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I have arrived!!!! (in VA that is)

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

just thought I'd drop the word... me and my wife have been in VA for about a week now, just got internet hooked up today.


The drive cross country was wonderful... too bad our destination fell short of expectations :P


We're currently in Portsmouth VA which seems to be agreed upon by most of the locals, is the worst (read: most ghetto) area of the state. Our friend who planted the seed of us moving out here misinformed us pretty badly, it seems.


Luckily, we have found that once a little ways outside of Portsmouth it does get much better. We have been looking around the Chesapeake area and found some AMAZING deals on beautiful apartments (which we will be moving into for a short term, hopefully just one year) and also homes (the ultimate goal and main reason we left CA as homes there are too damn expensive now!!!). There are still many beautiful homes to be had for under $200,000 here, and some amazing two and three bedroom apartments in private communities to be had for well under $1000 a month.


So... right now we're just checking things out... starting the process of getting back to work, and just counting the days til we're out of Portsmouth.


So... just thought I'd let you guys know, we arrived and in one piece at that! :D


Oh and we get 93 octane!!! No more 91 octane pee water!!! But... I feel like we pay for it with 'slightly less ideal' weather :flamedevi ah well... isn't it always a trade off?


Thanks guys for all the tips and advice that helped to get us out here... we did save a lot of money on the move though it still cost us quite a bit... moreso in the stuff we had to give or throw away than in the cash spent. Ah well... like some people said, a great opportunity for a fresh start.


Alright guys... I'll be around, I guess :D still getting situated here and man things are crazy right now. And of course, I'm still Z-less :( But yeah, I'll be around.

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Yes, lets do a Carlisle, PA, Z thing. I'm down for that.


Congrats and welcome to the right coast. I drove around the US once too. I enjoyed every mile. Don't fret your new location too much. You will find a nice area once you get to know more about things and people out here.

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Glad to see you made it. Now you need to catch up with Mike Kelly and see if you can talk him out of his garage with a detached house. :flamedevi

Be sure to mark your calander for May 19-21 for the Carlise Kit Car Show.

- Joe



May 19-21 is also the Jefferson 510 vintage car races at Summit Point Raceway. The east Coast Datsun 510 club holds an annual meet there and we have a great time. Lots of non 510s also show up. We need more Z cars.


The vintage races are great and we camp out all weekend, watch the races, build a huge bonfire and have a small car show on Sunday.



Come join the fun.



And welcome to the east coast. There are lots of great things to do around here. I am in the DC area. If you plan to come up here from Portsmouth, let me know.


Maybe Mike Kelley will throw another shindig soon.

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Guest bastaad525

Also if there's anyone here who lives close by in the Hampton Roads area, I am currently job hunting so if your company is hiring or you know of a good one that is, please let me know!!


Looking for something that starts at at least $10-12/hr.


not to sound lazy I'm already looking thru the employment weekly here, but usually have really good luck getting jobs thru referrals so just thought I'd ask.

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Welcome. Yeah Portsmouth is pretty bad but you will find something nice in Chesapeake. I am in Yorktown and am a native since 1969. If you have any questions give me a shout. Also synlubes is in the area as well. In order to see all of this place you will need to get out on the water.

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Welcome. Yeah Portsmouth is pretty bad but you will find something nice in Chesapeake. I am in Yorktown and am a native since 1969. If you have any questions give me a shout. Also synlubes is in the area as well. In order to see all of this place you will need to get out on the water.


So Joe when are we going boating?


bastaad, what kinda work are you looking for and how far are you willing to drive?


As Joe said, if you need something let us know.


Welcome to our wOuNdErFuL state. . .

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Guest bastaad525

not too picky on the kind of work. I don't have any kind of college ed. or anything after HS really. Most of my work experience has been in retail/customer service type of stuff, but I'm good with a wrench :D and also good with computers and general electrical. I need to make at least $10/hr, and work full time... other than that, I'm open and available immediately.

