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Does everyone work with atleast one dushbag?


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I've been at Nissan for about 2.5 months turning wrenchs and everytihng is great....except for the other tech I work with. The guys is 27 years old but acts like he's a 13 year old on her first period! When ever even the slightest thing goes wrong(ex. rusty nut that wont break loose with out a torch) he starts cussing and throwing tools! I mean is that really neccessary? I can't wait to see him when something really goes wrong!


He's also got a problem with me because I'm a "domestic guy". He thinks that Honda's and Vtec are the greatest thing since sliced bread! Im not a domestic guy, Im a horse power guy, if it dont have any HP then I dont like it! So I guess a Honda Si with Vtec falls under that category! I think if he ever drove a real car with some real power he would switch from Vtec to SBC! LOL


Oh and he also thinks hes a friggin car god! He's always trying to dumb everything up when he talks to me. He was one year ahead of me in school(we went to the same tech but he was a year ahead of me) but I think I have more work experice then him from my previous job at Dodge and from working for a small independent shop on the side. He knows honda and nissan were as I know Dodge, Chevy, Nissan, Ford, and a little Toyota. When ever he gets a problem that he can't figure out in like 15 minutes he calls the "tech line" for help. I wouldn't let him touch my crappy stratus with a 10' pole!


It was pretty nice yesterday when he had to ask me for help with a 4WD system on a Frontier because he doesn't know jack about 4WD! LOL He ordered a transfer case for it but I have a feeling that it wont fix it. I tried to help him by telling him to take out the front front driveshaft to see if the noise is gone but he just went and ordered a t-case. I really hope it doesn't fix it so that I can watch him throw some more tools! LOL


Basically my service manager said that once Im Nissan certified that he's gone. The only reason he's still there is because we need one certified tech(we only have 2 techs and Im one of them in our Nissan building(we also service Mazda, Hyduai, Mitsu, VW, and Volvo in different buildings)).









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Nope, We ban 'em!:D


That's what I love about this site. For the most part, it's a completely dushbag (sp?) free environment. Seems like at least 90% of the time though, you end up having to work with, or even worse FOR a giant dush in your daily job. More reason to go into business for youself, but even then you get dushbag customers..... I think my point here, if any, is that life is full of dushbags. Happiness in life is largely dependant on your ability to either


A: Ignore them, smile and nod whenever noises are emitted from the orifice in their head.


B: Make it your life mission to drive each and every one you meet to the point of suicide, using only the power of suggestion. Much happiness in life can be derived from this game alone.....



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Yeah have been choosing option A but for me there is an option C...finish Nissan training so that there is no reason to keep him around!


Yeah I knew it was the wrong way to spell but I couldn't think of how to spell it right! :-)



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Yeah I knew it was the wrong way to spell but I couldn't think of how to spell it right! :-)




I tied like 5 different ways to spell it, including the right way but none of them looked right. I blame you for starting it though..... Suicide?


Man, that makes me a douche too for suggesting suicide to everyone. Hang on a minute while I go take a bath with a toster oven.... :)



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Yea, thankfully my job currently is douchebag-free :mrgreen: but I have worked with some world-class douches:


- Westak, Forest Grove OR: my manager Mark. anytime anything came up that required a decision, he'd either run away and hide (no, I'm talking literally), or say he was too busy to handle it. The guy was a complete ostrich, bury his head in the sand and hope the problem goes away. Drove me NUTS. Oh, then he had the nads to say I didn't do enough when I was doing his job becaue he wasn't!!! 2.5 years of that crap was enough for me......


- Sierra Proto Express, Sunnyvale, CA: This place was FULL of 'em....but the guy who takes the cake was this one guy Mike. He was the guy who worked the modems and downloaded data from FTP and web sites. His shift was 6am-2:30pm every day. He was the first guy there, and the next person to come in was at 7am, which was me and 3 other people. He would punch in at 6am, go back out to his truck, and go back to sleep. Then he would act like he went out to his truck for something when he walked in about 7:10 or so. Plus he DIDN'T SHOWER. He smelled like crap (literally!) and I couldn't get within 10 fett of him without holding my breath!!!


- Lorry Ray Photography, Mountain View, CA: This older guy, can't remember his name anymore....but the guy was a freakin' volcano waiting to erupt on a daily basis. He would jump all over us (I was a driver delivering film at the time) if we would run behind, and all around wasn't a popular guy. So after getting tired of listening to him (he was the dispatcher) for a year and dealing with his crap, I started doing a little psyche game on him to try and get him fired. Well, after a while of me doing it, he finally just snapped and screamed at me. Well, the data input / receptionist lady who had worked for the company wouldn't go back in the building after that until he was gone, so they walked him out. He also liked to swish his spit when he wasn't talking (:ugg: ) and overall just grossed people out.


That's all I could think of today.....but I think that's enough, don't you????

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Let me just say that I've worked retail for the last 17 years and I have so many stories related to this That my mind is starting to spin as I think of some. Let me just say that I currently have about 15 guys that directly report to me and about 10 others that do so from time to time. Out of those about 15 do something really strange about once a day!


I've worked with thousands of people and I'm amazed at how wierd some of them are.


I say get the cert. and get the other guy out of there.

