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Raced a 350Z Friday night


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I was at the Racelegal drags on Friday night and a guy showed up in a 350Z, I managed to get the chance to run against him 4 times. There are a few things I have to sy before I post the runs: This was the first time the 350Z owner has ever drag raced and I was running my spare engine (bone stock L28).



5163 Entry # 5341



0.00 --------------- Index -------------0.00

0.554 --------------- Reaction------- 0.494

2.196 --------------- 60 ft ------- 2.397

70.98 --------------- MPH ------- 76.14

9.770 --------------- ET ------- 9.737


First ------- 0.093




5163 Entry # 5341



0.00 --------------- Index ------- 0.00

0.500 --------------- Reaction------- 0.681

2.297 --------------- 60 ft ------- 2.424

71.09 --------------- MPH ------- 74.87

9.811 --------------- ET ------- 9.882


0.252 --------------- First



5163 Entry # 5341



0.00 --------------- Index ------- 0.00

0.442 --------------- Reaction------- 0.720

2.268 --------------- 60 ft ------- 2.356

70.98 --------------- MPH ------- 74.74

9.830 --------------- ET ------- 9.952


0.400 --------------- First




5163 Entry # 5341



0.00 --------------- Index ------- 0.00

0.582 --------------- Reaction------- 0.670

2.217 --------------- 60 ft ------- 2.390

71.09 --------------- MPH ------- 75.12

9.758 --------------- ET ------- 9.804


0.134 --------------- First


I am # 5163 and the 350Z is # 5341. BTW we were both running street tires.



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I have to agree, he started pulling on me very hard in 3rd and would have had a clear view of my headlights by the time we passed the 1/4 mile mark. I was actualy there to practice my reaction times, now I really want to get my stroker back together so I can beat him with my car and not experiance.



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  • 2 weeks later...

That little "half a track" will be going on again this Friday night (12-6) and the guy with the 350Z said he is going to be there again. I get the feeling he will beat me this time as I know he has a place by his house were he can practice his launches.


I'm not to worried about it though because he is going to grow complacent very quickly then drop a load in his pants when I get the stroker back in the car and stomp him. The only reason I am racing with my spare engine is to practice my reaction times and work on making more accurate and smoother shifts.


Anyone in the San Diego area who wants to come out and play is more than welcome.



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Guest 240hybrid

Goes to show ya that experience and nowing your vehicle can help in winning/losing a race. Your reaction times were better 3 out of 4 times than the 350Z was. Also tell ya lighter cars even though not running as much hp can still give you a run for the $ or take it all. Nice to see a 25 yr. old cars taking newest productions. rockon.gif keep giving them hell!

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