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ok guys i need all of you to go all out here. i got a 82 280zx na f/i completly stock and i need to know what kinda parts you guys would recomend putting in to achive 350-400 kph car. anything goes screw the cost im just curious as to what i should use. thanks,


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your 15... just try not to kill yourself for a couple more years. I dont know what a kph is, im hoping it some crazy unit of power and not kilometers per hour. Learn the car/ a car in general first. Oh and a l28et with a bigger turbo, injectors, better ecu, tuning.

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350kph = 217mph

400kph= 248mph

hmm id say cut some metal, move some things around and drop in a v12 twin turbo or a super charger maybe bigger brakes? a cool steering wheel cover, and your in good shape! lol :)


-hell, put in a buncha garrets AND a supercharger! lets go all the way with this one!

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ok instead of making the guy feel like a fool, would anyone mind asking him what he meant? if he was looking for 400 km/h, i think even he would know the 280ZX would be the wrong choice (i KNOW it can be done blah blah blah, but 99% of us dont have $100K budgets)



edit:excuse me, i just re-read "screw the cost" please disregard this post lol

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by the time you had a car that could go that fast it would not be a Z...you would need in excess of 800 horsepower to be able to move a Z (which Zs have the areodynamics of a barn door) to 250mph... there was a realy long thread called "240mph 240z". Search for it. Look at that and there is quite a bit of discussion on what you would need to get a z that fast. One thing you need before you can even think about going that fast is at least $100k US dollars...but if cost is not an issue go for it... :-)lol

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