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speeding tickets

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

how many tickets do all recieve i know up in northern virgnia the police are really cracking down. Lemme tell ya 18 with ten points on ur liscence isnt fun to pay.

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Guest Anonymous

my only problem is that at 12 points its gone for a year. forget virginia they're real hard on you, you cant get a ticket for less than two points not even failing to wear your seatbelt

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Yup, Virginia is probably one of the most strict in the country. They are even trying to make inspections much more strict, and also trying to outlaw modifications to cars in any way.


They may force me to move sooner than planned if that happens... twak.gif


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Guest BadKarmaCreepin

virginia? damn, if i get 2 tickets within any 24 month period, the license gets suspended! i wish we had points, no such luck. i've already been caught twice driving on a suspended license, and 1 time walking (skipped a court date and they were looking for me, the initial stop was cause i was walking with a beer in my hand at 2 in the morning, college life baby!) i can't beleive they haven't yanked it for good yet!

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man you guys are nuts, seems like you guys have a lot more points before liscence go bye bye , but you rack up em faster for any type of offense, in california i

think its 7pts in a year and your lisence gets suspended, and generally you lose points only in moving violation, a seatbelt ticket is like 35.00 fine and so forth.

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Guest Anonymous

in VA ur allowed 12 points a year or 16 in two years but everything has high points. my only tow tickets where a 19 non reckless then a 38 over reckless and thats ten points and i just got my liscence back after a month gone and i got off easy. a guy before me got 91 in a 50 and went to jail for 5 days 6 month suspended liscence and 1 year restricted. man just for speeding at like 2 in the morning when noone was on the road.

sorry it just ticks me off,

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I've beed driving since I turned 16. I've only had one speeding ticket. If I remember correctly, I was doing about 65 on a 35 and passed a car on the emergency lane (dumb ass stopped in the middle of the intersection where there where no stop lights or signs.) I still got tagged for the speeding though. Took the class and as far as my insurance company knows I'm an angel lol. :D I drive fast all the time but my eyes are always looking in front, side and the back for popo's. When I was younger and living in SD, I knew exactly how the lights looked like at night. It's a little different here in NV. Also, pay attention to the off and onramps. Cops love to hide there and tag you while your speeding. b_hand.gif

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Guest Anonymous

well yeah i drove like a madman for 2 years then got these 2 in 2 months

but i gotta good eye and know what they look like but up in Northern VA there really cracking down its all over the news about "operation smooth operator" and especially on fairfax county parkway

but i gotta be more careful and keep the speeding to back roads.

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Ohio is 2 points for everything except reckless op(4 pts?), dui 6 pts, and driving under suspension is 6 pts. Points drop off after 2 years. I had to do 10 days + 150.00 bucks w/ costs, and that was 15 years ago (when they weren`t as strict) nono.gif

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I went through this when the little brother got popped doing 104mph in a 55mph Zone... What I was told by the Commonwealths attorney was that state-wide Virginia is going after anyone under the age of 30 (Used to be 25) for speeding. The state's fatality rate for the 14-30 age group for men and women is one of the highest in the nation and that ZERO tolerance is what has been passed down from the capitol.


I know that over on the sport bike bulletin board I hang out in, the exsperiences passed on by riders who have gone to court from there is pretty much ZERO tolerance for ANYONE speeding on a sportbike. Guys in Virginia, DC and Maryland are going to jail every week for speeding on bikes...


Now, the question came up over there, and actually got very heated in the thread, because several members are police officers, but anyway, some will ask is it fair to target a specific age group. I say it is. The theory is that lack of experience is what causes most accidents in this age group. Most of the drivers in that age group don't get advanced drivers training, although every single teen/ early 20s driver I've ever spoken to will tell you that they are the best driver they know, and that they could run laps around Paul Tracey. However, statistics and general conversation bear out the truth. Most kids don't even know what an APEX is, and threashold braking??? Decreasing what??? Panic stops??? "Oh yea, that was the thing I probably accidentally did right before I blew through that stop sign while I was screwing with the radio". I actually had a kid tell me that, and his girlfriend laughed and said "Yea, that guy almost T-boned us, it was soooo funny!"


In America we do NOT teach people how to drive. We give them enough information to get into a car, start it, stop it, park it, and get out... Congrats, you passed, now go terrorize society and generate revenue for the commonwealth via fines...


This subject is obviously a sore one with me since not only do our state taxes go up every year due to fixing public property that is damaged in accidents, but our health and auto insurance premiums also go up every year as well. I fail to understand how a country so advanced can impliment such poor standards for drivers education... Germany and Japan set the standards MUCH higher and we could learn a lot from their drivers testing requirements...


Mike Kelly nono.gif

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Guest Anonymous

hey mike i know what u mean granted im 18 but i know im not the greatest driver in the world. But i have been active in autocross and rallycross since i was 16 so at least i know what to do when the car losses control infourtunately my freind did not and thats why i no longer have a car. im not the kid with the big subs and everthing else who thinks I95 during rush hour is his personal playground. but come on 88 in a 50 going down hill at 2 in the morning how was i endangering anyone. oh and if i may plug my former employer in stafford of exit 134 SHOWCASE AUTO CARE if u need work done hes has reasonable prices and works his ass off making his new buisness work. Sorry

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Well I fall into the slightly older and hopefully wiser category like Mike, and I tend to agree with what he says. I know I have not had any accidents (that were my fault) in an awful long time.


What hurts the younger age groups is the reckless I am to young to die mentality that most younger people have. There is a fearlessness about them, and I know, I had it when I was young.


My last ticket was for 82 in a 55 or some higher 80+ speed, when I was setting the fuel pressure on my ZX and making sure it held. I tried to show the cop what I was doing, but he wouldn't budge on the ticket, so I paid it and went on my way. It was about 3 years ago, and cost me 100 bucks.


Considering what people have to go thru to get licensed to practice law, accounting, fly a plane, be a doctor, etc, driving is nothing. We now have to have a boating license in AL to drive a boat or Seadoo, and it is no different than the driving test. Every time I get out on the water, it amazes me there are not more accidents because people drive like idiots.


I am not trying to down younger drivers, or anything like that. I see people do stupid stuff every day that are all ages, and I probably do my own stupid stuff every now and then too. I think the bigger issue is people just don't give a f&*# about other people, and they think they can do what they want when they want. There are just to many people driving these days to have that sort of attitude, and I know people have it. What kills me more than anything is the person who puts on their blinker and expects you to stop to let them over, or the person who pulls out right in front of you when there is wide open road behind you.


Anyway, enough lecturing. I support profiling, heck I would support racial profiling on the road, in the airport, etc. To me it makes no sense to ignore potential criminals due to thier ethnic back ground and fear of lawsuits and the wrath of activists. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are its a duck.

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Guest Anonymous

ohh sorry i was reading one of my replies and when i said i drove like a madman for 2 years i meant in the eyes of the police apparently after i got those two tickets

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