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*grown man bawling here* looks like my 240ZT is sold....

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

well... it's gone.


Somehow, the immense joy that SHOULD come from holding $4000 worth of crisp new $100's isn't even putting the slightest scratch on the sucky feeling that my car is gone.


I didn't wait around to watch it drive away.


Hope he enjoys it, anyways.....

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$4000??? SUCKER!!!! :lmao:


Feel better now? :roll:


Brian, You'll get another... Just a matter of time... We're addicted... I hate rolling my car around the garage... But I do it... Some day... It'll move under its own power... Someday...



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Guest bastaad525
$4000??? SUCKER!!!! :lmao:










Seriously... you know how long I had it for sale. Five months. Five... freakin... months. Started at $6000 and slowly worked my way down. Sure I got lots of 'traffic' but none of them were serious. Most of them were scammers "oh can I send you a check/m.o. and you send me the car RIGHT NOW?". Only once I hit $4500 did local people willing to pay cash show any interest.


But really, comparing it to other cars in the classifieds here at Hybrid Z RIGHT NOW... $4000 seems a fair price, as other cars (some nicer, some not as nice) are priced around there, and only REALLY nice hybrid cars were going for $5000 or more.


*shrug* it was either this or put it in storage and pay who knows how much for who knows how long and then when I finally get it out it would have who knows how many problems from sitting for who knows how long. Just not worth it.


There will be another... some day :mrgreen:

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Congradulations ! I had a chance to ride in your car once and it was awesome.I was seriously thinking about buying it, but my project took almost all my money.You should remeber mine white 240z which you drove half year or so.My project is done...maybe... i need to change oil and coolant with Red Line products and after that i have to stop myself spending more money on this car.How much did you get..$4000.00 I'd say you freely can spend $3500.00 and the rest goes to the future Z :) I have a feeling that once you catch up that Z bug it's stays in your blood. In our life there are other priorities then cars, for me it's my new business and after that i want to buy a house.And now after 5 1/2 years i realize that i need a new car to toy with.....aaaaaaa So i hope by the time i have a house i will have a few ideas, plus i have tonns spare parts for second Z. For now on have some fun with your SRT.



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Guest bastaad525

Yep David I still remember you!


well I took three of the four thousand and immediately put it into a new car for my wife (honda civic coupe). The other thou put together with my tax refund when it shows up, and the money I get selling my wife's other car, will be put towards us finally moving out of our crappy little apartment, to a much nicer area and much larger place, and also buying some new furniture.


Once we're out of the place we're in now, then it's time to start thinking about having a kid! UGH!

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LOL, I totally feel ya dude... but I was referring to your last statement: "Once we're out of the place we're in now, then it's time to start thinking about having a kid! UGH!" = ) (I live with my GF, Her two kids, and Our Daycare, all 22 kids of it)

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Hey 525. Congrats on selling her and sorry to hear at the same time! lol. Priorities... sound like you're getting them all straightened out. They suck, but sometimes you need to line 'em up. Had my first Z at around 19yrs old, sold and bought 2 other S30's up to the age of 27, sold the last one, got married, bought a house, had 3 kids, then just about 4 years ago at the age of 34, finally bought another S30 which is the one i own now. It took a while to get one back but i knew i would after the craziness slowed a little. Again, congrats. The next one you buy will be all that much better. Stick around... with the amount of questions and topics you've posted here, you're like a novel of information!! lol.

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You should of Stoped playing with Toy Z cars and Bought a house........ tehehehe WAnna buy a house I know an agent pretty well... just up the street from you...... >_> buy a house from him and ill get a hug from my dad for refering you >_> come on i know you want to.....

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