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When I worked at the local Acura dealership in parts (my manager was working on putting a 2jz-gte into a 240sx and after a week of being there talking about my 280z he was on the phone trying to find himself a 510 until he got buyer's remorse and backed out-he wasn't the douche though) I worked with one of the most gigantic douche bags I've ever had the misfortune to be around. This guy's name was Robert, and he just thought he was the only thing with a brain to ever climb up out of the ooze, and his opinions were instantly more important than anything you could possibly have to say. He was one of these guys who NEVER has a positive experience with anyone he deals with, and delights in telling you that whirlpool appliances are crap, and he'll never use them again, or that home depot doesnt' know what they are talking about, and he'll never shop there again. I think you might know the type, where you wonder when they'll reach that critical threshold where they can no longer do any business of any type with anyone because nobody can meet their expectations? I used to get back at him by pointing out filthy things around the parts wherehouse, and since he was so OCD, he would drop everything and start cleaning up. I pointed out how much dust was on the ac vents on the ceiling, and so I about fell out trying not to laugh as he got the dust mop and was balancing on some rolling desk chair to reach up and clean the grating...I so wanted to see him bust his junk, but he didn't...

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Also, I work with a guy named Joe at my current job in the Saturn parts counter, and he's almost as bad. He's pretty much the most incompetent coworker I've ever had, and it amazes me tha no one can do anything about it. Well, we just had inventory last thursday, and so the week leading up to it consisted of counting the entire parts department. All the large body panels are upstairs, and the downstairs may have 3-4 times the amount of actual parts to count. So we had him count upstairs, and since I'm pretty much the only one in the department at any given time, it was up to me to count the whole bottom floor by myself, during business hours. Of course it didn't help that I was sick too. Anyway, he ended up counting upstairs FIVE TIMES because it was wrong every time. Anyway, when the inventory came and went, there were a total of 8 parts that were not where they should have been, which is kind of the bench mark for how organized your department is. Well, two of those were upstairs, and this guy is like: "Dude, I don't mean to brag, but I only had two write ins.." I replied: "BUT YOU COUNTED IT FIVE TIMES!!!!!!!!!" It was about that time that I started to get that not so fresh feeling...

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I'm a newbie here but I saw this thread and had to respond. I've been working with this guy for 4 1/2 years and he acts the same way when something doesn't go his way (he's 31). He sits in the cubicle behind me and all I hear all day is his whining and complaining. I've tried just ignoring him but I've got to the point where I play mind games with him just to here him whine :). For instance, he is always telling everyone about how much education he has and that he can leave this company when ever he wants. So about 4 months ago, I got on his computer and slowed his mouse speed down to the point where you have to use half your desk just to move pointer to the bottom of the screen. This was 4 months ago and I can still hear him picking up his mouse, moving it across his desk and picking it up again. Just goes to show that no matter how much education someone has, they can still be a complete idiot.

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So about 4 months ago, I got on his computer and slowed his mouse speed down to the point where you have to use half your desk just to move pointer to the bottom of the screen. This was 4 months ago and I can still hear him picking up his mouse, moving it across his desk and picking it up again. Just goes to show that no matter how much education someone has, they can still be a complete idiot.



LOL thats freaking great!


welcome aboard!

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I only work in the summer so I dont have to deal with this guy much, he works for my Dads company. The company is so busy we cant really fire him and find another truck driver....here is a list of his mistakes, ALL of which are not his fault, so says him.


1. Ran truck out of fuel not once, not twice, but 3 TIMES. His excuse, "I was running late and couldn't stop for fuel"


2. Can never be on time


3. Rear ended a car because he wasnt paying his attention to pick up his sandwhich he dropped.


4. Ripped the entire front clip off a big rig by hooking the rear bumper of his trailer with another parked truck in the yard! This just happened, the hood alone is going to cost $4k.


5. And his best, he was blowing his load (no jokes please) in his tanker into a parked tanker at our shop. This parked tanker has a manway on the side, he proceeds to pump his load into the parked tanker with the side manway open! 3000+ gallons spill out and contaminate soil, $30k clean up bill!


If my dad ever leaves me in charge for one hour, im firing this idiot.

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Guest l28et


If my dad ever leaves me in charge for one hour' date=' im firing this idiot.[/quote']


So is he like the retarted cousin that everyone "deals with" or what? Any one of those things is grounds for termination. Maybe the idiocy lies somewhere else...

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Yeah today he asked me how many hours I have booked so far this week and I told him as of yesterday I had 86(for 8 days of work). Apparently this is a lot to him because he kind of laughed and gave me a funny look. I wanted to say yeah I have more hours booked than you because I come in on time, I don't take 20 smoke breaks a day(I don't smoke) and I actually bust my *** when I'm at work. He just walks around complaining about how he doesn't get any hours and how I'm a "gravy hound." No I'm just a hard worker and don't come to work to stand around all day talk to people!


I did 2.5 hours of training last night! Im not sure how much more I need but every minute I do its one minute closer to this douchebag being fired! Muahhahahahhahah!


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I guess I'm pretty lucky that the people I work with are really great about work. One thing that's kind of weird is one woman is always talking about her organic herb gardening at home, only buys non-irradiated foods, only eats steamed veggies for lunch, drinks green tea, non-smoker, non-drinker, and yet weighs about 250 pounds....

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Man you would'nt beleive how many of those we have here at BMW I sometime wonder if they even make interviews before hiring. I'm one of the last guys in and probably the one with the most tools. There are 25 years experience guys who borrow me tools and after 3/4 times they get insulted when I say "go get your own, you do it more often than I do." Or guys who take the whole back suspention of to do the brakes cause, the shock is in the way, instead of buying a stupid 7mm ballhead hex socket for $20.

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