your complaint should go thru a grand jury process and if it attaches to an indictment. He will know personally what "grief" and "punishment" is. He will have to come up with restitution after conviction.

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Mike Kelly are you feeling a little guilty? smile.gif

I want every one to know that I am not worried. We have done buisiness before,Mike explained his situation to me when our deal was made.

I would not hesitate to recomend for anyone to do buisiness with you .I have also done buisiness with other venders and private parties on this site,and never had any trouble before.

So Mike, other than the full time job ,small buisness, garage building ,wife ,kids ,etc.,what exactly are you doing with your spare time? smile.gif

Later, Tom

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