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Feast or famine


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So since Oct.14th of last year we've been sustaining on one billable slot with our little fledgeling company. We've solicited a bunch of Prime contractors for work as subcontractors in the federal government cleared business sector and were wondering when things would break...


Finally last month we were given the chance to staff over 20 vacanices on the one contract we were currently on. Great, now to find the candidates, so we spent the money and joined http://www.clearancejobs.com as employers and we're now interviewing candidates for the slots. In the mean time, we were also working towards other contracts with other POCs. Last week we were told we'll have the opportunity to staff and manage a new contract for a small prime contractor who doesn't want the work they won, and today I got a call from a General Dynamics poc with a request to staff some slots for them.


If we're lucky enough to staff 50% of the vacancies we've been offered, we'll have 10 employees by the end of March. That basically means we'll have gotten over that big "hump" and I'll actually be able to pay myself a salary for the first time since October! :2thumbs:


Crazy times for sure! :lmao:


You guys can check out our corporate website at http://www.bka2005.com. Keep in mind that we're using this more as a recruiting tool, since we can't exactly pitch a product or service, due to the type of work we do.



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Man, thats great to hear! I have been through similar stretches in employment and self-employment, and know the feeling all too well. I hope all of that ends up falling your way. I quit my job to help the GF run a home daycare... we took it to 100K+ a year in our second year, and now she wants her life back.... = ) so I am looking at options in the "Real World" again. I am leaning towards taking a 6 week welding course to qualify for John Deere's production facility. Just wish I had chosen that path 20 years ago, I would have had more fun, and more completed projects along the way.

Hope to hear more good news soon!

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Congrats! Hey man the first years are the worse! I dont want to sound all pompous and cocky or anything, but my father started his company 8 years ago on $10,000 capital and one truck and one trailer. He now owns over 15 trucks and 30 trailers and employs over 20 people. I dont know how many times he wanted to quit in the first year but he stuck it through, stick in there and you should do great. I beleive I read somewhere that over 90% of small buisnesses fail in the first year, so if you can make that you should be good to go!

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Now work on that website....

Or at least change the title!



We're stuck with it, and since our logo artwork has BKA in it (For Brickner, Kelly & Associates), we're not likely to change it anytime soon...


This is actually pretty standard for small IT firms in the Intelligence Arena.



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We're stuck with it' date=' and since our logo artwork has BKA in it (For Brickner, Kelly & Associates), we're not likely to change it anytime soon...


This is actually pretty standard for small IT firms in the Intelligence Arena.




Not that, the title bar that says this:

"FREE flash web site -------< 5sec INTERACTIVE >---:"


Anyways, good luck! :2thumbs:


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Mike, congratulations on your progress! And here's to further success - more contracts, more billable hours, more rewarding quarterly statements in that 401-K plan (or whatever you self-employed guys call those things)!


It's great that we have the enterprising folks willing to take such risks. That said, I'm looking at a lifetime of employment in the federal government. Especially in modern - and future! - times, one can't underestimate the importance of a guaranteed pension!

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Looks like my personal vacation is over. I got a call last night and I've got to go meet a "customer" tomorrow who wants me to go to work on a project for them. On the plus side, I'll be doing my own hours and the work is much closer to home (About 30 minute commute). This'll give me enough time in the afternoon to keep the company steering in the right direction.


I could use the extra revenue so I can actually pay myself a salary, so I'm gonna take it for now and see what happens...


This will be the third contract offer in three weeks, and number four since we started this little venture...


Feast of famine... Feast or famine!


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Oh man, You guys were right... I spent today busting arse, and it looks like I'm going to have FOUR new contracts, and possibly SIX to staff withing the next two months. We've been selected BY three additional companies this week, and after the discussions today with one of the owners, we're looking at some serious work ahead of us. I'm gonna be busy for a long time! :shock:


Mike :-)

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