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Hurricane Rita


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man im gonna get nailed!

i cant leave either :(..

my Z is at the shop where theres a damn 4500lb benz on the top post' date=' as that was the only space INSIDE the shop for my Z.

so im praying nothing happens to it.

im NW side of houston and it seems like its coming this way.

ya for my crappy 2 story house thats made out of balsa wood!




When you see the the 11pm advisory, you will find a way to GTFO.

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Guest 73Turbo240z
man im gonna get nailed!

i cant leave either :(..

my Z is at the shop where theres a damn 4500lb benz on the top post' date=' as that was the only space INSIDE the shop for my Z.

so im praying nothing happens to it.

im NW side of houston and it seems like its coming this way.

ya for my crappy 2 story house thats made out of balsa wood!




mike, if you really are uncomfortable with it being in the shop under that bens, lets get it to my house... i've cleared enough space for 3 cars in the garage, the 73' and 78' are already in there...

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Joel, GET THAT Z SOMEPLACE SAFE! And yourself and loved ones! Mike, same for you! Do it! I don't want to see anything happen to yall's cars or your people. That goes for everyone in the path.

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Guest goldraven

I was in Hurricane Hugo in 1989 in Columbia, SC. That was a Cat 5 off shore, when it hit it was a very strong Cat 4. Basically, these things are f**kers...we had our windows closed, doors locked, and water was still shooting through the seams in the windows and doors. Not a light dribble, but yes, shooting through them. Everything in the house was wet...although our house did stay up...just needed a few good days of drying out. The constant roar of these types of strong storms in unforgettable, ask yourself if you really want to go through this. If you are going to stay, get prepared for power outages and food shortages. I was on 9 days of no power with only PB&Js to eat...which wasn't too bad. and get ready to help those around you after the storm. If you are seriously worried about how your car will fare through this, if the building it is in may not stay up...I suggest moving it. Hurricanes dont mess around!, the building will fall if it isn't the most stout of objects.


On a side note, being in the eye of one of these is one of the most incredible experiences I will remember, complete tranquility and a blue sky at the top of a spiraling tube of cloud for 20 minutes...then absolute hell from the other direction for another day.


Good luck to all of you, I will be watching!



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Joel, GET THAT Z SOMEPLACE SAFE! And yourself and loved ones! Mike, same for you! Do it! I don't want to see anything happen to yall's cars or your people. That goes for everyone in the path.


Well, the path has changed abit for the worst in my area. Its moved closer to us and will be close to a direct hit...


All I could do was put my car under a heavy duty car port attached to the house. I don't feel to good about that at all. There are huge pine trees all around our house, and that worries the hell out of me.


I hope my next post isn't to try and sell whats left of my Z. We will go to a shelter that was offered to us at the local GTE building, where most of the GTE employes will be going that stayed to ride it out.

I feel my family (3 elderly parents) and myself will make it thru this, but my car, thats the big don't know for me.... wish us luck, and I'll post again soon as the power is back up and running (they are telling us 99.9% the power will go off).


Later guys, be safe if your in the path!!



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Goldraven, I was in Hugo as well.. I was in Charleston.. James Island to be exact.. about 9 miles from Folley beach.. OH MAN.. that was a storm. barges all in down town.. boats all in trees. It was crazy. You guys just please be safe.. and Joel, You expecially right there in the path of this thing.. it looks like it is weakening alittle but please still stay safe!!

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i asked Vince (Vintage Tech Z) about him yesterday.

said he spoke to him just before but was trying to reach him after.

no word with Vince yet so i dunno.

but power is still out in alot of those areas.

we didnt even get hit that hard and we just got power back today.



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Yeah, I hope the ol chap is OK. Rita is a name Lake Charles will not soon forget. Hope his car is fine too. We have been having awesome weather here in the Mid Atlantic. It's actually hard to believe so much devistation has happened in the last few weeks.

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...........Well Damn. I wish I had SOME news .... I've called Joels number each day and their phone line is still down due to whatever.Man I pray he and his family are fine in the building they were planning on going too.

I also pray his home is in good shape as well !Car too, but he needs his home right now in his life.

Everyone Please pray for the best for Joel Soileau and family.


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