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How to ship a Go KArt


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Check the various freigh companies. I forget the company we used, but shipping my LS1 was less than $200. Do a search, because I posted my woes, the prices and all... Should be in a thread from back in June-july time frame last year.



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Depending on what kind of kart it is (Shifterkart vs huge offroad machine), you MIGHT be able to ship it via UPS.. I've shipped some pretty large and heavy packages before, for less than you'd think. UPS has the cheapest prices on larger packages.


If its a shifter kart, remove the seat, wheels, steering wheel, and motor, and you can probably squeeze it into a UPS allowable sized box. Then just ship the rest in seperate boxes.


I shipped this:


in 3 boxes, ended costing about $150 total from WV to UT

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