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Havent touched the boat yet. The swimming pool is ready. Went swimmiin today for the first time. SUMMER APPROACHES HOODY HOO. Dude last night WIGENS30 took his cv axles off ebay and sold them to me in the chat forum. I am so grateful. I replaced the broken halfshaft so it is up and running. I need to swing by and let you take a ride. I am on nights now and exhausted with the approaching holiday. I will be off Wednesday on but it is spring break with the kids. My schedule is changing where I will work Sunday through Wed night every week and be off for the rest. Boating HHMMMM. F%^&ING IRAN got the fuel prices up so high it is hard to enjoy anything motorized. Gotta get the boat over here and go through it like every year. then we will be ready. Tubing and fishing and drinkin.

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Guest norm[T12SDSUD]

Hey, glad to hear you made it out there in one piece! I was beginning to wonder if you had stopped off and stayed in Tenn near the Nissan plant!!! hehe

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There's good and bad everywhere... But you're in the right place... We'll be having a Car guy Shindig (Dare I mix the corvette, track day, and Zcar guys all in one shop??) in June. Probably 2nd week, so mark those calanders.


Basstaad, Come visit. I'm only a couple hours north. maybe you could grab Synlubes on the way so he can get his frame rails!



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I've lived here all my life. It is no worse than any other city in the area. Every place has its bad neighborhoods....Chesapeake included! The only real downside to this area is the piss poor school system. That is only due to the large number of single breeder families with no interest in their child's education other than how to fill out the next "freebie" form at social services.

That and this "no child left behind" bullshit. I'm going to stop now because I'll just get on a rant! There are several very nice and desireable areas to live in Portsmouth though. Lastly, I'm sure the cost of real estate is cheaper here but you won't find much other than starter homes under $200,000 in a decent neighborhood. The last two years have shown a ridiculous jump in property values. Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest bastaad525

well yeah houses aren't as cheap here as I hoped... I should have researched that part a bit more.


In the end it didn't matter.... #1 reason we came to VA specifically was because we wanted out of CA and my wife had a very good job offer out here so here is where we came. People I know keep asking me "oh why didn't you go here or there instead?" yeah this isn't the cheapest place nor is it the cure for all that sucks about CA (traffic, crime, schools, property prices), but we had a contact and a job so that settled it.


Though I can honestly say I'm not 100% sure we'll end up staying here... we're keeping our options VERY open at this point. Maybe within a year or so? I dunno.


It is still MUCH cheaper than L.A. but jobs seem to pay about the same so it's not like there's a trade off there. Also jobs seem VERY plentiful here. Case in point... in L.A. $900 a month will rent me a crappy, small 1 brm apartment in a crappy or only 'okay' area. In VA I can get a large 2 br 2 ba apartment in a newer building in a private community with a lot of luxuries... in a very suburban area but very close to the city and major shopping centers and freeways. So... make the same... pay the same rent... but live MUCH better. Can't argue with that.



to answer the question, I WILL get another Z at some point I just don't know how long. Z's don't seem very common out here... I haven't seen one old Z on the road since I've been here and let me tell you I've been on the road a LOT, DAILY! I also haven't seen any SRT-4's out here (the car I currently own), though there seems to be a well established and large SRT club in this area... I never see them driving around. Overall though the car 'culture' here seems to mirror CA's pretty closely only the ratio of domestic to import cars is much higher than in CA. Still there is a lot of rice! The big fart can mufflers on the slammed civics... UGH... chalk up one MORE thing not to like about this area that I'd hoped to escape.

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There's good and bad everywhere... But you're in the right place... We'll be having a Car guy Shindig (Dare I mix the corvette' date=' track day, and Zcar guys all in one shop??) in June. Probably 2nd week, so mark those calanders.


Basstaad, Come visit. I'm only a couple hours north. maybe you could grab Synlubes on the way so he can get his frame rails!




Another Shindig! Awesome! I just got the Z back and I need to go on a road trip.


When in June?

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